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一、动词be 的否定式

动词be根据不同的人称和时态可以有am, is, are, was, were等不同形式,可用作连系动词(表示“是”、“在”等)和助动词(用于构成进行时态和被动语态等),但不管何种情况,构成否定式时,一律在其后加not

I’m old, but you’re young. 我老了,但你还年轻。

→I’m not old, but you’re not young. 我还不老,但你不年轻了。

He was reading and I was writing. 他在读,我在写。

→He was not reading and I was not writing. 他没有在读,我没有在写。

二、动词have 的否定式

动词have根据不同的人称和时态可以有have, has, had等形式,可以用作实意动词和助动词,分以下情况讨论

1. 用作实意动词表示状态,如表示拥有、患病或用于have to表示“必须”等,在构成否定式时可以直接在其后加not,也可根据情况在其前使用don’t, doesn’t, didn’t

He has a car. 他有辆小汽车。

→He hasn’t a car. / He doesn’t have a car. 他没有小汽车。

He had some dictionaries. 他有一些词典。

→He hadn’t any dictionaries. / He didn’t have any dictionaries. 他没有词典。

You have to go with him. 你必须同他一起去。

→You haven’t to go with him. / You don’t have to go w ith him. 你不必同他一起去。【注】have to构成否定式时以在其前加don’t等较为常见。

2. 用作实意动词表示动作,如表示“吃(=eat)”、“喝(=drink)”、“拿(=take)”、“收到(=receive)”、“度过(=spend)”等,构成否定式时不能直接在其后加not,而应根据情况在其前使用don’t, doesn’t, didn’t

He had some cake for breakfast. 他早餐吃了些蛋糕。

→He didn’t have any cake for br eakfast. 他早餐没有吃蛋糕。(不能用had not)

We had a good holiday. 我们的假期过得很愉快。

→We didn’t have a good holiday. 我们的假期过得不愉快。(不能用had not)

3. 用作助动词构成完成时态,其否定式只能在其后加not

I have read the book. 我读这本书。

→I have not read the book. 我还没读这本书。

He had left when I arrived. 我到达时他已离开了。

→He hadn’t left when I arrived. 我到达时他还没有离开。



I can finish the work in an hour. 我能在1小时内完成这工作。

→I can’t finish the work in an hour. 我不能在1小时内完成这工作。

You must go with us. 你必须同我们一起去。

→You mustn’t go with us. 你不能同我们一起去。

We should help them. 我们应该帮助他们。

→We shouldn’t help them. 我们不必帮助他们。


一般实意动词的否定式,通常应根据不同时态和人称在实意动词之前加don’t, doesn’t, didn’t等

He works in a bank. 他在一家银行工作。

→He doesn’t work in a bank. 他不是在银行工作。

We often hear from her. 我们经常收到她的来信。

→We don’t often hear from her.我们不经常收到她的来信。

I met her at the station. 我在车站见到了她。

→I didn’t meet her at the station. 我在车站没见到她。

●要注意加上does not或did not改为否定句以后,要把原句的动词改为原形动词,特别是行为动词do的第三人称单数does和过去时did,在主语后面加上doesn't或didn't以后,千万要注意把句中的does或did改为do。



Look out of the window.

→Don't look out of the window.


例.There is something wrong with the radio.

把这个句子改为否定句有两种方法:其一,先把not加在is后面,再把something改为anything 即:There is not anything wrong with the radio.其二把something直接改为nothing,即:There is nothing wrong with the radio.

例.I have something important to tell you .

把这个句子变成否定句有两种方法:其中一种方法是先把not加在have后面,再把something 变成anything,即:I have not anything important to tell you.第二种方法是直接把something 改为nothing,即:I have nothing important to tell you.


例.I think he will be back soon.

这个复合句中主句的谓语动词是think,所以在改为否定句时要在think前面加上don't,即:I don't think he will be back soon.汉语意思:我认为他不会很快回来。


1)在陈述句中含有had better时,要把not加在better后面,动词原形前面。

例.You had better go with us.

把这个句子改为否定句,要把not加在better之后,g o之前,即:You had better not go with us.千万不要改成:You had not better to go with us.或You had better don't go with us.因为,要否定的是后面的动词不定式短语。同时,had better后面要用动词原形(不带to)。
