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1 College Life

American college and university students who live away from their familiesare generally housed in dormitories at least for their first year.Men and women often live in the same building,though they may l ive on separate floors.Some dorms have a theme, like an inter national house,where students can learn about other cultures.In language hous es, students try to avoid speaking their native language.The idea is to learn a different language.Colleges and universities often have ma ny clubs that students can join.These include political, religious an d service clubs,as well as groups for activities like singing, dancin g, cooking, even learning how to play magic.Schools may also have int ernal sports clubs.These are for students who do not play for a schoo l teambut want organized sports with other students.And schools will often recognize a new club or activity if enough students are interes ted.

2 Names in America

Most parents in the United States give their babies a first, midd le and last name when they are born. The last name is generally their family name. First names are a different story. Some children's name s are also the names of cities, plants or flowers. Religious names fr

om the Bible are also common. Americans even choose names from other countries. Americans are interested in the names that famous actors, entertainers and athletes give their children. Some famous people lik e names that have been around for many years. Last names as first nam es are also popular. Middle names have become important because many famous people use them. A middle name is also a way for parents to ho nor a family member or hero. Some parents give a girl a boy's middle name. Some American women use their former last name as a middle name after they marry.

3 The Space Race

The space race between the United States and the former Soviet Un ion began in October of 1957, when the Soviets launched the first man -made satellite into orbit around Earth. Weeks later the second satel lite was launched. Their success added to the tensions of what was kn own as the Cold War, which many people worried could lead to nuclear war. And it pushed Americans to work harder to reach outer space. Thr ee months later, the United States launched its own satellite. Then, in 1961, the Soviet Union sent the first person into space. An Americ an astronaut followed less than a month later. The space race continu ed. The finish line was the moon. And it was reached when the crew of American spaceship landed in 1969. Today, there is cooperation betwe
