



Listen to the following questions and choose the best response to each one.Each question will be read only once.(请听问句,然后选出一个能够恰当回答你所听到的问句的最佳选项。每个问句只读一遍。)(答案涂在答题纸上)

1.A.I believe there is one Hilton Street.

C.You'll find they have an excellent service.

2.A.I would,but only on the return trip.

C.They referred me to this agency.

3.A.They're expecting it to snow.

C.There's no way to get there.

4.A.She went to the classroom too early.

C.There's an accident on the bridge.

5.A.I don't use a pencil very often.

C.I can't decide which pen to buy. B.I found something nice to translate.

D.Sorry,we sold all the paintings.

B.The class was hard for me.

D.My first lesson is geography.

B.The weather report said several feet.

D.Fine,we've got a lot of time.

B.I left because I was curious.

D.All right,I'll just wait here.

B.I think it's a ruler.

D.It usually lasts a week.


A)Listen to the following mini-dialogues.Each dialogue is followed by a question.Choose the best answer or picture for each question.Each dialogue and question will be read twice.(请听下面五组小对话,每组对话后有一个问题,根据你所听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳选项。每组对话和问题读两遍。)(答案涂在答题纸上)

6.A.The heat wave. B.Eileen's homework.

C.Dania's health.

D.Their working conditions.


8.A.In a key store. B.In a hotel restaurant.

C.In a friend's dining room.

D.At a drinks party.

9.A.A travel agent. B.A college professor.

C.A car retal agency.

D.A department store salesperson.

10.A.On business. B.For sightseeing.

C.To interview the local people.

D.To photograph the city.

B)Listen to the following dialogue and choose the best answer to each question.The dialogue will be read twice.(请听下面一段对话,选择能回答下列问题的最佳选项。对话读两遍。)(答案涂在答题纸上)

11.What does the man want to do?

A.Find a part-time job.

B.Ask the woman some questions.

C.Help students find work.

D. Work in the employment office.

12.Where does the dialogue probably take place?

A.In a library.

B.In a classroom.

C.In a campus office.

D.In an apartment.

13.How many hours of work does the man want per week?

A.Not more than ten.

B.At least twenty.

C.Not more than twenty.

D.Up to ten.

14.When can the man work?

A.Every morning.

B.Afternoons and weekends.

C.In the evening.

D.Every weekday afternoon.

15.What does the woman tell the man to do tomorrow?

A.Fill out the form.

B. Come to work.

C.Tell her some news.

D.Phone her.

C)Listen to the following dialogue and match the people with the information in the

right-hand column.The dialogue will be read twice.(请听下面一段对话,将第16--20题中的人物与右栏的信息进行匹配。对话读两遍。)(答案涂在答题纸上)


A)Listen to the following material and choose the best answer to each question.The material will be read twice.(请听下面一段材料,根据你所听到的内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳选项。材料读两遍。)(答案涂在答题纸上)

21.Which course would this lecture probably be a part of?

A.Modern American Scientists.

B.United States History.

C.American Presidents.

D.Nineteenth-century American Literature.

22.What is the most common theme in Leaves of Grass?

A.The death of Abraham Lincoln.

B.A celebration of America.

C.The raising of plants.

D.Spring,the best time in life.

23.How many poems did the first edition of Leaves of Grass include?





24.What best describes Leaves of Grass?

A.It's a poem about the author.

B.It's a poem about Abraham Lincoln.

C.It's a collection of poems that grew with its author.

D.It's a collection of twelve poems that remained unchanged.

25.Which is the longest and best-known poem in Leaves of Grass?

A.A braham Lincoln.

B.Song of Myself.

C.When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Broomed.

D.A Season of New Life.

B)Listen to the following material and fill in the missing information in each numbered space,using no more than three words.The material will be read twice.(请听下面一段材料,根据你所听到的内容,补全空白处所缺的信息,每空不超过三个单词。材料读两遍。)(答案写在答题纸上)

Getting to the Hillside Water Park

·The water park lies in the (26)___________part of Sunshine City.

·It is open seven days a week from 7 am to 8:30 pm.

·You can get there on foot but it takes about (27)___________.

·There are regular buses from the (28)________ and the most direct is the number

(29)_______ bus.

·If you are in a group or family (30)________ is the best choice.



Below each of the following sentences,there are four choices,marked A,B,Cand D.Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.(从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。)(答案涂在答题纸上)

31.We spent a week in Paris and had a great time going up________ Eiffel Tower,and taking _________ boat trip along the Seine.





32.The _________ shoes were covered in mud,so I asked them to take them off before they got into _________ car.





33.On Saturday morning we worked for _______ two hours and then stopped to have something to eat.





34.Because of a steady economic growth rate,the president can probably look_____ to another term.





35.As the survey suggests,fresh air,enough exercise and nutritious food ______ to good health.





36.When I wathed the film,I was ____ to see that it was quite________.





37.This is not the same painting _______ you offered to sell us the last time we were here.


B.to which

C.for which


38.--Are you still going to the party on Friday?

--Yes,_________ something else comes up.


B.in case of

C.as long as


39.--I'm seeing Dr Evans next week.

--That ________ be right.He will be on holiday then.




D.hasn't got to

40.Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV;there are pictures ______ in your mind instead of before your eyes.

A.to form


C.to have formed

D.having formed

41.When he realised I ______ at him, he ______ away and walked out of the classroom.

A.looked;was turning

B.was looking;turned

C.was looking;was turning


42.Don't forget to walk the dog while I am away,_________ you?





43.Nothing should go wrong,but if ________,give me a ring at this number.

a.it had B.that is C.it does D.they should to

44.--When can we expect to see an improvement?


A.We're making home improvements

B.It will take several days

C.You can see her off tonight

D.I'll pick it up when I come today

45.--Do you have an earlier flight?I'm trying to get to Manila before noon.

--There is an 8:30 flight that will get you there by 11:00.

--__________ -then I can easily make the 12:30 meeting.

A.That'll be perfect

B.Thanks,I will check it later

C.I think it's a bit late

D.If so,I can change the flight


Read the following passage and fill in each blank with one word in one of the following three ways:①according to the context,②using the correct form of the words,③according to the first letters of the words.(阅读下面的短文,用以下三种形式之一完成短文填空:①根据上下文填空;②用所给单词的正确形式填空;③根据单词所给首字母填空。每空一词。)(答案写在答题纸上)

Cholera is a disease spread by dirty water,either when people drink the water,(46)_______ eat food which has been washed in the water,and not

(47)______(proper)cooked.Unfortunately,until the mid 19th century,people believed that the

disease (48) t_________ through the air.In the crowded cities of 19th-century Britain,cholera spread easily.Most doctors wrongly believed that fresh air and a better diet would (49)p_____ the disease.Huge fires were usually lit in the streets to drive (50)_______ the infection,and the clothes of victims were also burned. The streets were also cleaned thoroughly (51) w______ powerful chemicals.However,people continued to suffer dreadfully.In 1854, a doctor in London,John Snow,announed with certainty that cholera spread through (52) i________ drinking water.He did this by carefully (53)_______(collect)statistics about the infection in one part of London.He managed to prove that in an area (54)_______ deaths from cholera were highest,the water was entirely responsible for cholera infection.(55)________(Improve)made to sewers(下水道)and supplies of drinking water later led to a decrease in deaths from cholera.

III.Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共20小题;每小题2分,计40分)

Read the following passages.Each passage is followed by several questions.Respond to the questions according to the passage.(阅读下列短文,然后根据短文后的要求答题。)(答案与在答题纸上)


The camel library is like no other library.It is unique to Kenya.Like traditional libraries,books can be boorowed and returned.Unlike traditional libraries,books are carried to people by camels.

The camel library was started in Northern Kenya,where many people live in remote villages. The nearest town,called Garissa,is hundreds of kilometres away from these villages. Many of the villagers have never learned to read.They cannot afford to buy books,let alone have access to the Internet.Until 1996,the only library in the area was in Garissa.The distance meant villagers could not get to it.

The problem was solved with the creation of a mobile library.However,while mobile libraries in other places use trucks,this one uses camels to take the books to the villages. Camels are often the most efficient form of transportation in Northern Kenya,as the poor roads make driving difficult. Trucks,buses,and cars often break down. Camels can carry heavy things and travel long distances without water. And, unlike trucks,they don't need good roads.

The camel library uses three camels.They carry more than 200 books to ten villages in Northern Kenya. Four people travel with the camels.One of them acts as a guard to make sure no one tries to steal the books along the way.The camels walk from one village to another,five days a week.The camel library spends one day in each village,and then goes to the next small town.It visits each village once every two weeks.

The books in the camel library are in English, which the children in the villages are learning as a foreign language in school.Swahili is the national language of Kenya,but there are not many books written in Swahili.

Books can be borrowed for only two weeks at a time.If someone finishes a book quickly,he or she will have to wait until the camel library comes back before getting another one.

Questions 56--57:Tell whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F)according to the passage.

56.Camels are used because there aren't many trucks in Northern Kenya.

57.The books in the camel library are in English, the national language of Kenya.

Questions 58--60:Complete the following table with NO MORE THAN FIVE WORDS from the passage for each blank.


Questions 61--65: Answer the following questions briefly according to the ads.

61.Which is the cheapest place to go for a holiday?

62.How long is the holiday in Sorrento?

63.Which hotel would you stay at in Boston?

64.How much coes the holiday in Spain cost?

65.On what date does the holiday in Syria begin?


Canadian Clean Air Day is on 6 June.It is a chance for Canadians everywhere to focus on the problems of air pollution and to actually try to do something to help reduce the problems.

What can we do to fight air pollution? Well, it should be pretty obvious by now that the way we get to and from work every day can have a big effect on the air we breathe.So the easiest action you can take on Clean Air Day is to accept what we call the "Commuter Challenge"and get to work on foot or by cycling for a change.If you have to use your car,try"car-pooling" and share the drive,or better still,use public transit.(66)If everyone tries this for one day,you'll be amazed by the difference it can make to the air in towns and cities.

There's also a lot more you can do to improve air quality.For example,you can plant

trees.And if you don't have a garden,then you can do your bit in other ways.(67)For instance,did you know that modern,improved stoves can reduce smoke by as much as 80--90percent?So you can make a big difference if you upgrade the appliances in your home.

The government is also working hard on your behalf to clean up our air. The first thing is to reduce the emissions hat cause smog-and they have clear plans to get there.Cananda and the United States agreed to reduce emissions on both sides of the border between the two countries and they plan to reach their targets in the next few years.

The government's also taking action to get cleaner fuels.It's already reduced the sulphur contained in gasoline,and it hopes to reach the reduction target for sulphur in diesel(柴油)by next year.These measures don't just focus on the motorist-the federal government's also working to reduce emissions from power plants and factories right across the country.

Questions 66--67:Translate the underlined sentences in the passage into Chinese.

Questions 68--70:Complete the notes below with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each blank.


Coral reefs are found in tropical seas throughout the world and provide shelter for hundreds of different plants and animals.They look like flat beds of rock,but in fact they are formed from the bones of tiny sea creatures.Almost one half of the world's coral reefs occur in shallow seas, near to the coastline of over one hundred countries.

Millions of people depend on these coral reefs for their livelihoods.The majority of natural products which come from coral reefs,such as fish,shells and seaweed,can be sold,either locally or in export markets.Not only does the person who collects the products earn money,but also those people who prepare,market or sell them.In some countries,coral reefs are the main natural resource.In the Maldives,for example,25% of the workforce is employed in fishing.In addition,56% of the national economy comes from reef-based tourism.This means that a large number of people are employed in tourism-related jobs.

Fishing is normally an occupation for adult males,particularly where it involves the use of boats,and other people are often excluded from it.Coral reef fisheries,on the other hand,are usually accessible on foot,so work is not restricted to men.In fact,collecting fish and other products from the reefs is generally the job of women,children and even the elderly.

Women's occupations are not limited to reef fishing.In India and the South Pacific,for example,women help to make and mend the fishing equipment.Fish processing is often done by

women too.Such employment brings both direct and indirect advantages.For example,on Ulithi Atoll in Papua New Guinea,women can obtain mahogany wood for fishing boats in exchange for cloth they make and so gain more control over the household income.They can also apply for loans or credit.This gives them more independence and status,both in the family and in the community.

Question 71:Choose the answer that fits the question best according to the passage.

71.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.The structure and location of coral reefs.

B.Fish exports from Papua New Guinea.

C.The economic importance of coral reefs.

D.Female unemployment in coastal villages.

Questions 72--75:Answer the following questions briefly according to the passage.

72.How many countries have a coral reef close to their coastline?

73.Which activity is more than half of the Maldives' national economy based on?

74.How do people usually get to reef fisheries?

75.What do Indian women often help to make?


Translate the following sentences into English,using the hints given in the brackets.(用括号中所给的提示将下列句子译成英语。)(答案写在答题纸上)


77.对于小学生来说,起得那么早没有任何意义。(make any sense)





Answer the following questions.(回答下列问题。)(答案写在答题纸上)

81.Which of the four funny false noses will help stop the clown from crying?

82.If 473982 is to 1419 and 329684 is to 1418,what is 751694 to?

83.What nine-letter word can you find by moving from letter to letter in any direction? Each letter may be used only once;not all the letters will be used.

84.A car travels at a speed of 40 mph over a certain distance and then returns over the same distance at a speed of 60 mph.What is the average speed for the total journey?

85.Can you draw the missing figure in the following sequence(序列)?

VI.Error correction(短文改错)(共10处错误;每处错误1分,计10分)







When I was a senior in high school I had a teacher named Mrs Smith.She taught English and she truly has an important effect on me. She was full of love for us. She had our class to make posters and hang it around the school. She taught us that one act of kindness can go long way. Well,Mrs Smith past away just a couple of year ago after a long abttle with breast cancer. I'll never forget how a wonderful and sweet lady she is. I am truly blessed to have been known her. I am going to be a teacher like her and I'll always remember her kind.


A)Suppose you are Li Hua and you received a letter from your friend Jack recently. Jack complained about the pressures of high school life and asked for your suggestions. Using the outline,reply to his letter in about 80 words, not including the given beginning and ending.

Dear Jack,

I am sorry to hear about the trouble you are having.________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________ _____

_______________________________________________________________________________ _____

Best wishes to you.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

B)Your class has been discussing the role of technology in today's society. For homework your teacher has told you to write a composition in about 150 words, giving your opinions on the following statement.

The mobile phone is making a positive contribution to our lives today.



I. Responses 1--5 AABCD

II. Dialogues A)6--10 CCBDA B)11--15 ACCBD C)16--20 EDABC

III. Passages

A) 21--25 DBACB B)26. northern27. half an hour/30 (thirty) minutes

28. Lake Hotel29. 5730. taking a taxi


I. Multiple-choice

31--35 BCBDA36--40 ADACB41--45 BACBA

II. Cloze

46. or47. properly48. travelled/ traveled

49. prevent50. away/ off51. with

52. infected53. collecting54. where55. Improvements

III. Reading comprehension

A) 56. F57. F58. afford to buy books

59. Mobile libraries/ Camel libraries

60. acts as a guard

B) 61. Lille62. Seven days / One week.

63. The Midtown Hotel64. £39565.24 March

C) 66. 要是每个人都试着这样做一天,城镇空气质量的变化会让你惊叹不已。

67. 例如,你知道新式改良的炉子可减少百分之八九十的烟吗?

68. plant trees69. cleaner fuels70. factories

D) 71. C72. Over one hundred countries.

73. Reef-based tourism 74. On foot.75. the fishing equipment IV. Translation

76. We leave that light on because the children are frightened of the dark.

77. It doesn't make any sense for primary school children to get up so early.

78. When completed, the new railway will run for 250 miles.

79. Only in this way can rescue workers save survivors of the earthquake.

80. The/ Those questions are all on art, about which I know nothing.


81. C82. 131983. DRINKABLE84. 48 mph85.

说明:82. 1319. 7+5+1=13,6+9+4=19. 84. 48mph 设距离为60英里,去时所用的时间为:60、40=1.5(小时),返回用的时间为:60、60=1(小时),来回距离是120英里,平均速度是:120、2.5=48英里/小时。85. 长方形水平、垂直交替排列,其内部为4个不同图形的排列,此排列在第二次出现时外部图形不变,内部图形倒置。依次推理,最后一个图片长方形为水平,内部三角形倒置;所缺的图长方形为垂直,内部图形是前面第二幅长方形内图的倒置。

VI. Error correction

S2. has--had S4.to make---make, it--them S5. a long way S6. past--passed, year--years

S7. how--what, is--waas S8. have been---have S9. kind---kindness

VII. Writing

A) One possible version

Dear Jack,

I am sorry to hear about the trouble you are having. As you know, high school life is full of challenges and everyone feels he is under great pressure at times. With endless homework and fierce competition, it is easy to become discouraged. You should draw up a scientific plan, and turn to your teachers for help if necessary. Second, if you are finding it hard to live away from your family, it is time for you to live independently and think practically. Last, if you are having difficulty getting along with your classmates, keep in mind that everyone likes a person who is helpful and kind.

Best wishes to you.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

B) One possible version

Mobile phones are no longer luxury items and they clearly have many advatages for those who use them, even though there are several drawbacks.

One advatages is taht they enable us to communicate with other people wherever they may be and at any time of the day. Teenagers who need help can contact their parents immediately and emergency services can be called to the scene of an accident without delay. Another advantage is that many models now have more than one function and can be used as cameras or MP3 players. However, everything has two sides. The mobile phone is also thought to be a serious threat to health. Moreover, drivers who use one while driving might cause accidents.

In a word, if we are careful about when and where we use mobile phones, they will certainly improve our lives.


全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)决赛高二年级组口语试题 (学生用卷) I.Free Talk(5 points) II.Pronunciation(5 points) Read aloud the following word,phrases and sentences. 1.garage 2.the Sleeping Beauty Castle 3.struggle to one's feet 4.All the Disney parks are operated by the same company. 5.Walking slowly across the grass he pointed the pipe at the lion and fired. III.Talking about pictures.(10 points) Look at the following pictures and tell wh at's happened. IV.Reading Comprehension.(10 points) Read the following passage and then answer q uestions according to it. Once upon a time,three bears lived in a cottage deep in the forest.There was Mummy,Daddy and Baby Bear.Their favourite breakfast was porridge and they made it every morning. This morning,however,it proved too hot to eat,so they decided to go for a wa


2013年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛 高二年级组试题 (总分:150分答题时间:120分钟) 听力部分(共三大题,记30分) I. Responses (句子应答)(共5小题;每小题1分,记5分) Please listen to the following five sentences and choose the best response to each one you hear. Each sentence will be read only once.(请听句子,然后选出一个能够恰当应答你所听到的句子的最佳选项。每个句子只读一遍。)(答案涂在答题纸上) 1.A.Thank you very much.B.She’s so lucky. C.You’re a wise man.D.I’Ill not SO good. 2.A.It’s a pleasure.B.It’s kind of you.C.It’s up to you.D.That,s a11 right.3.A.It’S not exciting.B.It’S not serious.. C.I hope you’I’e feeling better now.D.I can do anything for you tomorrow. 4.A.Just a little,please.B.No.I'm hungl7 and can eat more. C.Yes.I can’t bear the food.D.I miss it very much. 5.A.Yes,I'll be busy doing housework.B.I'm afraid not.I have to prepare for my exam.C.No,I have no1hing important to do.D.I'm sorry to hear that.I'll see her at 0nce. II. Dialogues(对话理解)(共15小题;每小题1分,记15分) Please listen to the following five mini-dialogues. Each dialogue is followed by a question. Choose the best answer or picture for each question. Each dialogue and question will be read twice.(请听下面五组对话,每组对话后有一个问题,根据你所听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问的最佳选项。每组对话和问题均读两遍。) (答案涂在答题纸上) 6.A.Today.B.This Thursday.C.This Friday.D.Next Wednesday. 7.A.Kids’homework.B.Children,s school life.C.Kids’kindergarten D.Children’s teachers.8.A.It was boring.B.She was working.C.It was excellent.D.She played tennis. 10. A. Because he took part in an important party. B. Because he didn't like to go home early. C. Because he started his work too late. D. Because he had to work late in the office. B) Listen to the following dialogue and choose the best answer to each question. The dialogue will be read twice.(请听下面一段对话,选择能回答下列问题的最佳选项。对话读两遍。) (答案涂在答题纸上) 11. Why does the woman want to go to Southeast Asia? A. To find a new job there. B. To move her family there. C. To take some beautiful photos there. D. To spend her vacation there. 12. What kind of place interests the woman? A. Somewhere with lots of people around. B. Nowhere but at home. C. Somewhere far from the sea. D. Somewhere quiet and with good weatt~er. 13. Where is Phuket? A. In Singapore. B. In Korea. C. In Thailand. D. In Japan. 14. How does the man feel about the hotels along the beach in Phuket? A. Large. B. Cheap. C. Expensive. D. Comfortable.


全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)高二年级组样题及答案 听力部分(共三大题,计30分) (问句应答)(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分) Listen to the following questions and choose the best response to each question will be read only once.(请听问句,然后选出一个能够恰当回答你所听到的问句的最佳选项。每个问句只读一遍。)(答案涂在答题纸上) believe there is one Hilton Street. 'll find they have an excellent service. would,but only on the return trip. referred me to this agency. 's no way to get there. 's an accident on the bridge. don't use a pencil very often. can't decide which pen to buy. found something nice to translate. ,we sold all the paintings. class was hard for me. first lesson is geography. weather report said several feet. ,we've got a lot of time. left because I was curious. right,I'll just wait here. think it's a ruler. usually lasts a week. (对话理解)(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分) A)Listen to the following dialogue is followed by a the best answer or picture for each dialogue and question will be read twice.(请听下面五组小对话,每组对话后有一个问题,根据你所听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳选项。每组对话和问题读两遍。)(答案涂在答题纸上) 's homework. 's health.working conditions.


笔试部分(共七大题,计120分) I.Multiple-choice(选择填空)(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分) Below each of the following sentences,there are four choices,marked A,B,Cand D.Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.(从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。)(答案涂在答题纸上) 31.We spent a week in Paris and had a great time going up________ EiffelTower,and taking _________ boat trip along the Seine. A.a;a B.the;a C.the;the D.(不填);(不填) 32.The _________ shoes were covered in mud,so I asked them to take them off before they got into _________ car. A.girl's;Tom's B.girls';Toms' C.girls';Tom's D.girl's;Toms' 33.On Saturday morning we worked for _______ two hours and then stopped to have something to eat.

A.other B.another C.more D.each 34.Because of a steady economic growth rate,the president can probably look_____ to another term. A.up B.above C.over D.forward 35.As the survey suggests,fresh air,enough exercise and nutritious food ______ to good health. A.contribute B.add C.attribute D.encourage 36.When I wathed the film,I was ____ to see that it was quite________. A.surprised;boring B.surprised;bored C.surprising;boring D.surprising;bored 37.This is not the same painting _______ you offered to sell us the last time we were here. A.what B.to which C.for which D.that 38.--Are you still going to the party on Friday?


全国中学生英语能力竞赛试题(高二) 1、 I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure)(共20小题,计20分) A)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(答案涂在答题纸上) —Do you know Mr. Smith? —Yes. He's a strange man. We found ________ difficult to work with him. A. us B. it C. him D. you 2、 They ________ the distance and the communication problem for people visiting their city. A. drew attention to B. used up C. washed away D. dreamed of 3、 —You were driving at 100 km an hour, sir. —But officer, I ________. My car can't go more than 80. A. may not have to B. couldn't have been C. wouldn't like to D. needn't to be 4、 His money had not brought happiness and perhaps it had contributed________ his strange sense of values. A. up B. for C. as D. to

2011 年全国中学生英语能力竞赛

2011 年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛高二年级组试题参考答案 上传: 杨惠娟更新时间:2011-11-21 15:58:35 听力部分(共三大题,计30 分) iresponses(句子应答)(共5 小题;每小题1分,计5 分) 1—5 cbaca iidialogues(对话理解)(共15 小题;每小题1分,计15 分) a) 6—10 bdbca b) 11—15 badca c) 16—20 dbeca iii. passages(短文理解)(共10 小题;每小题1分,计10 分) a) 21—25 bcadd b) 26. attraction 27. no.2 28. other day 29. chinatown 30. happier 笔试部分(共七大题,计120 分) imultiple-choice(选择填空)(共15 小题;每小题1 分,计15 分) 31—35 ccada 36—40 bbaca 41—45 cbabc iicloze(完形填空)(共10 小题;每小题1 分,计10 分) 46. laughing 47. funny 48. public 49. expressions 50. important 51. start 52. relaxed 53. together 54. health 55. better iii. reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共20小题;每小题2 分,计40 分) 56. d 57. c 58. a 59. t 60. f 61. 2000. 62. mice. 63. the calorie restriction society. 64嗯,一些新的研究将预示着以上的做法是错误的。 65. 但一项新的理论看似揭示了一种可能,即卡路里的缺失将促使身体进行自我保护。 66. conveniently 67. grow/become 68. added 69. indicate/show 70. colours 71—75 dafce iv. translation(翻译)(共5小题;每小题2 分,计10 分) 76. bbc reports that british businesses should employ more young british workers. 77. as winter approaches, billions of birds are flying south from their northern homes. 78. i know she’ll want to carry on playing in this important match, even if she gets injured. 79. doctors say that any type of walking will improve you health. 80. for many young people, their flame for learning is lighted when they’re provided with the opportunity to express themselves. v. error correction(短文改错)(共10小题;每小题1 分,计10 分) during rush hour, a canadian man and his teenage son got on the cab and asked me to take them to la guardia airport. they were going back to canada. we had a nice conversation altogether and when they got out, they gave me a good tip. when my next passenger got in, he handed me a wallet and says he found it on the back seat. i immediately knew it belonged to canadian man. it contained a driving license and a credit card, nothing much else. now, i liked the canadian guy, so i found the 800 number on the back of the credit card and phoned the company. i explained all


高中高中英语能力竞赛 第一篇范文:2022年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)高二试题 第二篇范文:高中生英语能力竞赛精选试题含答案 (总分:150分答题时间:120分钟) 听力部分(共三大题,计30分) I. 句子理解(Sentences) (共10小题,计10分) 请听句子,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个与你所听到的句子意思一致或相近的答案。每个句子只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 1. A. Flora is the oldest of the three. B. Kate is younger than Flora. C. Dave is the youngest of the three. D. Kate is younger than Flora but older than Dave. 2. A. Don’t climb these rocks without a guide. B. Be careful of these sharp rocks. C. Mind you don’t fall off these rocks. D. Stay away because the rocks are unsafe. 3. A. I am pleased to receive any advice. B. You should ask if you want me to help you.

C. You are advised to wait here for me. D. Please help yourself if I am busy. 4. 5. A. I can’t run as fast as my classmates because I have been sick for two weeks. B. I have been on holiday for two weeks and I made a lot of new friends. C. I can’t get along well with my classmates because I haven’t seen them for two weeks. D. I have been sick for two weeks, and I missed some lessons. 6. A. Ida gave Tom her apple, while Tom give her his cake. B. Tom had a piece of cake of his own and then got an apple from Ida. C. Ida gave Tom an apple instead of a piece of cake. D. Ida liked apples rather than cakes. 7. A. He always makes a long speech. B. He seldom makes a speech. C. He always sits down to make a speech. D. He asks others to stand up when he makes a speech. 8. A. There are more women than men in our factory. B. About seventy percent of the workers in our factory are


2009年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)高二年级组样题及 答案 试题预览 2009年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)高二年级组 样题及答案 听力部分(共三大题,计30分) I.Responses(问句应答)(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分) Listen to the following questions and choose the best response to each one.Each question will be read only once.(请听问句,然后选出一个能够恰当回答你所听到的问句的最佳选项。每个问句只读一遍。)(答案涂在答题纸上) 1.A.I believe there is one Hilton Street. C.You'll find they have an excellent service. 2.A.I would,but only on the return trip. C.They referred me to this agency. 3.A.They're expecting it to snow. C.There's no way to get there. 4.A.She went to the classroom too early. C.There's an accident on the bridge. 5.A.I don't use a pencil very often. C.I can't decide which pen to buy. B.I found something nice to translate. D.Sorry,we sold all the paintings. B.The class was hard for me. D.My first lesson is geography. B.The weather report said several feet. D.Fine,we've got a lot of time. B.I left because I was curious. D.All right,I'll just wait here.


2020年全国中学生英语能力测评高二年级组初评 试题选析(四) 测评命题人 V. IQ Test (智力测试)(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)(2020年全国中学生英语能力测评初评试题) Please answer the following questions. 请回答下列问题。 86. Please tell what is between earth and sky. 87. Four children (Sue,DiDi,Bill,Ben)have different favorite animals (butterfly,cat,elephant,horse). Figure out who likes which one. Sue’s favorite animal is smaller than Ben’s. DiDi’s favorite animal is bigger than Sue’s. Bill’s favorite animal is bigger than Ben’s. DiDi’s favorite animal is smaller than Ben’s. 88. Which one es next? P:\ts02\2021\《考试与评价》高二专刊2021年第4期\ 2020NEPTS高二初AQ88.tifP:\ts02\2021\《考试与评价》高二专刊2021年第4期\2020NEPTS高二初AQ88.tif 89. I love that dress and it’s so old school. It’ll be perfect for the 80s night party.


2020年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)高二组样卷 听力部分 (共四大题,计30分)(略) 笔试部分 (共七大题,计120分) I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure) (共15小题;每小题1分,计15分) 31. —You know I gave up the job as a waiter and went to that little company. —That's ________ you've made a mistake. That company isn't well managed. A. what B. how C. why D. where 32. It was in the small house ________ was built with stones by his father ________ he spent his childhood. A. which; that B. that; when C. which; which D. where; that 33. —Which of those electronic dictionaries do you like most? — ________ . They are both expensive and of little use. A. None B. Neither C. All D. Both 34. —You don't seem to be quite yourself today. What's wrong? —Oh, I'm suffering from a cold. Nothing serious ________ . A. anyway B. though C. indeed D. yet 35. The drug had an immediate ________ on the pain and soon she fell asleep. A. force B. affect C. effect D. result 36. Reading extensively can satisfy ________ desire for ________ knowledge. A. the; / B. /; / C. a; the D. /; the 37. —Have you ever been to Hong Kong? —No, but I wish I ________ .


2020年全国中学生英语能力竞赛高二决赛模拟试题 高二年级组试题 听力部分(共三大题,计30分) I. Sentences (句子理解) (共5小题;每小题1分,计5分) Please listen to the following five sentences and choose the statements which have the same or similar meanings as the sentences you hear. Each sentence will be read twice. (请听下面五个句子,选出与你所听到的句子意思一致或相近的答案。每个句子读两遍。) 1. A. John loves Halloween because he needn't work that day. B. The dressing-up part of Halloween is the man's favorite. C. The man likes dressing up as Superman at Halloween. D. There's a Halloween party in the man's house every year. 2. A. They want to watch a movie at six o'clock. B. There's no need for them to hurry to watch the movie. C. The movie will be over at six o'clock in the evening. D. The woman doesn't want to watch the action movie. 3. A. Mr Green wants to play sports later. B. Ir's boring for the man to play chess. C. The man is looking for a stadium. D. A new sports center is being built now. 4. A. The article about money management is useful. B. The woman has problems in managing money. C. The man majors in Money Management at college. D. Managing money is rather difficult for us. 5. A. They're shopping for a birthday party. B. The shopping mall is nice and big. C. The woman is shopping with her mother. D. The man is shopping for his mother. II. Dialogues (对话理解) (共10小题;每小题1分,计10分) (A) Please listen 10 the following five mini-dialogues and judge whether the pictures given are suitable for the dialogues you hear If yes, put the letter Y in the blank; if not, put the letter N in the blank. Each dialogue will be read twice.请听下面五组短对话,判断所给图片与你所听到的对话内容是(Y)否(N )相符。如果相符,请在空格中填入字母Y;如果不相符,则请在空格中填入字母N。每组对话读两遍。


高二英语实力竞赛(NEPCS)组样题 听力部分〔共四大题,计30分〕〔略〕 笔试部分〔共七大题,计120分〕 I.选择填空〔Multiple-choice〕〔共20小题,计20分〕 A〕从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确答案。 1.—I wonder if I could use your telephone. — _______ . A.I wonder how B.I don't wonder C.Sorry,it's out of order D.No wonder,here it is 2.Tom was playing _______ basketball while his sister was playing _______ piano. A./;/ B.the;the C.the;/ D./;the 3.—Is Mrs.Johnson very weak? —I'm afraid _______ . A.so B.this C.of it D.to 4.Perhaps it will be a long time _______ from abroad. A.when Tom comes back B.when Tom will come back C.before Tom comes back D.that Tom comes back 5.Wilma became the first American woman to win three Olympic gold medals in track, _______ made her mother very proud. A.it B.that C.which D.this


2013年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)决赛 高二年级组试题 (总分:150分答题时间:120分钟) 听力部分(共三大题,记30分) I. Responses (句子应答)(共5小题;每小题1分,记5分) Please listen to the following five sentences and choose the best response to each one you hear. Each sentence will be read only once.(请听下面句子,然后选出一个能够恰当应答你所听到的句子的最佳选项。每个句子只读一遍。)(答案涂在答题纸上) 1. A. I think it's OK for you. B. We have no friends working in stores. C. I have the same bag as you. D. We often go shopping after work. 2. A. I wish you wouldn't. B. Mary and I don't like the window. C. I think they will go out. D. The machine needs to be cleaned. 3. A. We can take a train there. B. OK. Let's go to the park. C. The coffee here is nice. D. Yes. There's a good film on TV. 4. A. My parents like running in the morning. B. They prefer talking with their teachers online. C. I'm going back to my hometown. D. My experience in London was wonderful. 5. A. No, I don't have time to help you. B. I had a good time in the factory. C. I usually visit my friends on Saturdays. D. Yes, I went with my wife last weekend. II. Dialogues(对话理解)(共10小题;每小题1分,记10分) Please listen to the following five mini-dialogues. Each dialogue is followed by a question. Choose the best answer or picture for each question. Each dialogue and question will be read twice.(请听下面五组小对话,每组对话后有一个问题,根据你所听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问的最佳选项。每组对话和问题均读两遍。) (答案涂在答题纸上) 6. 7 . 8. A. Sunshine and showers. B. A strong wind. C. Sunshine and snow. D. A heavy rain. 9. A. Because he has to fix his car at home. B. Because his bike was stolen. C. Because something is wrong with his feet. D. Because his broken bike hasn't been repaired. 10. A. Behind the door. B. Between the beds. C. Under the little window. D. In the big kitchen. B) Listen to the following dialogue and choose the best answer to each question. The dialogue will be read twice.(请听下面一段对话,选择能回答下列问题的最佳选项。对话读两遍。)(答案涂在答题纸上) 11. Why is the man not happy with his new car? A. Because it isn't the latest model. B. Because he can't start it every morning. C. Because it was damaged in a recent accident. D. Because he didn't know where to park it.


2005年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛高二年级组试题 (总分:150分答题时间:120分钟) 听力部分(共三大题,计30分) I. 句子理解(Sentences) (共10小题,计10分) 请听句子,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个与你所听到的句子意思一致或相近的答案。每个句子只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 1. A. Though her heart stopped three times, they finally saved her. B. Nobody could save her because her heart stopped. C. Her heart stopped three times, then she died. D. They brought her back home, then she died. 2. A. These words and expressions are too difficult for me to remember. B. If one wants to learn English well, he or she has to read a lot. C. Not only can I remember these new words and expressions but also I can use them in new situations. D. When you meet new words and expressions in a text, you should look them up in a dictionary. 3. A. The phone rang again after he left. B. I was going to leave when the phone rang again. C. If someone calls me, tell him or her I went to the cinema. D. I like that kind of phone and I will buy one sooner or later. 4. A. He was too busy to see his parents that night. B. He didn't want to help his sister do her homework. C. Having too much homework, he couldn't go to see the film that night. D. He didn't do his homework because he went to see the film that night. 5. A. It is difficult to know how many friends the man has. B. The man hardly has any friends, so nobody knows him. C. Everyone would like to be the man's friend. D. Judging from the friends the man makes, we can know what kind of person he is. 6. 7. A. I will never call him, so it is unnecessary for me to know his telephone number. B. I forgot his telephone number, so please tell me what it is. C. Even though I had written down his telephone number, I forgot it. D. In order not to forget his telephone number, I'll write it down. 8. A. The trees died because you watered them too often. B. More attention should be paid to these flowers. C. If you had given more attention to the trees, they would have grown better. D. We should plant more trees to make our city more beautiful. 9. A. As far as I can see, it's important to work hard. B. In my opinion, it is very important to meet people in our modern life. C. When we meet people we should say hello to them. D. Try to chat with people on the Internet.
