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Appreciation and imitation
1. There is no denying that education is beneficial to us students.
2. It is universally acknowledged that education is very important to us.
Reason 2: 活动是精神放松,大脑休息, 有利于学习
(注意:两个观点之间的连接) 递进 what’s more ;besides ; moreover ; in
addition;furthermore Eg: they can relax themselves for a while and
How to avoid some errors or mistakes
1. I haven’t see you for several month. 2. Suddenly I had a idea. 3. I asked he what happened. 4. I felt sadly, because of many people laugh at me. 5. This is all what I know about it. 6. There are many people want to go there. 7. I don’t know where is the nearest post office.
The basic structure of an argumentation
Introduction : an introduction to the essay
Body : evidence to support your idea (用论据说明自己的观点)
Conclusion: state or restate your idea 结论(重申自己的观点, 呼应前文)
Reason 2:春游耽误学习
Eg: Besides, they think going spring outing will take at least a day off. They can’t afford the time. They think they should fix their attention on their studies
2. Most students, about 55%, are for the idea that Senior 3 students should go spring outing.
Reason1:接触大自然,呼吸新鲜空气, 有利健康
Sentence pattern: They think it good to do sth……/ sth do
Conclusion paragraph: …
Step 1 Introduction
How to put forward opinions?
1. Question Should …? Different people hold different opinions. 2. Description of the discussion In our classroom, we held a heated discussion about … Opinions are divided.
Nowadays, a topic about … is being heatedly discussed in … People have different opinions on this problem. Just have a try: 1. ____________________________________________. 2. ____________________________________________.
good to sth In their opinion, it is of great benefit to
do sth…… Eg:They think it good for their health to
be close to nature and breathe some fresh air
Composition Writing
How to write an argumentation
Learning aims
1. we will master the basic structure of an argumentative article.
2. We will learn how to organize ideas in writing an argumentation.
More sentences:
1) Nowadays , … play a more and more important role in our daily life.
2)Should ……? Different people have different opinions on the issues of …
2.高考临近,没有心情 玩 3.春游耽误学习
The outline of the writing:
Introduction paragraph: …
Point 1… Point 2…
supporting idea 1 supporting idea 2 supporting idea 1
supporting idea 2
against the idea.
Reason 1: 高考临近,没有心情玩
Sentence pattern:
They say/believe/hold the opinion… that….
Eg: They say that with college entrance examination drawing near, they don’t feel like going anywhere.
How to avoid Chinglish
1. In the football match, our class won Class 4. 2. When you come, give me a telephone. 3. I am very miss you. 4. I have 180cm tall and my body is very good. 5. Outside is very cold. You had better not go
Step2 Give reasons 观点陈述1:
Point1: 55%的人认为应该春游(亮明观点)
Sentence pattern: 1. Most of us (about 55%) hold the opinion that…,since it tends to…,which is beneficial to …
3. We are supposed to avoid some errors or mistakes and Chinglish.
What is a good writing?
1. Everything needed included which is related to your view.(内容要完整)
3. To sum up / in a word / in conclusion /in short/ above all/ in general/ generally speaking , I still hold the view that…
Eg: Personally , I will _____________________.
1. Good beginning and ending(好的开头结尾) 2. Well organized and smoothly developed
1. No Chinglish (避免中文式英文) 2. No Grammatical mistakes (没有语法错误) 3. With exactly used words and relatively changed sentence patterns (词语的准确运用和句式的富于变化)
How to organize ideas
现在正是春暖花开的春游时节。你校学生以“高三学 生要不要参加春游活动”展开了讨论。请根据以下 讨论结果,写一篇短文。
55 %的学生认为
2.接触大自然,呼吸 新鲜空气,有利健康
3.活动是精神放松, 大脑休息,有利于学习
45 %的学生认为 1.不应该春游
OnWthetohtehreorrhnaontds, haobuoludt S4e5n%iorst3udsteundtsenatrsego sapgraiinngstotuhteinidg?eaW. Tehheayvseahyatdhathweiatthedcodlliescguession. Oenptrinainocneseaxraemdinvaidtieodnodnrtahweinqguensetaiorn, t.hey don’t feeMl loikste sgtouidnegnatsn,yawbhoeurte5. 5B%es,idaerse,ftohreythtehidneka that Sgoeniniogrsp3rsitnugdoenutsinsghowuilldtgaokespartilnegasotuatidnagy. Tohffe.y tThhineyk citango’toadffordththeierthimeael.thThtoeybethcilnoksethtoeynature ashnodubldrefaixthtehesoirmaettfernetsihonaiornatnhdeiwrhsatut’dsiems.ore, they canPerresloanxatlhlye,mIsaeglvrese fworitha wthheilseecaonnddrveisetwth. eIiwr ill bgoraoiuntsinsog tthoartetlhaxeymwyislel lbfethmoororeugehnleyrgaefteicr. They tfihniniskhiint gwtihllediomgpooordtatnottehxeairms.tudents.
rest their brains so that they will be more energetic.
Point 2: 45%的学生认为不应该春游(亮明 观点)
注意:使用过渡句,自然衔接句子和段落 (承上启下)
Sentence pattern: However, others prefer to… Some others have just the opposite opinion….. On the other hand…. Eg: On the other hand, about 45% students are
Conclusion (结论):
1. Taking all these factors into consideration, we may reach the conclusion that…
2. Therefore , it is easy to draw the conclusion that …
3) Recently we had a heated discussion on… Opinions are various among different people.
(11年陕西): 学习英语要不要从儿童时期开始? Different people have different opinions on the issues of whether it is necessary to start learning English from childhood.