
全国行业英语能力大赛样题Part I: Multiple Choice Questions

Read the following passages and choose the best option to complete each sentence.

Passage 1:

China's e-commerce sector has experienced __________ growth over the past decade.

a) exponential

b) static

c) sporadic

d) stagnant

Passage 2:

In order to succeed in a highly competitive market, it is crucial for businesses to __________ innovative strategies.

a) devise

b) retreat

c) stagnate

d) contract

Passage 3:

It is essential for professionals in the hospitality industry to possess excellent __________ skills to ensure customer satisfaction.

a) interpersonal

b) technical

c) analytical

d) mechanical

Passage 4:

The aviation industry is heavily regulated to ensure __________ standards of safety.

a) nominal

b) substandard

c) impeccable

d) mediocre

Part II: Fill in the Blanks

Complete each sentence by filling in the blanks with the appropriate word(s) from the given options.

1. The company's success can be attributed to its __________ in adopting new technologies.

a) reluctance

b) hesitation

c) eagerness

d) incompetency

2. The automotive industry has seen a significant __________ towards electric vehicles in recent years.

a) shift

b) stagnation

c) regression

d) resistance

3. As a financial analyst, it is important to have a __________ understanding of market trends.

a) superficial

b) thorough

c) vague

d) outdated

4. In today's globalized business environment, it is crucial for companies to have a strong __________ presence.

a) virtual

b) local

c) isolated

d) obsolete

Part III: True or False

Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1. The manufacturing sector has experienced a decline in China's economy in recent years.

2. Effective communication is not essential for successful project management.

3. The tourism industry heavily relies on seasonal fluctuations.

4. Occupational safety regulations do not apply to the construction industry.

Part IV: Short Answer

Answer the following questions in brief.

1. How has the rise of e-commerce transformed traditional retail practices?

2. What are the advantages of outsourcing for businesses in the service industry?

3. Explain the concept of "greenwashing" in the context of environmental sustainability.

4. How can companies ensure diversity and inclusion in their workforce, particularly in male-dominated industries?

Note: This sample question set is for illustrative purposes only and does not reflect an actual national industry English proficiency competition.


外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛初赛样题 The。was once a tool that allowed people to access a vast amount of n。However。it has now XXX。In the past。the。was a place where people could learn about different cultures。ideas。XXX。the。has e a place where people are trapped in their own echo chambers。 Social media is a prime example of how the。has XXX to show users content that they are more likely to engage with。This means that people are only exposed to content that confirms their existing beliefs and ns。As a result。people are not exposed to different perspectives and ideas。Instead。they are trapped in a cycle of XXX. Another way in which the。has e a walled room is through the use of paywalls。Many news websites now require users to pay for access to their content。This means that people who cannot afford to pay for access are XXX een those who can afford to access n and those who cannot。


全国行业英语能力大赛样题Part I: Multiple Choice Questions Read the following passages and choose the best option to complete each sentence. Passage 1: China's e-commerce sector has experienced __________ growth over the past decade. a) exponential b) static c) sporadic d) stagnant Passage 2: In order to succeed in a highly competitive market, it is crucial for businesses to __________ innovative strategies. a) devise b) retreat c) stagnate d) contract Passage 3: It is essential for professionals in the hospitality industry to possess excellent __________ skills to ensure customer satisfaction. a) interpersonal b) technical c) analytical d) mechanical Passage 4: The aviation industry is heavily regulated to ensure __________ standards of safety. a) nominal b) substandard c) impeccable d) mediocre Part II: Fill in the Blanks Complete each sentence by filling in the blanks with the appropriate word(s) from the given options. 1. The company's success can be attributed to its __________ in adopting new technologies.


英语技能大赛复习试题(一)姓名:_________ 班级:__________ 得分:_________ 一、词汇用法(单选题)(10分) ( ) 1. I don’t know this word. Let me in the dictionary. A. Look after it B.look it up C. Look for it D. Look forward to it ( ) 2. Will it be for you to start work tomorrow? A. polite B. kind C. great D. convenient ( ) 3. Li Lei is from China. His is Chinese. A. nationality B. birthplace C. country D. hometown ( ) 4. I everybody happy in different ways. A. have B. let C. take D. make ( ) 5. He studied in America during . A. the 1990s B. 1990s C. the 1990 D. 1990’s 二、语法结构(单选题)(10分) ( ) 1. A wild animal zoo will in the city. A.be building B.be built C.build D.built ( ) 2. The manager can’t see you at the moment. He a meeting. A.had B.has had C.is having D.has ( ) 3. The film Hero is as as Banquet. A.most wonderful B.not wonderful C.more wonderful D.wonderful ( ) 4. The boy lay on the bed, of the future. A.to think B.thinks C.thinking D.thought ( ) 5. They were having a good time at the party the light went out. A.as soon as B.while C.as D.when 三、情景交流(单选题)(30分) ( ) 1. -- Hope everything goes well with you. -- ______________ A. It’s very kind of you. Thank you. B. I don’t think everything is OK. C. I’d like not to have a good plan. D. Please wait me for a while. ( ) 2. -- Here is your changes,Sir. -- ________________ A. Thank you. B. With pleasure. C. Never mind. D. Of course not. ( ) 3. -- _____________ -- I think it’s about 5: 30. A. Where is your watch, please? B. What day is it, please? C. What’s the time, please? D. What’s the date, please? ( ) 4. -- Can I ask you a question, Mrs Brown?


第二届全国中学英语教师教学技能大赛(NTSCET) 初赛试题 第II卷中学英语教师职业技能部分(80分,共八大题) 一、判断正误,正确打“√”,错误打“×”。(本题计15分) 1.M .West曾说,英语是学会的,不是教会的。因此,“学生主体”指在课堂上让学生成为活动的主体,其他方面应由教师主导或指导。() 2.英语属于印欧语系的日耳曼语族,与德语相近,但使用了拉丁语字母。() 3.当今科技发达,知识更新快,英语教师应抱着开放态度,从新鲜信息中学习,传统的反思、联想等学习方式已经过时了。() 4.在英语课上实施“个别对待,因材施教”的有效策略是组织学生之间的合作性学习活动。() 5.2001年7月,教育部已公布了《英语课程标准》(实验稿),2000年3月和10月先后公布的《九年义务教育全日制初级中学英语教学大纲》(试用修订版)和《全日制普通高级中学英语教学大纲》(试验修订稿)都已失效,不能作为确定教学目的要求的根据了。()6.英语教材都经过缜密的编写过程并经国家审定。所以英语教学中教师要忠实于教材,不必对之再作取舍、分割或组合。() 7.当前各中学英语教师教哪一年级只领取哪个年级的课本,这意味着教师应倾全力完成当前的教学任务,教什么就管什么,不必考虑教材的前后联系。() 8.教师的英语表达能力主要体现于采用学生能够听懂、读懂的语言结构,去表达自己需要表达的意思。所以教师的语言往往是简化语,虽然它必须规范,但并非日常的交际用语。() 9.有效的教学情境要符合两点要求:A.反映所学英语材料的语用特征;B.学生易于接受且易于设置。() 10.现在的英语课本,尤其是初中英语课本都从听说读写技能训练的角度配备了所需的语言材料,以及反映这些材料使用情境的图画,所以评价教师听说读写唱做画七种技能的高低,只须看他把教材提供的材料用得好不好,七种教学技能已无创造性使用的空间了。()11.培养学生自学英语能力的主要工作是促使学生投入英语活动之中。() 12.有人提出“以家长为上帝,视学生如亲子”,这充分反映了教育者尊重学生、家长之合理需求与习惯的教学理念。() 13.英语教学的教材(语言)本身并无严格的逻辑顺序,当前又提倡以学生活动为中心的教学,所以英语教师在组织教学活动和工作中,已无必要遵守严格的逻辑顺序。()14.科研的选题一定要针对创新或发明,不必针对需要解决的问题。() 15.世界日益“缩小”,社会上的多元化现象日益严重,英语教师也有必要使自己的言、行、仪表多样化,不必恪守“言传身教”的传统形式。() 二、选正(多项选择)题:从多项答案中将正确项或最佳选项选出。高中教师作1—12题,初中教师作1—8题及13—16题。(本题计12分) 1.英语教师应该这样对待学生___________ 。 A.把学生看作自己的子弟 B.把学生看作塑造对象 C.把学生看作自己事业的寄托 D.把学生看作可以发展为对社会有巨大贡献的主体


2021年全国大学生英语竞赛C类样题参考答案.pdf 2016 National English Competition for College Students (Level C - Sample) 参考答案及评分标准 Part I. Listening Comprehension(30 marks) Section A (5 marks) 1—5 CBABD Section B (10 marks) 6—10 CBADC 11—15 CDACB Section C (5 marks) 16—20 BDBBC Section D (10 marks) 23. geographic location 24. cultural influences 21. second largest 22. spirals to 25. dates back to 26. economic revival 27. flourished in 28. multi-faceted and diverse 29. modern and enterprising 30. a chimney Part II Vocabulary, Grammar & Culture (15 marks) Section A Vocabulary & Grammar (10 marks) 31—35 CDBAA 36—40 BCACB Section B Culture (5 marks) 41—45 BBACA Part III Cloze (10 marks) contrast 49. information 50. back 46. movement 47. included 48. 51. harmony 52. others 53. individualists 54. descent 55. intellectually Part IV Reading Comprehension (35 marks)


【外研社杯全国英语大赛阅读题2023】 一、比赛介绍 1.1 比赛概述 外研社杯全国英语大赛是我国著名的英语竞赛之一,旨在培养学生的 英语阅读能力、写作能力和思辨能力,提升学生的综合英语水平。 1.2 参赛对象 比赛面向全国范围内的中小学生,分为初中组和高中组两个年级组别,分别考查学生的英语阅读理解和写作能力。 1.3 比赛形式 初赛阶段为线上笔试,考生需要在规定时间内完成阅读理解和写作题目。决赛阶段为线下口试,对初赛脱颖而出的选手进行面对面的英语 口语表达能力考察。 二、比赛内容 2.1 阅读理解

比赛涵盖了各种类型的阅读理解题目,包括新闻报道、广告宣传、科技文献等。考生需要通过阅读文章内容,理解作者的观点,抓住关键信息,回答问题或者进行问答。 2.2 写作能力 比赛还考察了学生的写作能力,要求学生在有限的时间内完成一篇英语短文,内容涉及个人见解、社会热点、学习经验等。 2.3 口语表达 决赛阶段的口语表达环节是比赛的重要组成部分,通过一些口头交际和综合应用题目,考察学生的口语表达能力、思维反应速度和语言流利度。 三、比赛意义 3.1 培养英语阅读兴趣 英语阅读是学习英语的重要组成部分,通过参加英语大赛,学生可以接触到更多优质的英语原版文章,培养对英语阅读的兴趣和热情。

3.2 提升英语综合能力 比赛的题目旨在考查学生的英语阅读理解、写作表达和口语能力,通 过参与比赛,学生可以在这些方面得到锻炼和提升,全面提高自己的 英语综合能力。 3.3 增强竞争意识和自信心 参加英语大赛可以让学生在竞争中成长,比赛过程中的挑战和压力可 以激发学生的竞争意识,同时也增强他们的自信心,为将来的学业和 工作打下良好基础。 3.4 开拓国际视野 英语是国际通用语言,通过参与英语大赛,学生可以更好地了解世界 各地的英语使用情况和文化背景,开拓国际视野,促使学生更好地融 入全球化的教育和社会环境。 四、比赛准备 4.1 提前备战 参加英语大赛需要提前进行充分的准备,包括扩充词汇量、背诵范文、



2015 年全国职业院校技能大赛高职组英语口语赛项 样题 1. 职场描述(Presentation) (3 minutes) Task: You are required to talk about the following chart, giving your comments on possible causes of the survey results. 2. 情景交流(Interview) (3 minutes) Now you ’l l see a poster.

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文章标题:深度探析2023全国职业院校英语口语技能大赛赛题 1. 介绍 2023全国职业院校英语口语技能大赛赛题旨在提升学生英语口语表达能力,是一个重要的英语学习活动,对于学生的综合能力提升具有重 要作用。在本文中,我们将深入探讨2023全国职业院校英语口语技能大赛赛题,让读者对此有全面的了解。 2. 赛题内容分析 2023全国职业院校英语口语技能大赛赛题内容包括口语表达、主题演讲等,涵盖了日常生活、文化交流、社会热点等方面的内容。赛题内 容丰富多样,能够激发学生的学习热情,拓展学生的视野,培养学生 的综合能力。 3. 赛题意义 参与2023全国职业院校英语口语技能大赛对于学生来说意义重大。比赛可以提升学生的英语口语表达能力,帮助他们更好地运用英语进行 交流。比赛可以锻炼学生的主题演讲能力,培养他们的演讲技巧和表 达能力。比赛可以促进学习者对英语学习的兴趣,激发他们学习英语 的积极性。 4. 个人观点和理解 2023全国职业院校英语口语技能大赛赛题内容涵盖了丰富多样的话题,

这对于学生来说是一个很好的英语学习评台。参与比赛不仅可以提升自身的英语口语能力,还可以增加对英语文化的了解,拓展自己的视野。作为我的观点和理解,我认为比赛不仅是一种竞争,更是一种学习,学生应该抓住这样的机会,努力提升自己的英语口语表达能力。 5. 总结 2023全国职业院校英语口语技能大赛赛题内容丰富多样,对于学生的英语口语表达能力提升具有重要意义。参与比赛不仅可以锻炼学生的英语口语表达能力,还可以增加对英语文化的了解,培养学生的综合能力。我认为学生应该积极参与这样的英语口语比赛,不断提升自身的英语口语表达能力。 通过对2023全国职业院校英语口语技能大赛赛题的深度和广度分析,我们可以更全面、深刻地了解这一主题,并从中获得启发和收获。希望本文对您有所帮助,谢谢阅读!2023全国职业院校英语口语技能大赛赛题,是一个非常重要的英语学习活动,对学生的综合能力提升具有重要的作用。该比赛旨在提升学生的英语口语表达能力,通过口语表达、主题演讲等形式来展示学生的英语能力和综合素质。在这样的比赛中,学生有机会展示自己的英语口语表达能力,提高自信心,同时也能够在比赛中学习到更多关于英语语言和文化的知识。 赛题内容的丰富多样是比赛的一个重要特点。赛题涵盖了日常生活、文化交流、社会热点等方面的内容,能够激发学生的学习热情,拓展


2023年全国职业院校技能大赛高职组英语口语 随着我国经济的不断发展和国际交流的日益频繁,英语口语能力的重 要性也日益突显。为了提高高职院校学生的英语口语水平,激发他们 学习英语的热情,2023年全国职业院校技能大赛特设高职组英语口语比赛。本次比赛旨在通过竞赛形式激励学生学习英语,提高他们的口 语表达能力,增强他们与国际交流的能力。 一、比赛内容和形式 本次比赛将分为初赛、复赛和决赛三个阶段。比赛内容主要包括英语 自我介绍、英语演讲和英语即兴问答。比赛形式包括个人赛和团体赛,旨在全面考察学生的口语表达能力、逻辑思维能力和应变能力。 1. 英语自我介绍 比赛选手需在规定的时间内进行英语自我介绍,内容包括尊称、芳龄、兴趣爱好、学习情况等。评委将根据选手的发音、语法、词汇运用和 表达流利程度进行评分。 2. 英语演讲 比赛选手需就指定的主题进行英语演讲,内容要求有深度、言之有物,能够吸引听众。评委将综合考察选手的语言表达能力、逻辑思维能力 和说服力。

3. 英语即兴问答 比赛选手将在规定的时间内接受评委的即兴问答,内容涉及日常生活、社会热点、国际事务等。评委将考察选手的应变能力、思维敏捷程度 和语言表达能力。 二、比赛意义和影响 本次赛事对提升高职院校学生的英语口语水平具有重要意义和积极影响。 1. 提升学生英语口语水平 通过参与竞赛,学生将更加重视英语口语的学习,培养了积极主动表 达的能力,提高了自信心和交流能力。 2. 激发学生学习热情 比赛作为一种竞争性活动,能够激发学生学习英语的积极性和热情, 使他们更加主动地去学习和应用英语,提高英语口语水平。 3. 增强学生国际交流能力 英语是国际通用语言,在全球化背景下,加强英语口语能力有助于学 生更好地融入国际社会,增强国际交流能力。 三、比赛的组织和安排 为了确保比赛的公平、公正和顺利进行,我们将对比赛进行严格的组


【外研社国才杯全国英语阅读大赛2023样题】 一、引言 最近几年来,英语阅读能力越来越受到重视,而英语阅读大赛也成为了考察学生英语水平的重要方式。为了帮助广大学生更好地备战外研社国才杯全国英语阅读大赛,我们特准备了2023年的样题,供大家参考。 二、阅读理解 1. 阅读下面的短文,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选择最佳选项。 The Great Wall of China is over two thousand years old and is about 6,400 kilometers long. It is called the "Great Wall" because it is very long. The Great Wall is 7 meters high and 5 meters wide. There are steps on the wall. It is said that you can see the Great Wall from the moon. 1. What is the Great Wall of China? A. A bridge B. A wall C. A building D. A city 2. How old is the Great Wall of China? A. Over one thousand years old B. Over two thousand years old

C. Over three thousand years old D. Over four thousand years old 3. Why is the Great Wall called “the Great Wall”? A. Because it’s very long B. Because it’s very high C. Because it’s very old D. Because it’s very wide 2. 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。 My mother is a good cook. She always makes delicious food for me. Her favorite food is tomato and egg stir-fry. It’s a traditional Chinese dish and it’s very delicious. First she cuts the tomatoes and eggs into small pieces. Then she heats some oil in a pan and puts the tomatoes and eggs in the pan. After that she adds some salt and sugar to the food. Finally, the dish is ready to eat. I enjoy the dish very much. 4. What is the title of the passage? 5. Why does the author enjoy the dish? 三、完形填空 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选择最佳选项。 Children learn a lot from their parents. When they are young, they learn __6__ to talk and walk. They learn about the world


全国英语阅读大赛真题 题目一 Passage 1 In recent years, technology has played an increasingly important role in education. Many schools have started to integrate technology into their classrooms and curriculum. This has brought about both advantages and challenges. Firstly, technology can make learning more engaging and interactive. With the help of multimedia tools and online resources, teachers can present information in a more dynamic and visual way. Students can also use technology to access a wide range of educational materials, which can greatly enhance their learning experience. Secondly, technology enables personalized learning. With the rise of adaptive learning platforms, students can receive individualized instruction and practice based on their specific needs and abilities. This allows students to learn at their own pace and focus on areas where they need more support. However, there are also challenges associated with the use of technology in education. One major concern is the potential distraction it poses to students. With the presence of smartphones and other digital devices, students may easily get distracted and lose focus during class. It is important for teachers to establish clear rules and guidelines to ensure that technology is used appropriately and as a tool for learning.


英语技能大赛口语问题样题 问:Hello/Hi. 答:Hello/Hi. How are you? Fine,thank you. And you? Nice to meet you? Nice to meet you? How do you do? How do you do? How do you feel? I feel (am) happy.(sad, angry, tired, bored, hungry) What’s your name? My name is… May I know you name? May I have your name? Please tell me your name? How to spell your name? T-I-N-A How to spell spring? What’s your mother’s name? What’s your father’s name? What \which school are you in? What school do you go to? Foshan experiment primary school. Which class are you in? I’m in class three. Which grade are you in? What’s your favorite animal\color\food\fruit\sport\day\drink\number\subject\singer? Monkey\Pink\Chicken leg\Grape\Swimming\Sunday\Cola\draw\ Y ummy swimming is fun. Wha’s the weather like today? How’s the weather? It’s sunny\rainy\cloudy\windy What colour is your T-shirt\dtess\skirt? Red…silver What colour are your trouses\shoes\shorts? Blue.. What color is it? What color do you like? What does your mother\father do? Quality engineer. What do you want to be in the future ? I want to be painter. Why do you like to become a painter? Because Ilike to draw. Paiter is very smart. How to become a painter? I want to study hard and become smart. What do you learn from the story\Alice in wanderland? I want to be an Ideas, honesty, brave girl What do you do at home? I do my homework at home. What do you do on Sunday? What do you like to do on Sunday? I draw a picture on Sunday. What did you do yesterday? What day is today\tomorrow\yesterday? Sunday\Monday\Tuesday\Wendnesday\Fourday\Friday\Saturday What’s the month? January\February\March\April\May\June\July\Aaugust\September\Octorber\November \December What’s the season now? Spring\summer\autumn\winter What’s this\that? It’s a\an… What are these\those? Thses\Those\They’re... Is this\that a…? Yes,it is\No,it isn’t. Are these\those\they ..s? Yes,they are.\No,they aren’t. What are you doing? I am jumping\walking\running\jogging. What are you going to do this summer holiday? What is you plan for the summer holiday? What can you see in the park in spring? What are you hobbies? I like to draw.


2021年全国职业院校技能大赛英语口语(高职组)赛项样题 2015年全国职业院校技能大赛高职组英语口语赛项 样题 1. 职场描述 (Presentation) (3 minutes) Task: You are required to talk about the following chart, giving your comments on possible causes of the survey results. 2.情景交流(Interview) (3 minutes) Now you’ll see a poster. PUBLIC NOTICE of NONDISCRIMINATION: Northland Pioneer College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, marital status, gender, age or disability in admission or access to, or enjoyment in its educational programs or activities. For more information call 1-800-266-7845×6244 or 928-536-6244. * NOTE: Food for your soul; Solar (Sol) for your food. Sustainability: 可持续性 Task: Suppose you’re the secretary working at Northland Pioneer College and someone is interested in the course. You will talk with the person and answer his /her questions. Question Master: a person who is interested in the course No. of Questions: 8-10] 3.职场考验(Role-Play) (8-10 minutes) 场景:campus 参赛选手首先根据抽取的场景单词“campus”进行情景设计,如把“campus”设计为在校园内举行一场校园招聘(campus interview);第二步分配角色,每位小组成员至少扮演一个情景中的角色,例如一名选手扮演来自企业的招聘人士,另外三名选手扮演应聘的学生;


全国职业院校技能大赛中职组酒店服务赛项 英语口试题库 一、中餐宴会摆台与服务某些情景应答及答题要点: 1. Q:Ask the guests if they have a reservation with your restaurant. A:Good evening. Do you have a reservation? 2. Q:How do you check upon the guest’s name of the reservation? A:Good evening. Under whose name was your reservation made? 3. Q:The guests need a table for 4,and they would like to dine somewhere quiet. A:Very well. This way please. Here’s a window table for four overlooking the lake. It’s very ni ce and quiet here. 4. Q:Can you explain the terms of breakfast both for adults and children in the hotel? A:Sure,we offer breakfast at the rate of 128 RMB for each adult,and it’s free of charge for children under 6. 5. Q:If you want to confirm the reservation of the dinner,what can you say? A:I will say “Good evening,sir. I’d like to confirm your reservation.May I have your name,please?” 6. Q:Inform the guest that the restaurant is fully booked this evening,and suggest that he book a table the same time tomorrow evening. A:I’m sorry. We are fully booked this evening. How about tomorrow?We still have some nice tables available for tomorrow evening. 7. Q:What would you do when the guest complains that the restaurant is too noisy? A:I will apology and say “let me see if we can find a table on the other side of the


全国职场英语考试样题 一、考试简介 全国职场英语考试样题(以下简称职场英语考试)是一项针对在职人员英语水平的综合性考试,旨在测试考生在职业场景下的英语应用能力。该考试由国家教育部考试中心主办,各地教育考试机构承办,每年举行一次。职场英语考试的成绩不仅可以作为衡量在职人员英语水平的标准,还可以作为求职、升职等场合的一项重要参考。 二、考试目的 职场英语考试的目的是测试考生的英语听说读写译能力,以及在职业场景下的英语应用能力。该考试强调语言的实际应用,而非单纯的语法知识。通过职场英语考试,考生可以展示自己在工作中使用英语的能力,提高职业竞争力。 三、考试内容 职场英语考试的内容分为听、说、读、写、译五个部分,具体如下:1、听力部分:考生需要听取一段关于工作场景的对话或短文,然后回答与该对话或短文相关的听力问题。听力材料可能涉及各种职业场

景,如商务会议、产品介绍、客户服务等。 2、说部分:考生需要完成一项口头表达任务,如模拟商务谈判、产 品推介等。考生需要在规定的时间内准备并进行口头表达。 3、阅读部分:考生需要阅读一篇关于工作场景的短文或信函,然后 回答与该短文或信函相关的问题。短文或信函可能涉及各种职业场景,如商务计划、合同协议等。 4、写作部分:考生需要写一篇关于工作场景的短文或报告,字数一 般在150-200字之间。短文或报告可能涉及各种职业场景,如工作总结、市场分析等。 5、翻译部分:考生需要将一段关于工作场景的英文翻译成中文,或 者将一段关于工作场景的中文翻译成英文。翻译内容可能涉及各种职业场景,如商务邮件、产品说明等。 四、考试形式 职场英语考试采用闭卷、笔试的形式进行,总时长为120分钟。试卷满分为100分,及格分数线为60分。考试成绩采用分级制,分为A、B、C、D四个等级,其中A级为优秀,B级为良好,C级为及格,D级为不及格。

中职组职业英语技能赛项 服务类组 样题

“ 2012年全国职业院校技能大赛”中职组 职业英语技能赛项样题及说明 (一比赛目的 以赛促学,以赛促教是本次大赛的目标。大赛致力于为全国中职学生及英语教师创建一个交流学习、拓展视野、展示才华的平台, 推动中职英语教学模式和人才培养方式的转变,展现中职学校英语教学改革成果,着力于中职学生沟通能力、信息处理能力、创新能力、思辨能力的综合培养,服务于中职英语教学改革的发展需求。 (二比赛构成 比赛共由四个环节构成:在线测评、情境交流、职场应用和职业风采。 (三比赛各环节详细解析 第一环节在线测评

本环节要求每支参赛队的所有选手在计算机上使用“职业英语能力测试系统”完成,旨在考查选手在通用职场情境下的输入型语言技能(即听力技能和阅读技能。 1 ●第二环节情境交流 本环节要求每支参赛队选取 1名选手进行现场比赛,旨在考查选手用英语描述事物的能力、现场应答能力和时间掌控能力。本环节含两个阶段。 第一阶段:在备赛区进行,限时 30分钟。选手阅读图片并为第二阶段的比赛做准备。 第二阶段:在赛场进行,限时 3分钟。选手先用 90秒时间描述整组图片内容(内容可适当扩展 ,然后于 90秒之内回答评委的现场提问。 ●第三环节:职场应用 本环节要求每支参赛队选取 2名选手进行现场比赛,旨在考查选手用英语完成任务的能力和初步职业能力(对信息的处理能力、团队协作能力、语言表达能力和时间掌控能力。 本环节含两个阶段。 第一阶段:在备赛区进行,限时 30分钟,两名选手通过沟通和协作完成并提交任务单(Worksheet ,并按照比赛要求分别准备第二阶段的比赛内容。 第二阶段:在赛场进行,选手 A 按要求向评委陈述任务完成情况(限时 3分钟,选手 B 回答评委的现场提问(限时 2分钟。 (四比赛各环节样题 ●
