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The United States believes: 1 nuclear states should ensure that the transfer of nuclear weapons to non- nuclear countries that do not directly or indirectly; 2 non-nuclear countries should guarantee not to produce nuclear weapons, directly or indirectly, to accept nuclear weapons transfers from other countries, not to seek or accept help make nuclear weapons, nor to provide such assistance to other countries; 3 States should condemn all nuclear activities in the DPRK, urging North Korea to complete, verifiable and irreversible manner abandon all nuclear weapons and existing nuclear programs, and to immediately cease all related activities;
Similarly, the Iranian adding "NPT", despite opposition still restart nuclear research and uranium enrichment activities, dedicated access to sensitive nuclear capabilities, and the U.S. efforts to obtain nuclear capabilities of this unique interpretation believes that It is part of a nuclear weapons program. Because of the actions of these countries may change the local structure of international politics, to break the current balance, so that the fierce competition nuclear military equipment appear internationally. In several of these countries, and John spin and negotiations, it is still a tough attitude, did not play a big role. 同样的,伊朗在加入《不扩散核武器条约》后,依然不顾反对 的重启核燃料研究与铀浓缩活动,致力于获取敏感的核能力,而美 国认为对于获取这种核能力的努力的唯一解释,就是它是核武器计 划的一部分。由于这些国家所作所为有可能改变当地国际政治结构 ,打破目前的平衡,使国际上出现激烈的核备军竞赛。并且在对这 些国家多次翰旋与谈判中,其态度依旧强硬,并未起到大的作用。
Therefore, taking into account the risk of proliferation of nuclear weapons will seriously aggravate the occurrence of nuclear war, and a nuclear war would make mankind suffer catastrophe, which requires effort to avoid the possibility of the occurrence of such a war, the United States wants the countries to develop effective sanctions program to protect the security and peaceful development of all peoples of the world. In view of this, the United States fully supports and strictly enforce the United Nations Security Council (2005) Resolution 1747, No. 2050 (2012), resolution No. 2087 (2013), resolution No. 2094 (2013) resolution.
高一一班.七班 模拟联合国立场文件
Delegate:Wang Xiaoyuan Yang Jiawei Class :1 Country :The United States of America Committee: UNSC Topic: Preventing nuclear proliferation and nuclear disarmament
代表:王晓媛 杨佳微 李薇依 郭慧芳 班级:高一、一班,七班 国家:美利坚合众国 委员会:联合国安理会 议题:防止核武器扩散与核武器的裁军
Nowadays, weapons of mass destruction has become a major threat to international security. However, the country is now the country has nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons are still attempting to grasp more and more, leading to the greater threat of nuclear war. If put to use nuclear weapons, then the destruction of the entire planet may face, if not directly destroyed, will also be the "nuclear winter" enveloped the Earth and destruction.
当今世界,大规模杀伤性武器已成为国际安全的重大 威胁。然而,现如今核武器拥有国以及对掌握核武器依然 有企图的国家越来越多,从而导致核战争的威胁就越大。 倘若核武器投入使用的话,那整个地球可能将面临毁灭, 即使不被直接毁灭,也必将是“核冬天”笼罩着地球而走 向毁灭。
Recognizing the seriousness of the nuclear issue, the United States has been trying to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons and disarmament of nuclear weapons program, together with other countries seeking to strengthen "the NPT", has promised to cut nuclear warheads massive program of nuclear disarmament and called on all countries destruction of nuclear weapons, and thus to "global zero."
所以考虑到扩散核武器会让发生核战争的危险严重加 重,而一场核战争将使全人类遭受浩劫,因而需要全力避 免发生这种战争的可能性,美国希望与各国一道制定切实 有效的制裁方案,以保障各国人民安全以及世界的和平发 展。鉴于此,美国完全支持并严格执行联合国安理会第 1747(2005)号决议、第2050(2012)号决议、第 2087(2013)号决议 、第2094(2013)号决议。
4 as long as the DPRK is willing to withdraw its withdrawal "of the NPT," the declaration and undergo a comprehensive inspection of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the United States is willing to provide the necessary financial, material aid, and dispatched a team of experts aid infrastructure DPRK; 5 United States will strongly maintain peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region, to retain all effective means to ensure a nuclear-free peninsula; 6 The international community should demand that Iran halt its uranium enrichment activities and nuclear research activities, undergo a comprehensive inspection of the International Atomic Energy Agency and to assure compliance with the second recommendation; 7 U.S. efforts to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons is willing and prepared to stop the nuclear race and military efforts, and preparing effective measures of nuclear disarmament as the goal, but as long as nuclear weapons exist in the world, the United States will maintain a safe and effective nuclear arsenal to maintain
而一些国家仍在与世界人民背道而驰情况下试图拥有 或者甚至已经拥有核武器,例如朝鲜,于2003年退出 《不扩散核武器条约》后,多次进行核实验,并宣称拥有 核武器,乃至在2013年2月12日,朝鲜仍不顾各方反对, 进行了第三次核试验。这是朝鲜在对现行国际法体系进行 挑战。由于朝鲜对原子弹的使用具有不可预测性,朝鲜已 经对国际秩序造成威胁。
由于认识到核问题的严重性,美国一直努力 防止核武器扩散以及计划核武器的裁军,与其他国 家一道寻求强化《不扩散核武器条约》,拥有承诺 会大规模削减核弹头的核裁军计划,并呼吁所有国 家销毁核武器,从而走向“全球零核”。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Some countries are still people in the world and the next, or even contrary to the case have been trying to have nuclear weapons, such as North Korea, in 2003 Exit "NPT" after repeated nuclear tests and declared possession of nuclear weapons, even on February 12th,2013, North Korea still ignoring opposition parties, carried out a third nuclear test. This is North Korea in the existing system of international law to challenge. Due to the use of the atomic bomb North Korea is unpredictable, North Korea has created a threat to the international order
美国认为: 1.核国家应保证不直接或间接把核武器转让给非核国家; 2.非核国家应保证不制造核武器,不直接或间接地接受其他国家的 核武器转让,不寻求或接受制造核武器的援助,也不向别国提供这 种援助; 3.各国应谴责朝鲜进行的所有核活动,督促朝鲜以完全、可核查和 不可逆的方式放弃所有核武器和现有核计划,并立即停止所有相关 活动;