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Chapter 1 ------ P erspectives in psychology 心理学纵览

Section 1: Approaches to psychology 心理学入门

What is psychology? 心理学是什么

Defin iti ons: The scie ntific study of behaviour and men tal processes.


Psychology come from: ① philosophy,② biology ③ physics.


When: 1879 as a separate scientific discipline.


History (develop): structuralism, functionalism,

psychoanalysis, behaviourism, cognitive psychology, approach, biological approach.

历史发展:结构主义,机能主义,精神分析,行为主义,认知,人本主义,生理。 The psychoa nalytic approach to psychology

精神分析理论 Origins & history: Sigmund Freud , unconscious mental causes, treat as the causes of mental disorders,

theory. 历史来源:弗洛伊德提出潜意识心理动机,把它视为心理疾病的原因,并建立理论。

Assumpti ons: uncon scious processes, psychic determ ini sm, hydraulic drives, psychody namic con flict,

developme nt.


Methods of in vestigati on: case study (method), free associati on (tech), dream an alysis (tech).

研究方法:个案研究方法,自由联想技术,梦的解析技术 *Areas of expla nati on: pers on ality developme nt, moral/ge nder developme nt, aggressi on, abn ormality, memory. 可解释领域:人格发展,道德 /性别发展,攻击性,异常,记忆

*Weaknesses: unrefutable, theoretically unscientific.


The behaviourist approach to psychology 行为主义理论

Origins & history: Joh n Wats on , empiricism, lear ning.


Assumpti ons: behaviour is lear ned from the environment, only observable behaviour should be studied.



huma ni stic

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*Areas of expla nati on: Ian guage acquisiti on, moral developme nt, attract ion, abno rmality.


The huma ni stic approach to psychology 人本主义理论

Origins & history: conscious free will, aimed to investigate all the uniquely human aspects of experienee, Maslow and self- actualise, Carl Rogers and client-centred therapy.


Assumptions: study human not other animal, must be meaningful to human, study internal experience and free will, study the in dividual case, studied in their environmen tal con text.


Areas of expla nati on: pers on ality/self ide ntity, motivati on, abno rmality.


The cog nitive approach to psychology 认知主义理论

Origi ns and history: computer, i nformati on processors ‘internal men tal processes.

历史来源:计算机,类比人脑为信息加工者,内部心理过程。Jerome Brun er

*Areas: memory, perception, attention, artificial intelligence, social cognition, cognitive development.


*Practical applicati ons: memory, educati on, therapy, pers on ality assessme nt.


The biological approach to psychology 生理心理学

Roger Sperry 罗杰?斯佩里

*Areas of expla nati on: gen der developme nt, aggressi on, abno rmality, memory, motivatio n, aware ness.


*Practical applicati on: localisati on of function, therapy.


The reducti onism debate in psychology 关于还原论的争论

1. Reductionism 还原论

Assumptions: explaining a phenomenon by breaking it down into its constituent parts and then analysing it. 假设:通过将现象拆分成组成部分并分析的方法解释现象

Again st:① oversimplificati on ② value of expla nati on ③ validity of reducti oni sm.


2. Holism & In teractio nism 整体论(与互动论)

Assumptions: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. 假设:整体优于部分

*Examples: huma ni stic psychology, social psychology, psychoa nalysis, abno rmal psychology, percepti on.


Again st: practical difficulty, ig nore the huge in flue nce of biology, lack the predictive power.


The nature-nurture debate in psychology 先后天之争

1. Nature先天遗传决定论

Approach: ①roots of the approach(nativist philosophy, biology, evolutionary theory) 理论根源

②causes of behaviour (gen etic determ inism, in herited in flue nce, maturati onal bluepri nt, n eurochemical

and hormo nal in flue nces, brain activity)(基因、遗传、个体成熟、神经化学与荷尔蒙的影响和大脑活动。)

③methods (ge ne mapp ing, twin/adopti on study, brain sca nning, brain stimulati on /damage study, drug test)

④implicatio ns (behaviour can only be cha nged through physical means) 启示

⑤criticisms (reduct ioni st, n eglect environmen tal in flue nces) 过于简单,忽视环境对人行为的影响

②causes of behaviour (blank slate at birth, experienee, learning from environment) 源于经验和环境学习

③methods (classical and opera nt con diti oning tech niq ues, man ipulati on of social environment)


④implicatio ns (An ybody could be trained to do anything) 启示

⑤criticisms (reductio nist, neglect inn ate in flue nces) 过于简单,忽视遗传因素在人行为中的作用

3. Both

*Areas of expla nati on: perceptio n, aggressi on, sex-role behaviour, abno rmality, la nguage acquisiti on.


*ln teract ion examples: percepti on, cog nitive developme nt, abno rmality, sex-role behaviour.


*The sta nding of the differe nt: biopsychology, psychoa nalysis, cog nitive psychology, huma ni sm, behaviourism.


The freewill vs. Determi nism debate in psychology 自由意志理论与决定论之争

1. Freewill

Assumptions: humans are free to choose their behabiour, self-determining, soft determinism( William James ).


Again st: difficult to defi ne, evide nce is mostly subjective, be in compatible with the determ ini stic assumpti ons of scie nee. 反对理由:很难定义,证据主观,与决定论的科学性不匹配

2. Determinism

Assumpti ons: every physical event is caused, future eve nts are en tirely predictable, emphasis on causal laws. 假设:所有物理事件都是被引起的,未来事件完全可以预测,注重因果法则

Idiographic vs. Nomothetic approaches to psychology 心理学特殊规律与一般规律

1. Nomothetic approach 一般规律研究法

Definitions: The approach of investigating large groups of people to try to find general laws of behaviour that apply to everyone.定义:通过调查大群体的人,试图找到适用于每个人的普遍行为规律的研究方法。

Methods: large scale experime nts 研究方法:大样本实验

2. Idiographic approach 特殊规律研究法

Definitions: The approach of investigating individuals in personal,in-depth,detail to achieve a unique understanding of them.定义:通过对个体进行单个的、深入的、详细的调查,以得出关于他们的独特的理解的研究方法。

Methods: case study method(flexible, long term, detailed procedures) 研究方法:个案研究(灵活,长期,详细程序)

Disadva ntage: cannot gen eralise, un reliable, un scie ntific. 缺点:(不能归纟纳,信度低,不科学)

Section 2: Con troversies in psychology 心理学争论

Psychology and scie nee 心理学与科学 Psychology has come under attack as being a pseudo scienee, ande has been dismissed by some as noting more than com mon sen se. Reas ons:① Everybody is a n atural psychologist themselves. ‘ Oh, I knew that all along ' ② Most complex subject, so many variables.

③ With many philosophical, practical, and ethical problems.

心理学被称伪科学被误解的原因: 1?每个人都是朴素心理学家,当提出观点时,大多数人感觉自己一直都知道



A scienee consists of various components: ① a subject matter ② good theories and hypotheses ③ scientific methodology 科学的构成因素:研究对象、良好的理论和研究假设、科学方法论

The scie ntific method:

Within a paradigm Hypotheses are derived From theories To be tested in scientific ways Against the world/reality To support or refute those theories

科学的研究方法:范式 T 假设推导 T 理论 T 用科学方法检测 T 与事实相比较 T 支持或反驳这理论

Kuhn used paradigm" to describe this shared set of ①assumptions ② methods ③ terminology.


Paradigms go through 3 historical stages: ① pre-scienee ② normal scienee ③ revolution.


The theories themselves should provide gen eral laws or prin ciples to fulfill the aims of scie nee:

① understanding ②prediction ③ control


Theories should provide un dersta nding by :① being orderly ② intern ally con siste nt ③ parsi monious ④ ture 理论应当具有可理解性:有序性,内在一致性,简约型,准确性

Gen der bias in psychological theory and research

心理学理论和研究中的性别偏见 Examples: moral developme nt, i nterpers onal relati on ships, childcare, socialisati on

举例:道德发展,人际关系,儿童照料,社会化 Types: theory bias, report ing bias, researcher bias, methodological bias. 种类:理论偏见,报告偏见,研究者偏见,方法论偏见

Theoretical bias: a bias(exaggerate), 3 bias(minimise).

理论偏见:a 偏见夸大了男女差异,B 偏见缩小了男女差异

Reporting bias: interpretation of results, selection of material to be published, use of results.


Researcher bias: lack of researchers, nature of researchers ① investigate stereotypical differences ② do not investigate importaant issues to women ③ perpetuate biased ideas).


不调查女性重要问题, 永久偏见观) Cultural bias in psychological theory and research 心理学理论和研究中的文化偏见

范式 理论









Examples: social in flue nee, in terpers onal relati on ships, help ing behaviours, abno rmality, psychometric test ing.


*Types: theory bias, report ing bias, researcher bias, methodological bias.


*Report ing bias: in terpretati on of results, select ion of material to be published, use of results. |


*Researcher bias: lack of researchers, n ature of researchers (至U此同上)(① ignore cultural in flue nces and perpetuate the

stereotypes ②cross-cultural differences or similarities).


Con troversial applicati ons of psychology-psychometric test ing 有争议的心理学应用--- 心理测验

Con troversial aspects of psychometric testi ng: 心理测试有争议的方面

①Is the test fairly con ducted? 测试是否公平进行

②Is the test fairly constructed? 测试是否公平建构

(validity, reliability, sta ndardisatio n, discrim in atory power. )信度,效度,标准化,区分度

③Is the test tech nically sou nd? 测试是否技术合理

④Are the test results properly used and applied? 测试结果是否正确应用

“A nation of morons 'Gould (1982)古尔德 --- "白痴的国家”

*What was wrong with Yerkes 'findings: methodological problems, interpretation of findings errors,negative implications of faulty con clusi ons.


Con troversial applicati ons of psychology-advertis ing 有争议的心理学应用--- 广告

Two main routes to persuasi on: the cen tral route, the peripheral route.


Con troversial applicati ons of psychology-the psychology of warfare 有争议的心理学应用---- 战争心理学

Propaga nda is similar to advertis ing in its: 宣传与广告相似处

①use of biased, one-sided communication 对于偏见与片面信息的使用

②objective of changing behaviour and attitudes 目的是改变行为和态度

③use of emotion and occasional disregard for logical analysis | 运用情感和偶然的忽视逻辑分析

Propaga nda is differe nt to advertis ing in its: 宣传与广告不同处

①political ideas and information are what is bought' 政治观点是关于 "购买”的是什么

② a more complete and general behaviour and attitude change is sought 目标:较为完整通用的行为态度转变

③being more socially sanctioned, use more bias and deception 为获得更多社会认可,使用更多的偏见与欺骗
