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1、The Cock and the Jewel(公鸡和宝石)

A cock, scratching in the farmyard for food for the hens, turned up a precious stone that shone and sparked in the sun.

"Well," said the Cock, "I don’t know what you are doing here. You are a very beautiful thing, and no doubt if your owner found you he would be delighted, but you are no good to me. I would rather have one grain of delicious barley than all the precious stones under the sun!"

MORAL: Judge thins by their true value.



The Fox and the Tiger(狐狸和老虎)

An Archer, hunting in the woods, was so successful with his arrows that he killed many of the wild animals. This frightened the rest so much that they ran into the densest part of the bushes to hide. At last the Tiger stood up, and pretending to be very brave, told the other animals not to be afraid anymore, but to rely on his courage, and he would attack the enemy on his own. While he was talking, and lashing his tail and tearing at the ground with his claws to impress the others, an arrow came and pierced his ribs. The Tiger howled with pain.

While he was trying to draw out the arrow with his teeth the Fox went up to him and asked, in surprise, whoever had the strength and courage to wound such a brave and mighty beast as the Tiger?

"Nay," said the Tiger, "I misjudged my enemy. It was that unbeatable man over there!"

MORAL: Knowledge is power.





Dad: I can't find my watch, children.


Amy: Where did you put it last night, Dad?


Dad: I can't remember.


Matt: Is it in your bed?


Dad: No.


Amy: Is it in the drawer?


Dad: No, I've looked for it everywhere. It should be at home.


Matt: Do you wear it?


Dad: Oh, yes. How stupid I am!


The Old Cat

An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it.

Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young."



A fox’s tail was caught in a trap. When he was trying to release himself, he lost his whole tail except the stump.

At first he was ashamed to see the other foxes because he had no tail, but he was determined to face his misfortune. He called all the foxes to a meeting.

When they had gotten together, the fox said that they should all do away with their tails.

He said that their tails were very inconvenient when they met with their enemies.

He did not talk about any advantages of the tail. "You are right," said one of the older foxes, "but I don’t think you would advise us to do away with our tails if you hadn’t lost it yourself first."







寓意: 有些人为了自己的利益而劝告他人,我们不能轻信他们的意见。

An unlucky fox fell into a well. It was quite deep, so he could not get out by himself..

A goat passed by. He asked the fox what he was doing in the well. "Oh, have you not heard?" said the fox. "There is going to be a great drought, so I jumped down to get some water. Why don’t you come down here too?"

The goat believed his words, and jumped down into the well.

But the fox immediately jumped on the goat’s back and up to the edge of the well. "Good-bye, friend," said the fox. "Remember next time don’t trust the advice of a man in difficulties."






寓意: 处于困境之中的人为了摆脱困境,往往不惜牺牲别人的利益,所以他们的建议常常是不可信的。

A wolf wanted to eat the sheep, but he was afraid of the vigilant shepherd and his dogs.

One day the wolf found the skin of a sheep. He put it on and walked among the sheep.

A lamb thought that the wolf was its mother because his skin looked like hers. So it followed the wolf.

Soon after they had left the dogs, the wolf came at the lamb and ate it up. For some time he succeeded in deceiving the sheep, and enjoying hearty meals.




