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1. How does the woman usually go to work?

A. By bike.

B. By bus.

C. By taxi.

2. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Medicine.

B. A doctor.

C. An advertisement.

3. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Doctor and patient.

B. Teacher and student.

C. Policeman and driver.

4. What is the woman going to do?

A. Buy a gift for the man.

B. Attend a birthday party.

C. Choose shoes for herself.

5. Why must the man go to the bank?

A. He wants to save some money.

B. He needs some money for a trip.

C. He has to get traveler’s cheques there.


6. In which field has the man got a master degree?

A. Medicine.

B. Biochemistry.

C. Nuclear physics.

7. What does the man think of physics?

A. It’s more interesting than chemistry.

B. It’s less interesting than chemistry.

C. It’s as interesting as chemistry.

8. What is the man going to do after he leaves school?

A. He is going to learn biochemistry.

B. He plans to be a doctor.

C. He hasn’t had a decision.


9. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Wife and husband.

B. Employer and employee.

C. Landlady and renter.

10. What does the woman want the man to do when he goes out?

A. Boil the kettle.

B. Shut the window.

C. Close the drawers.

11. What do we know about the woman?

A. She is very careful.

B. She is warm-hearted

C. She is absent-minded.


12. What do the two speakers most probably do?

A. Employees.

B. Students.

C. Teachers.

13. What does the man think of the film?

A. Good.

B. Bad.

C. Just so-so.

14. What happened to the couple in the end?

A. They bought a house of their own.

B. They had to work even harder.

C. They continued to live with the wife’s father.


15. What makes the man feel bored?

A. The job.

B. The life.

C. The TV programs.

16. What does the woman suggest the man do?

A. Have a rest.

B. Have a holiday.

C. Change a job.

17. What does the man mean?

A. He wants a new job.

B. He wants holidays.

C. Hewants a different life.


18. How often does the speaker go to her hometown?

A. Once a year.

B. Once a month.

C. Once a week.

19. What will the speaker bring to the family get-together?

A. Chips and dip.

B. Nothing.

C. Cookies and cakes.

20. What do the family members often do during the family get-together?

A. Have formal dinner parties.

B. Do a lot of talking.

C. Cater(提供饮食).



Taking a trip to Philadelphia can be rewarding experience or absolute disasters---it all depends on pre-trip homework. To make planning easier, Huffington Post Travel Series recommends attractions for those planning Philadelphia family vacations.

The Philadelphia Museum of Art

Located on 26th Street and Benjamin Franklin Parkway, the Philadelphia Museum of Art features more than 225, 000 pieces in its vast collection, dating back to the first century A.D. Guests can discover modern art exhibits, clothing collections gathered throughout time and classic posters. Audio tours are also available.

Price: adults, $ 16; children 12 to 17, $ 12; children 11 and under, free.

The Please Touch Museum

The Please Touch Museum on 4231 Avenue of the Republic offers kids the chance to explore, discover and learn in a fun environment. The museum features six interactive zones where kids and parents are encouraged to play and learn about science, the environment and more. Exhibits include Flight Fantasy, where kids learn about flying machines, and River Adventures, which teaches kids about science, nature and weather.

Price: adults, $15; children under the age of 1, free

The Philadelphia Zoo

The Philadelphia Zoo sits on a 42-acre Victorian garden. The zoo features 1,300 animals, including a number of rare and endangered species. While visiting the zoo families can see big cats, zebras, giraffes, endangered turtle species and penguins. The zoo also includes rides for kids, such as a Rainforest Carousel and Camel Safari.

Price: Adults, $ 18; children 2 to 12, $15; children younger than 2, free.

The Franklin Institute
