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1. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Brother and sister.

B. Interviewer and interviewee.

C. Pop star and fan.

2. What are the two speakers probably talking about?

A. A telephone.

B. A refrigerator.

C. An elevator.

3. What is the woman looking at on the Internet?

A. Computers.

B. Cameras.

C. Telescopes.

4. When does the train leave?

A. At 3:35.

B. At 4:25.

C. At 4:35.

5. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. At a tailor’s.

B. At a laundry.

C. At a clothing store.




6. How much does the same house near the river cost?

A. $20,000.

B. $40,000.

C. $80,000.

7. What do we know about the woman’s new house?

A. It has two bedrooms.

B. It has a two-car garage.

C. The living room has a ten-foot ceiling.


8. Why does the man want a new suit?

A. To attend a wedding.

B. To go to an interview.

C. To attend a funeral.

9. What color does the man want?

A. Black.

B. Brown.

C. Grey.


10. What does the woman think of the last candidate’s avoiding making eye contact?

A. She was impolite.

B. She was nervous.

C. She was unprofessional.

11. What makes the last candidate fail the interview?

A. Her resume.

B. Her work experience.

C. Her meeting performance.

12. What position is the last candidate looking for?

A. A secretary.

B. A manager.

C. An accountant.


13. Where is the man going to have dinner tonight?

A. At his neighbor’s house.

B. At his boss’s house.

C. At his teacher’s house.

14. What kind of food might the man have tonight?

A. French food.

B. Spanish food.

C. Italian food.

15. Which kind of wine does the man decide to take?

A. Wine from China.

B. Wine from France.

C. Wine from New Zealand.

16. What does the man say about Chardonnay?

A. It’s a white wine.

B. It’s a brighter wine.

C. It’s a cheaper wine.


17. Who nicknamed Jack Ma?

A. Bill Gates.

B. AP.

C. Alibaba Group.

18. How many times did Jack Ma take the college entrance exam?

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.

19. When did Jack Ma first experience the Internet?

A. In 1999.

B. In 1995.C .In 1988.

20. Where did Jack Ma first found Alibaba?

A .In his apartment.B.In a college.C.In Seattle.




21.Assign of wealth concentration(集中),number of dollar millionaires globally has risen by 164 percent since 2000, with 41 per cent of them living in the United States.


B. the;the

C. a;the


22.At the 10th Asia-Europe Meeting summit held in Milan, Italy,Premier Li Keqiang_____Asian and European countries to maintain peace and security and stable development.

A.called up

B.called for

C.called at

D.called out

23.Only whenseriously illin bed last year.

A.was he;did he stay

B.he was;he stayed

C.he was;did he stay

D.was he;he stayed

24. My cousin was admitted to QinghuaUniversity last autumn. It is 2017she graduates.

A. before

B. since

C. that

D. when

25. According to a British survey,working hours and home-working opportunities are the top concerns for working mothers.

A. cautious

B. abstract

C. flexible

D. creative

26.your feet on the ground, and your thoughts will be at lofty(巍峨的) heights.

A. To keep

B. Keeping

C. Kept

D. Keep

27. —I’m thinking of the program tomorrow. I’m afraid I’ll forget the words.

—! I’m sure you’ll make it.

A. Take it easy

B. Never mind

C. Take your time

D. No problem

28. —We must do something to improve the image of our city.

—, but traffic is really a tough problem.

A. That’s not true

B. I couldn’t agree more

C. Not exactly

D. Don’t mention it

29.he always thinks about ishe can do more to help others.

A. What; what

B. What; how

C. How; what

D. When; how

30. It was in the houseTom was born 12 years agowe had a birthday party for him yesterday.

A. where; that

B. where; where

C. that; that

D. that; where

31. —I’ll go to Sydney for a visit this summer holiday.

—Well, by then, youblue sky and fresh air almost every day.
