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形容词,译为中文为:.....的如:happy 快乐的beautiful 美丽的

副词, 译为中文为:......地如:happily 快乐地slowly 慢慢地

1). 将下列形容词变为副词。

quiet --- __________________ beautiful --- __________ fast --- ______________

hopeful --- ________________ busy --- _____________ hard--______________

fortunate --- _______________ terrible --- ______________ correct --- _____________

lucky --- _________________ cheerful --- ________________ good --- ____________


形容词位置:系动词后+adj 如: I am happy.

Adj+名词如:I am a happy girl.

副词位置:Adv+动词Luckily, she can walk.

动词+Adv she walks in the bridge slowly.

2). 词性转换

1. Please do your homework ________. (careful)

2. She is ______ (careful )and never makes mistakes( 犯错误)

3.The work isn't hard. I can finish it ______. (easy/easily)

4. The plane landed _______ (safe/safely) and we were _______ (safe/safely).

5.I had a ________ (strange/strangely) dream last night.

6.Dogs can help blind people walk across the street ______________. (safe)

7.Please read the test paper ______________ before you do it. (careful)




(1)Be:is am are是


(3)五种感官:look sound feel taste smell

(4)变化的词:become get grow come prove go fall

(5)保持的词:stay remain keep

I am happy.

The food tastes delicious.

练习:1. It's going to be _________ (rain, rainy).

2. This girl is very _________ (kind, kindly). She often helps others.

3. The idear sounds__________(good/well).

4. She looks_________(unhappy, unhappily).

5. She looks at the book____________(careful carefully).

2、Adj+名词--------------大多数形容词作定语修饰名词时放在名词前,说明名词的品质或特征。She is a tall girl.

She is wearing a green coat

练习:1. These pictures are all about _________ (love, lovely) children.

2. My grandfather often tells me _________ (fun, funny) stories.

3. I read some _________ (interest, interesting) books during the summer holiday.

4. Little Tom can't move that _________ (heavy, heavily) box.


A. 当被修饰的词是不定代词somebody, someone, something, anybody, anyone, anything, nobody, nothing等复合不定代词的形容词,作定语时要后置。

I tell you something interesting.

There is nothing wrong with him.

B. enough修饰名词时可前置。

We have enough time.我们有足够的时间。

(注:形/副+ enough,此时enough 必须后置)

He is strong enough to move the box.

3、句型“It is +adj.(形容词)for sb /of sb+to do sth.(不定式短语)”

a.此句型中,如果表语是kind, nice, right, wrong, clever, polite等描述性格、品质的形容词,则应在不定式前加of s


It’s clever of you to do so.你这样做真聪明。

b. 如果形容词表示“对某人而言”,描述的是事情的性质,可在动词不定式前加一个for sb It's difficult for us to finish the work.对我们来说,完成这项工作很困难。


1. It's _________ (easy, easily) for me to do the job.

2. That's really silly___________(of /for)you to say so .

3. It's important _____________(of /for)you to exercise every morning.


1. Have you seen ___ in the room?

A. anyone else

B. else anyone

C. anyone other

D. everyone else

2. She was sick yesterday, but she is____ to go to school today.

A. enough good

B. good enough

C. enough well

D. well enough

3. The light in the room wasn’t __________ for me to read.

A. enough bright

B. brightly enough

C. enough brightly

D. bright enough

4. The man was not ___ when he heard the ___ words.

A.frightening; frightening

B. frightened; frightened

C. frightening; frightened

D. frightened; frightening

5. There was an accident. __________, the girl wasn’t __________ hurt.

A. Luckily, badly

B. Luck, hardly

C. Lucky, heavily

D. Lucky, strongly

8 The bookshop is ________ at 8:00 am and _________ at 9:00 pm.

A. opening; closed

B. opem; closing

C. opened; closed

D. open; closed

9 This kind of shirt looks ______and sells _______.

A. nice; good

B. nice; well

C. well; well

D. good; nice

10 Comics are _____________ for children to read.

A. exciting

B. excited

C. excitement

D. excite

11 Keep your eyes _______when you’re doing eye excises.

A. closed

B. close

C. open

D. Opened

12 There are two bottles on the table. One is full____ cola while the other is filled______water.

A. of; of

B. with; with

C. of; with

D. with; of

13 We haven't seen ____ play.

A. so wonderful

B. a so wonderful

C. such wonderful

D. such a wonderful
