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• 价格优势 • 当然,三星、摩托罗拉、惠普和RIM或许还需要先解决一个更为困难 当然,三星、摩托罗拉、惠普和 或许还需要先解决一个更为困难 的问题:在价格上取得相对于苹果的优势。 的问题:在价格上取得相对于苹果的优势。 • 这颠覆了计算技术发展史:传统上苹果的产品已价格较高著称,包括 这颠覆了计算技术发展史:传统上苹果的产品已价格较高著称, Mac电脑、iPod和iPhone都可谓一种平民化的奢侈品,凭借其优雅 电脑、 都可谓一种平民化的奢侈品, 电脑 和 都可谓一种平民化的奢侈品 设计而比其他公司的同类产品略贵一些。 设计而比其他公司的同类产品略贵一些。 • 但苹果通过 但苹果通过iPad重振了平板电脑市场,这一领先优势使其与供货商签 重振了平板电脑市场, 重振了平板电脑市场 订了一系列长期合同,可用优惠价格获得闪存和LCD显示屏等零部件。 显示屏等零部件。 订了一系列长期合同,可用优惠价格获得闪存和 显示屏等零部件 苹果在上季度财报电话会议中还透露,已与供应商签订了为期两年、 苹果在上季度财报电话会议中还透露,已与供应商签订了为期两年、 价值39亿美元的零部件供货协议 亿美元的零部件供货协议。 价值 亿美元的零部件供货协议。 • 这或许解释了为何苹果能将 这或许解释了为何苹果能将iPad 2的价格维持在低位。最高端的 的价格维持在低位。 的价格维持在低位 最高端的iPad 2存储空间为 存储空间为64G,还支持 移动宽带, 存储空间为 ,还支持AT&T和Verizon的3G移动宽带,其价格也 和 的 移动宽带 不过729美元,而摩托罗拉基于 美元, 系统的Xoom平板电脑存储 不过 美元 而摩托罗拉基于Android系统的 系统的 平板电脑存储 空间仅为32G,价格还要高出 美元。 美元。 空间仅为 ,价格还要高出70美元 • 其他几家宣布将推出平板电脑的公司甚至不愿披露价格和上市日期。 其他几家宣布将推出平板电脑的公司甚至不愿披露价格和上市日期。 惠普使用webOS系统的 系统的TouchPad和RIM公司的黑莓 公司的黑莓PlayBook在展 惠普使用 系统的 和 公司的黑莓 在展 示中或许令人印象深刻,在多任务处理和支持Flash上也有领先于 示中或许令人印象深刻,在多任务处理和支持 上也有领先于 iPad之处。 之处。 之处 • 这些公司可能希望苹果新版 这些公司可能希望苹果新版iPad价格提高,然后再公布自家产品的订 价格提高, 价格提高 显然它们不得不调整计划了。 价,显然它们不得不调整计划了。
• But if those companies were hoping that Apple would add $100 to the iPad's price before they would announce those details, they'll have to go back to the touchscreen and revise their plans. • Of all the name-brand tablets competing with the iPad, and now the iPad 2, only Barnes & Noble's NookColor has easily beaten Apple's tablets on price. And that $249 Android device is essentially an ebook reader with a Web browser, not an all-purpose device such as the iPad. • Apple underscored the iPad's versatility repeatedly in its demonstration. Apple product managers showed off iPad versions of its iMovie and Garage Band applications that let users edit movies and create songs on the device, while Jobs cited a substantial lead in developer support. He cited 65,000 iPad-optimized applications among the 350,000-plus in Apple's App Store, then suggested that a mere 100 tablet-tuned programs exist for Android. • That, too, departs from computing precedent. For years, Mac advocates had to put up with Windows users bragging about the far more extensive choice of applications avialable in Microsoft's operating system. But in the post-PC world, Apple seems to be saying, a lot of those old rules deserve to be deleted.
• But with the iPad, Apple's reinvention of a market that had lain fallow has allowed it to sign a series of long-term, favorably priced contracts with suppliers of such components as flash memory and LCD screens. During its last quarterly earnings call, the company revealed that it had committed $3.9 billion to two-year deals for unspecified parts. • That might explain how Apple can price its top-of-the-line iPad 2 with 64 gigabytes of memory, plus support for either AT&T or Verizon's 3G mobile broadband - for $829, while Motorola's Androidbased, 3G-based Xoom offers half as much storage but costs $30 less, unless you sign a two-year contract with Verizon Wireless. • Other companies have announced tablets but have shied away from disclosing prices or even ship dates. HP's TouchPad, running an upgraded version of Palm's webOS, and RIM's BlackBerry PlayBook might look impressive in demonstrations. They also might offer advantages over Apple's tablet in areas such as multitasking (the iPad and iPhone are particularly clumsy about letting background programs get your attention) and support for Web multimedia encoded in Adobe's Flash (not only do Apple's mobile products not support that, Jobs didn't even bother to mention Flash during the presentation).
信息科技英语翻译 (中英对照)
• iPad 2将继续领先于Android平板
Fra Baidu bibliotek
iPad 2将继续领先于Android平板 (中英对照)
• Apple iPad 2 is geared to extend lead over Android tablets • Almost a year ago, Apple defined the tablet market by introducing the iPad, then had the playing field to itself for most of last year. • Now, just as other tablets are starting to arrive based on such competing operating systems as Google's Android and HP's webOS, Apple is looking to move the goal posts with the new iPad 2 it unveiled here Tuesday. • This wireless tablet, due March 11, has the same $499-and-up pricing and 9.7-inch touchscreen as the current model but looks notably thinner, at about a third of an inch thick, and adds video-conferencing cameras on its front and back.
• Jobs also took time to trash-talk the competition as being "just flummoxed" and offer his own definition of the tablet market as a "post-PC" space.
• In other words, rival tablet makers that hope to take a bite out of Apple's business by touting the superior specifications of their devices are doing it wrong. • Post-PC devices - in Apple's case, the iPod, iPhone and iPad - operate and are seen as appliances, with the sole measure of their worth being ease of use. • But companies such as Samsung, Motorola, HP and Research In Motion might have to solve a more difficult problem first: Beating Apple on price. • That's a novel development in the computing industry. Apple has traditionally priced its products, from Mac desktops and laptops to iPods and iPhones, as a sort of affordable luxury, with an elegance and efficiency that justified a premium over everybody else's gadgets.
• Apple says its processor is twice as fast, yet it offers the same 10-hour battery life as today's iPad. • The Cupertino, Calif., company drew upon its top salesman for the occasion: Founder and chief executive Steve Jobs, who took a medical leave from the job in January, showed up to introduce the device, saying of the event, "I didn't want to miss it.“
• 后PC时代 • 大约一年前,苹果通过iPad定义了平板电脑市场,在去年 大多数时候苹果都是该领域的唯一一家企业。现在众多使 用谷歌Android和惠普webOS操作系统的平板电脑即将上 市,苹果却又凭借iPad 2抬高了标尺。 • iPad 2将于3月11日在美国市场上市,价格仍然是最低499 美元,显示屏尺寸也还是10.1英寸,但更轻更薄,还加入 了前后摄像头。其双核处理器速度提高了一倍,同时还维 持了10个小时的电池续航时间。 • 苹果创始人和首席执行官史蒂夫•乔布斯亲自发布了iPad 2, 声称“不想错过盛况”。他将平板电脑市场称为“后PC” 时代,换句话说,与苹果竞争的平板厂商们纷纷宣传自家 产品的更高规格的做法是错误的。 • 后PC电子产品,比如苹果的iPod、iPhone和iPad就像是 家用电器,它们的价值取决于简便易用的程度。