浙江省 导游考试 西湖景区 导游词 英语

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(2) Yu Chamber

▪Yu Chamber, a two-story Chinese style building, where Yu Yue once delivered lectures and wrote books, was constructed with funds raised by his students Xu Qi(Xu huanong徐花农) in 1878. Behind the building, there used to be a stone library, named " Quyuan Library"(曲园书藏)by himself. It was a place to store Chun Zai Tang Collections(春在堂全书). Later the collections were removed to Beijing and the library was abandoned. But a stone tablet carved with the name of the library is now still kept in the Xiling Seals & Engravers' Society.

▪Before the Anti-Japanese War, Yu Chamber was once rebuilt into a three-story western style building. And after the war, it was rented and served as a restaurant. In 1949, it became a resident house. In 1959 the Solitary Hill was under a large scale of renovations. The enclosing wall of the mansion was torn down and the chamber was turned into a park. The three-story building at present was rebuilt in 1998 as Yu's memorial hall.

3. Xiling Seal Engravers’ Society;


( Building Beyond Building) Restaurant

1) The Xiling Seal Engravers’ Society

▪Key points:

▪(1) Briefing on Xiling Seal-Engravers‟ Society;

▪(2) Introduction on the garden of the society:

▪(3) Three main buildings of Xiling Seal-Engravers‟ Soci ety

(1) Briefing on Xiling Seal-Engravers’ Society

▪Key Points:

▪The origin of its name;

▪the aim of the society;

▪its founder and presidents

A. The origin of its name:

▪Xiling Seal-Engraver‟s Society is noted throughout the country for its study of epi graphic art. As the site is near Xiling, it was named Xiling Seal-Engravers‟ Society. It was founded in 1913. From 1904, Wu Changshuo, Ding Ren (丁仁),Wang Yi (王易),Ye Weiming (叶为铭) and Wu Yin (吴隐) and other epigraphists bought a piece of land to build a building, thus Xiling Seal-Engravers‟ Society was formally set up in 1913.

▪(From 1904 on, Wu Chjangshuo and other eminent epigraphists like Ding Ren (丁仁),Wang Yi (王易),Ye Weiming (叶为铭) and Wu Yin (吴隐) often met at Solitary Hill for academic discussions and rese arch, and proposed a seal engravers’ society. After ten years of painstaking preparations, the society was formally set up in 1913, with the aim to “preserve seal-cutting and conduct research into art”, Wu was elected its first president.)

B. The aim of the society

Xiling Seal-Engravers‟ Society was formally set up in 1913 with the aim of “to preserve seal-cutting and conduct research into art”. (保存金石,研究印学)

C. The founder and presidents of the society

▪The founders of the society are吴昌硕、丁仁、叶为民、王易、吴隐.

▪The first president is Wu Changshuo. Other presidents are 马衡、张宗祥、沙孟海、赵朴初、启功。

(2) Introduction on the garden of the society

▪Key points:

▪the characteristics of the garden buildings;

▪which style does it belong to?

A. The characteristics of the garden buildings

▪The Xiling Seal-Engravers‟ Society is also a nice traditional garden in southeast China. Situated along the hill, the whole garden creates a serene, agreeable atmosphere that mingles scenery with art.

▪Architecturally speaking, the society is surrounded by green tiles and white wall. From the viewpoint of its layout, all the buildings in the garden are built around the hill, creating a serene, agreeable environment that mingles scenery with art. In the garden, there are some well-known constructions consisting of one pagoda—Huayan pagoda, one stele--, three buildings and three statues. Three statues---the statues of Dengsiru,Wuchangsuo and Dingjing, and four Springs-- the Seal Spring (印泉), the Leisure Spring (闲泉), the Literary Spring () and the Concentration Spring (潜泉).

B. Which style does it belong to?

▪The garden buildings of Xiling Seal-Engravers‟

Society and its layout present the outstanding art

style of classical garden in south China.

(3) Huayan pagoda

This is Huayan pagoda. It looks like a big painting brush erecting in the center of the garden, therefore becomes the landmark of the garden. It was set up in 1924 with the money raised by a member of the society Monk Hongshan.
