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高考英语中译英测验1 (A

Section A (每题3分)

1. 商店里的商品琳琅满目,让我们眼花缭乱。(accustomed)

We are not accustomed to seeing so many kinds of goods in the shop.

2. 他利用她人好心软,三番五次向她借钱。(advantage)

He took advantage of her kindness to borrow money from her repeatedly.

3. 在西方国家绝对不要问有关工资这样的隐私问题。(ask)

In western countries, never ask (a person) about any private affairs like salary.

4. 她已向这家公司申请担任秘书。(apply)

She has applied to the company for a position as a secretary.

5. 在旧社会,出身贫寒的人很少有接受教育的机会。(access)

In the old society, people from poor families had little access to education. 6. 这个获胜者因她的画而得了一等奖。(award)

The winner was awarded the first prize for her picture.

7. 必须立刻采取行动以减少台风带来的损失。(action)

Immediate action must be taken to reduce the losses caused by the typhoon.

8. 边开车边打手机是违反交通规则的。(against)

Driving while using cell phone is against the traffic rules.

9. 我向你保证我有能力解决这个问题。(ability)

I assure you that I have the ability to solve the problem.

10. 你该就刚才的所作所为向在场的人道歉。(apologize)

You should apologize to the people present for what you have just done. 11. 显而易见,这个国家的人每时每刻都可以喝到新鲜牛奶。(available)

Obviously, fresh milk is available to the people in the country at any moment.

12. 我很高兴被聘请担任北京奥运会的口译员。(act)

I‟m glad to be employed to act as an interpreter in the Beijing Olympics.

13. 丰富的网络资讯吸引老老少少上网冲浪。(attract)

Rich information on the Internet attracts people of all ages to surfing it.

14. 这位科学家终日废寝忘食地埋首于研究。(absorb)

The scientist is absorbed in research all day, neglecting sleep and meals.

15. 十分感激你给我这次面试的机会。(appreciate)

I really appreciate you giving me this chance of an interview.

16. 各色阳伞给夏日街头平添了活泼的气氛。(add to)

Colorful umbrellas add to a lively atmosphere in the summer streets.

17. 人生可贵,不要为日常琐事而忧心忡忡。(anxious)

Life is precious, so don‟t be anxious about everyday things.

18. 再你做决定之前请考虑一下我的感受。(account)

Please take my feelings into account before you make any decision.

19. 我已安排了一辆出租车去机场接你。(arrange)

I have arranged for a taxi to meet you at the airport.

20. 在山区,很多同我年纪相仿的儿童上不起学。(afford)

In mountain areas, many children about my age can‟t afford to go to school.

Section B (每题4分)

1. 在发展经济的同时,我们必须注意节约资源和防止污染。(attention)

While developing economy, we must pay attention to saving resources and preventing


2. 他的话表明充分意识到了不努力学习的后果。(aware)

His words showed that he was fully aware of the consequence of not studying hard.

3. 专家们建议实施这项工程以造福子孙后代。(advise)

The experts advised carrying out the project in order to benefit future generations.

4. 听说他昨天闹情绪,没来上班。(absent)

I‟ve heard that he was absent from work yesterday because he was in low spirits. 5. 尽可能的多看书,你的作文会有进步的。(and)

Try to read as many books as possible, and you can make progress in your composition.

6. 有些留学生要过很长时间才能适应新的礼节和风俗。(adapt)

It will be long before some overseas students adapt to new manners and custom. 7. 是否在黄浦江上再建一座大桥,委员们意见不一。(agree)

The committee couldn‟t agree on whether to build another bridge over the Huangpu River.

8. 他因成绩优异被复旦大学提前录取了。(admit)

He has been admitted to Fudan University in advance because of his excellent grades.

9. 艺术节旨在提供一个让学生展示才华的机会。(aim)

The art festival aims at providing an opportunity for students to show their talent. 10. 应该鼓励学生将课堂所学的知识运用到实践中去。(apply)

Students should be encouraged to apply what they have learned in class to practice.

高考英语中译英测验2 (B)
