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1.Receptive/passive vocabulary: refers to words that one is able to recognise and comprehend in reading or listening but unable to use automatically in speaking or writing.

2.Connotative meaning: A connotative meaning of a world refers to “the attitudes or emotions of a language user in choosing a word and the influence of these on the listener or reader’s interpretation of the word.

3.Scanning: The type of pre-reading activity is scanning, which means to read to locate specific information. The key point in scanning is that the reader has something in his mind and he should ignore the irrelevant parts when reading.

4.Bottom-up model: Some teacher teach reading by introducing new vocabulary and paragraph with the students. This is then followed by questions and answers to check comprehension. Also a lot of time is spent on having students read aloud the text. This way of teaching reflects the belief that reading comprehension is based on the mastery of the new words and new structures as well as a lot of reading aloud practice. It basically follows a linear process from the recognition of letters to words, to phrases, to sentences, to paragraphs, and then to the meaning of the whole text. This way of teaching is known to follow a bottom-up model.

5.Pragmatic competence: is concerned with the appropriate use of the language in social context. That is to say, the choice of the vocabulary and structure depends on the setting, the relative status of speakers, and their relationships.


1.Developing vocabulary learning strategies

(1)Review regularly

(2)Guess meaning from context

(3)Organise vocabulary effectively

(4)Use a dictionary

(5)Manage strategy use


(1)Communicative purpose: The activity must involve the students in performing a real communicative purpose rather than just practising language for its own sake. In order for this to occur there must be some kind of ‘information gap' that students seek to bridge when they are communicating.

(2)Communicative desire: The activity must create a desire to communicate in the students.That is, even if communication is forced on the students, they must feel a

real need to communicate.

(3)Content,not form: When the students are doing the activity, they must be concentrating on what they are saying, not how they say it. They must have some 'message' that they want to communicate.

(4)Variety of language: The activity must involve the students in using a variety of language, not just one specific language form. The students should feel free to improvise, using whatever resources they choose.

(5)No teacher intervention: The activity must be designed to be done by the students working by themselves rather than with the teacher. The activity should not involve the teacher correcting or evaluating how the students do the activity when the activity over. This assessment should be based on whether the students have achieved their communicative purpose, not whether the language they used was correct.

(6)No material control: The activity should not be designed to control what language students should use. The choice about what language to use should rest with the students.

ponents of a lesson plan

(1)Background information

(2)Teaching aims

(3)Language contents and skills

(4)Stages and procedures

(5)Teaching aids

(6)End of lesson summary

(7)Optional activities and assignments

(8)After lesson reflection

4.Characteristics of tasks in TBLT
