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1.She _____ useful knowledge of the English by careful study.

A. acquired

B. gained

C. sacrificed

D. earned

2. Their ____ that their project under way was something entirely new proved to be untrue.

A. belief

B. assumption

C. faith

D. suggestion

3. The class has a/an ____ of 27 students.

A. enrollment

B. register

C. staff

D. record

4. Fifty dollars will ____ for my needs.

A. fill

B. satisfy

C. content

D. suffice

5. They had a/an ____ agreement not to raise the touchy subject.

A. obvious

B. complacent

C. implicit

D. explicit

6. The lecture provided ____ insight into foreign affairs.

A. penetrating

B. pendular

C. pensive

D. penal

7. The popularity of the film shows that the revi ewers’ fears were completely _____.

A. unjustified

B. unjust

C. misguided

D. unaccepted

8. The head of the museum was _____and let us actually examine the ancient manuscripts.

A. promising

B. agreeing

C. pleasing

D. obliging

9. North American fur trade ___ in the early 1800’s mainly due to the diminishing number of fur-bearing animals.

A. ceased

B. staggered

C. waned

D. collapsed

10. The place did not seem to be popular, for it was completely deserted, and in any case _____ to traffic.

A. inaccessible

B. inadequate

C. insignificant

D. incompatible

11. Mary hopes to be ___ from hospital next week.

A. dismissed

B. discharged

C. expelled

D. resigned

12. Once a picture is proved to be a forgery, it becomes quite ___.

A. invaluable

B. priceless

C. unworthy

D. worthless

13. We have been hearing ______ accounts of your work.

A. favoured

B. favourable

C. favorite

D. favouring

14. Drive straight ahead, and then you will see a ___to the Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway.

A. sign

B. mark

C. signal

D. board

15. A well-written composition ____ good choice of words and clear organization among other things.

A. calls for

B. calls on

C. calls up

D. calls off

16. It’s a mistake to think of Florida only __ its tourist attractions.

A. by means of

B. in terms of

C. in connection with

D. by way of

17. As it turned out to be a small house party, we___ so formally.

A. need not have dressed up

B. must not have dressed up

C. did not need to dress up

D. must not dress up

18. I’d just as soon ___ to me.

A. that you won’t listen

B. you didn’t listen

C. your not listening

D. you not listening

19. Windstorms have recently established a record which meteorologists hope will not be equaled for many years ___.

A. that will come

B. that are coming

C. to come

D. coming

20. He said it was impossible for ___ a mistake in a computer’s calculation, so we can rely on that.

A. there being

B. there would be

C. there to be

D. there was

1. A degree in English does not ______ you to teach English. (quality)

2. You must realize that it is _________ that has cramped your progress. (arrogant)

3. The hostess bustled about with an __________of authority. (assume)

4. After the election, the coalition __________.(fragment)

5. The man has ________ income for a comfortable retirement. (suffice)

6. He __________ when he saw the dead animal.(shudder)

7. I am ________ that a good deal more is still to be done. (sense)

8. He nearly died of ________ on the cold mountain. (expose)


1. 感觉被逼上绝路

2. 精力充沛地投入工作

3. 应该相信

4. 讨好,奉承

5. 帮助
