
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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(一)Translate the following words or expressions into Chinese.

1.Central Processing Unit 中央处理单元

2.relational database 关系数据库

3.software crisis 软件危机

4.feasibility analysis 可行性分析

5.electronic commerce 电子商务

6.reference element 参考元素

9.object-oriented language 面向对象的语言

13.assembly language 汇编语言

14.standardize 使标准化

17.embedded system 嵌入式系统

20.gray scale 灰度

(二) Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviations. (根据汉语写出相应的英语缩写。)


2.广域网W AN







(三) Translate the following English abbreviations into Chinese. (根据英语缩写写出相应的中文意思。)

1.USB 通用串行总线

3.AI 人工智能

4.HDD 硬盘驱动器

5.DNS 域名服务器

6.IE 网页浏览器

8.PPP 点对点通信协议

9.SMTP 简单邮件传输协议

10.WWW 万维网


1、portability J A、半兼容的

2、ROM D B、客户服务器模式

3、carrier signal G C、数据库管理信息系统

4、protocol F D、只读存储器

5、CSS H E、综合业务数字网

6、proxy server N F、协议

7、computer aided design S G、载波信号

8、semi-compatible A H、层次式样表

9、SCSI O I、性能影响

10、URL(uniform resource locator)M J、可移植性

11、performance hit I K、超文本传输协议

12、CP/M R L、局域网

13、ISP T M、统一资源定位器

14、CLI(Command Language Interpreter)Q N、代理服务器

15、hypertext document P O、小型计算机系统接口

16、LAN L P、超文本文档

17、database management system C Q、命令语言解释程序

18、HTTP K R、微机控制程序

19、ISDN E S、计算机辅助设计

20、client server B T、网络服务提供者


In this section, there are 15 sentences which are the English words explanation. You are required to read it carefully, then choose the proper word corresponding with the explanation。

1.A machine code telling a computer to perform a particular operation. (instruction ) 2.To make as perfect or effective as possible. (optimize )

3.A junction of some type. ( channel )

4.Of no consequence, effect, or value; insignificant. ( null )

5.A specifically defined division in a system of classification; a class. ( category ) 6.A defect in the code or routine of a program. (bug )

7.Precedence, especially established by order of importance or urgency. (priority ) 8.To express a desire for; ask for. (request )

9.Not in use or operation. (idle )

10.A standard procedure for regulating data transmission between computers. (transmission )

11.A device used to break or open an electric circuit or to device current from one conductor to

another. (switch )

12.A system of computers interconnected by telephone wires or other means in order to share information. ( network )

13.Being the only one of its kind. (unique )

14.A large, usually continuous segment of a surface or space; area. (region )

15.A symbol or set of symbols identifying the contents of a file, memory, tape, or record. (element )


There are 5 problems for you to translate into Chinese.

1、For developing a software product, the development process is divided into 5 stages: Requirements Analysis & Specification, Design, Coding, Testing, and Maintenance.


2、EDI refers to the electronic exchange of business information between two companies using a specific and structured format over private networks.


3、Some applications, such as Word, allow for several windows in a special mode called MDI in which you can open multiple documents within the same application..


4、An application software is any program designed to perform a specific function directly for the user or, in some cases, for another application program.

