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教父讲述了美国黑手党柯里昂家族的兴衰荣辱史。 一部令人拍案叫绝的成功之作。 一部最具史诗气魄的揭露黑社会明争暗斗内幕的影片。 一幅气势恢弘的“社会图卷” 。 影片对对美国地下势力集团之间真刀真枪的“战争”的叙 写,淋漓尽致地揭示了美国社会的表层下面的最隐蔽的本 质。 “这本书里面的一切人物都是虚构的,若书里的描写同现 在还活着的或已经死了的真人有相似之处的话,那也纯属 巧合。” 小说原作者的这一声明,无疑是对电影中展现出的事实的 讽刺 。 片中只能看到剥开的富丽堂皇、令人眼花缭乱的遮羞布, 没有无忧无虑的人间天堂,只有地地道道的尔虞我诈。
我不关心你的所作所为是正确的还是错误的,我只是 要你知道,只有我有权利作出决定,因为我是教父,唯有 我的死亡能否定它。 • 2、 I'm a superstitious man, and if he had the misfortune to accident, or shot by police, or in prison hanged, or he was struck by lightning, then I'll blame this to everyone in the room, then I will not forgive.
麦可在西西里认识的 女孩,美丽纯真,与 麦可成婚。后被麦可 的贴身保镖炸死于车 内
Classic lines——Life
1、Do you spend time with your family? Good. Because a man that doesn‘t spend time
with his family can never be a real man. 你经常跟家人呆在一起吗? 不错。因为不经常与家人呆在一起的男人,永远也成不
(山提诺·桑尼·柯里昂 )
维托·柯里昂的长子,个性冲动火爆, 好色成性,但对于家族事业卖力打拼。 因妹妹遭到家暴多次与妹夫卡洛有过节, 后遭到妹夫出卖,在收费站时落入巴西 尼家族的陷阱,遭到乱枪扫射惨死。
Fredo Corleone
维托·柯里昂的二儿子,才能平 庸,个性随和、没主见,柯里昂 三兄弟中是最不瞩目的一个。 在第二部小说中,背叛家族。
我是个迷信的人,若是他不幸发生意外,或被警察开枪打 死,或在牢里上吊,或是他被闪电击中,那我会怪罪这个房间 里的每一个人,到那时候我就不会再客气了。 • 3、Great people are not born on the great, but in the process of growing up show its great.
• Michael is one of the Corleone family. He is a nice
college students. His father, Vito Corleone is mafia(黑手党) leader. But refused to cooperate with other gangs(团伙) to drug trafficking(贩 毒), His father narrowly escaped assassination (险遭暗杀). He killed five representatives(代表)
Character brief introduction 人物简介
Vito Corleone (维托柯里昂)
意大利裔,五大黑帮家族柯 里昂家族的一家之主,黑帮 教父。与妻子卡梅拉育有三 子─ 桑尼、弗雷多、麦可及一女 ─康妮,另外收养汤姆·海根 为养子。
马龙·白兰度 饰演
• Mike Corleone (麦克柯里昂)
to begin the creation of novels about the Sicilian Mafia(西西 里黑手党 ). In 1969 the publica-
tion of "The Godfather", and laid
him in the literary world.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• 马里奥·普佐(1920—1999), 出生于纽约,第一代意大利裔美国 人。二战时加入美军赴欧洲作战, 战后进入哥伦比亚大学学习社会学。 一九六三年成为自由撰稿人,
3、 What could be so sure in the world? There is only one --- revenge 世界上有什么事情能那么肯定?只有一个---复仇。
Classic lines——Cause
• 1、Finance is a pistol, politics is knowing when to pull the trigger 金融是一个手枪,政治就是知道何时扣动扳机 2、Unable to control the power of the people will be the destruction of power. 无法掌控权力的人将被权力毁灭。 3、I don’t care what you did is right or wrong, I want you know only me have the right to make decision, cause I am the godfather until my death. 我不关心你的所作所为是正确的还是错误的,我只是 要你知道,只有我有权利作出决定,因为我是教父,唯有 我的死亡能否定它。
infighting insider film. • The film describes the forces of the American dark
group struggle, detailed reveals the secrets of nature of American society. • The characters in the film is fictional , if the content of the movie is similar as the facts , that must be coincidence • This is a novel the original author's statement. This is the movie to the reality of irony. This is a film about the irony reality
of the gang and a police commissioner in the negotiations(谈判), In order to revive him to hide(避风头) in Italy. Michael‘s brother was
killed. After returning home, Michael has become the new leader of the Mafia. And revenged(复仇)
Tom Hagen (汤姆·海根)
维托·柯里昂的养子,两人情同 父子。职业为律师,与柯里昂 兄弟档相处融洽,一直是柯里 昂家族深为仰赖的军师。
Kay Adams ( 凯·亚当斯)
麦可的女友,当麦可回来 后两人成婚,生下一子安 东尼。
Apollonia Vitelli-Corleone (艾波洛妮亚·维塔利-柯里昂)
伟大的人不是生下来就伟大的,而是在成长过程中显示 其伟大的。
• The movie tells the story of the United States the Mafia corleone family flourishing and decline of history.
• A surprising success make • A the most epic verve exposes the underworld of
维托·柯里昂的三子, 天赋异秉,退役的战争 英雄。有女友凯伊·亚 当斯,刺杀索拉索及麦 考斯基后,到西西里避 风头,结识当地美丽女 孩而结婚。当妻子遭谋 杀后,返回美国接掌家 族事业,成为第二代教 父,并且一次清扫家族 内奸及敌人。
• Santino'Sonny' Corleone
• Mario Puzo (1920-1999), born in New York, the first generation(移民) Italian-Americans. When the outbreak of World War II he joined the U.S. army fought in Europe. After the war, entered the Columbia University to study sociology. In 1963, he became a freelance writer(自由撰稿人 )
2、 Everything I do with my power, including something criminal, I just want to protect my family and my friends . 我以我的力量所做的一切事情,包括一些罪恶,只是为 了保护我的家人和我的朋友。
Classic lines——Cool
• 1、I don’t care what you did is right or wrong, I want you know only me have the right to make decision, cause I am the godfather until my death.
the most five gang retaliation
• 麦可是柯里昂家族人,
生”,他的父亲是黑道 人物,但因不肯跟其他 帮派合作贩卖毒品,险 遭暗杀。在谈判时他杀 掉了五个帮派的代表和 一名警察局长,为了避 风头麦克躲到意大利。 不久麦可的大哥被杀, 麦克的新婚妻子也遭到 杀害。回国后的麦可成 为了黑手党新的领袖, 并展开了对五大家族的 复仇