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周游列国To journey around the principality states

祭祀To offer sacrifices to gods or ancestors

大典Grand ceremony

创办私学To establish private schools

姓名中的名字(丘)Given name,"Qiū"

家族排行名(仲尼)Capping name,"Zhòngní",indicating that he was the

second son in his family

贤人People of virtue,intellectuals,a wise man

六经The six channels/classics

儒家思想谱系The lineage of Confucianism



孔子学说Confucian school

博学者Erudite people

万世师表The teacher for all ages

名人Celebrity,eminent person,famous person

有教无类Instruction knows no class distinction.

Teaching without discrimination.

入学Enter school


身教示范Teaching by one’s own example

学习氛围the learning circumstances

心态mental condition

为政以德Governing by virtue

Exercising government on moral principles

以德治国Moral governance

政治动荡Political unrest/instability

礼崩乐坏Etiquette and recreation corruption



陬邑(今山东曲阜)人,中国古代思想家、教育家,儒家学派创始人。Confucius(September28,551-April11,479BC),named Qiu,with capping name Zhongni,born in Zouyi(Qufu,Shandong Province today),is a well-known ancient Chinese thinker and educator,and also the founder of Confucianism.



Confucius initiated the style of private lectures and advocated benevolence, righteousness,propriety,wisdom and trust.There are three thousand disciples,following him,including seventy-two most famous intellectuals.He once led some of his disciples to journey around the various states for13years and revised the Six Channels in his later years(“Poetry”,“Book”,“Ritual”,“Music”,“Yi”and“Spring and Autumn”).After his death,his disciples and disciples’disciples recorded the words, deeds,quotations and thoughts of Confucius and compiled them into The Analects.The book is regarded as one of the classics of the Confucian school.



Confucius was one of the most erudite people in the society at that time,and was respected as a sage of Confucius and a teacher of all ages by later rulers.His thought has a profound influence on China and the world,and he is listed as the top ten cultural celebrities in the whole world.With the expansion of Confucius'influence, the"ceremony of offering sacrifices to Confucius"once became as important as the ceremonies to Chinese ancestors.


国古代的主流意识。儒家学派对中国,东亚乃至全世界都产生过深远的影响。Confucius founded the school of Confucianism.Confucianism,for short,is the most influential school in China and also the mainstream consciousness in ancient China.It has had a profound influence on China,East Asia and the world elsewhere.


