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中华人民共和国房屋所有权证 Housing Ownership Certificate of the P.R.China

中华人民共和国建设部监制 Printed by the Ministry of Construction of the P. R. China

沪房权证 xx 字第 xxxx 号 Hu Real Estate Certificate xx No: xxxx 根据《中华人民共和国宪法》、《中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法》,为保护房屋所有权人

的合法权益,对所有权人申请登记的本证所列房产,经审查属实,特发此证。In accordance

with the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Urban Real Estate, in order to protect the legal rights and interests of the house-owners, the Real Estate listed on this Certificate, which was applied by the house-owner, is confirmed to be authentic, and it is hereby to issue this Certificate. 发证机关 (盖章)

Issued by: shanghai Land and Natural Resource & House Management Bureau (Seal) 房屋所有权人 House owner

房屋坐落 House location

丘(地)号 Land No.

产别 Real estate category 私有产 Private


幢号 Building

房号 Room No. 结构 structure 混合 Admixture

房屋总层数 Total Story number of the Building

所在层数 Story number the house in

建筑面积(平方米)Building area xxx(平方米) xxx square


设计用途 design purpose 住宅 Residence

合计 Total xxx(平方米) xxx square meters

共有人 Person number of co-ownership 共有权证号自 Co-ownership certificate No. 至 from to

土地使用情况摘要Summary of land use conditions

土地证号Land certificate No. 使用面积(平方米) Usable floor area 权属性质 Ownership quality 使用年限年月日至年月日 Use period From to

设定他项权利摘要Summary of the right of other designed items


Obligee Right Category Right scope Right Value(Yuan)


Designed date Agreed period Cancellation data


上海市xx区房屋土地管理局Issued by: shanghai Land and Natural Resource & House

Management Bureau of xx District

填发单位(盖章)Beijing Land and Natural Resource & House Management Bureau of xx District (seal)

填发日期:Date of issue:

上海市房屋登记表shanghai Real Estate Registration Form

坐落 House location

图号 Drawing No.

所有权人 House owner

地号 Land No.


Real estate category Private


House usage Residential

宗地面积Land area


Total aera of building and single-story house area of apportionment xxx square meters

平房建筑面积Building area of single-story house

楼房建筑面积 xxx(平方米)

Building area of building xxx square meters 楼、平房建筑总面积


otal building area of building and sing-story house xxx sq.meters 楼号或幢号部位及房号

Building No. Site and Room No. 结构混合房屋总层

数 Structure Ad

mixture Total story number 所在层数建成年份

Story number the house locate Year of construction 建筑面积Building area

合计 xxx (平方

米) Total

xxx square meters

数 Set

套内建筑面积(含阳台) xxx(平方米)

Building area within the set(include balcony) xxx square meters 阳台建筑面积 xx(平方米)

Building area of the balcony square meters 共有分摊建筑面积 xx(平方米)

Building area of sharing xx square meters 建筑占地面积分摊xxxx(平方米)

Floor area of Usable the building Shared area of apportionment xxxx square meters

测绘日期: Date of mapping:

填表人: 检查人:

Fill-in person Check person

填表日期: Date of filling in the form:

上海房地产勘查测绘所监制不得翻印Printed by Shanghai Real Estate Surveying and Drawing

Office. It shall not be copied.
