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Unit 1 Unit 1

1.喜欢电子狗 1. love e-dogs

2.我的主人 2. my master

3.读这本书 3. read this book

4.怎样照顾电子狗 4. how to look after an e-dog

5.在阳光中学的第一天 5. the first day at sunshine Middle School

6.认识一些新学生 6. get to know some of the new students

7.把。。。介绍给。。。7. introduce …to…

8.欢迎来到七年级一班8. welcome to Class 1,Grade 7

9.我12岁了。(5)9. I’m 12=I’m 12 years old.=I’m at the age of 12.=my age is 12.

= I’m a 12—year—old boy(girl).

10.阳光中学的一名新生10. a new student at Sunshine School

11.喜欢阅读11.love reading

12.见我的新同学12.meet my new classmates

13.放学后踢足球13.paly football after school

14.高而苗条14. tall and slim

15.喜欢音乐15.like music

16.来自南京(2)16. be from Nanjing. = come from Nanjing

17.擅长数学(2)17. be good at Maths = do well in Maths

18.在那边18. over there

19.我们的语文老师19. our Chinese teacher

20.你也在七年级吗?20.Are you in Grade 7, too?

21.我明白了21. I see

22.听音乐22. listen to music

23.放风筝23. fly kites

24.那些小学生24. those pupils

25.可爱的小孩25. the cute baby

26.回家晚26. go home late

27.和我的家人住在北京27. live with my family in Beijing

28.喜欢我所有的功课28. like all my lessons

29.在学校有一些新朋友29. have some new friends at school

30.他们非常好。30. they are very nice.

Unit 2 Unit 2

1.让我们去运动吧 1. Let’s play sports!

2.喜欢散步 2. like walking

3.每天走向我的碗多次 3. walk to my bowl many times a day

4.有趣的运动 4. fun sports

5.写关于他们最喜欢的运动 5. write about their favourite sports

6.喜欢打排球/足球 6. like playing volleyball/football

7.擅长打网球7. be good at/ do well in playing tennis

8.喜欢游泳8. like swimming

9.你最喜欢的运动是什么?(2)9. What’s your favourite sport?=What sport do you like best?

10.你呢?10.what about you?

11.每周去游泳11.go swimming every week

12.我最喜欢的足球运动员12.my favourite football player

13.黄河足球俱乐部的新成员13.a new member of Huanghe Football Club

14.看上去强壮14.look strong

15.足球踢得好15.play football well

16.在他的空闲时间学英语16.study English in his free time

17.这使得他开心17.It makes him happy.

18.想要踢进下一届世界杯18.want to play in the next world Cup

19.我希望他梦想成真19.I hope his dream comes true.

20.Simon最喜欢的足球明星20.Simon’s favourite football star

21.在电视上看球赛21.watch ball games on TV

22.在周末22.at weekends (at the weekend)

23.当然23.of course

24.看我们的比赛24.watch our matches

25.在家看书25.read (books) at home

26.呆在家里26.stay at home

27.我的许多学生27. many of my students

28.你放学后经常做什么?28.What do you often do after school?

29.Daniel不是非常喜欢运动29. Daniel doesn’t like sports very much.

30.你还喜欢做什么?(2)30.What else / other things do you like to do?

31.使我觉得不错31.make me feel great

32.读许多有趣的书32.read a lot of /lots of /many interesting books

33.阅读很有意思。33.Reading is fun.

34.拿这个袋子34. take this bag

35.这些鸡蛋35. these eggs

36.一幅好看的图画36.a nice picture

37.打开盒子37. open the box

38.音乐兴趣小组38. a music club

39.我是我们校篮球队的一员。(3)39.He is a member of our school basketball team.

= He is in our school basketball team.

= He joins our school basketball team.

40.谈论篮球40.talk about basketball

41.我的偶像41. my hero
