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答:首先要在report-reference value里设置参考速度和长度





FLUENT的升力系数是将升力除以参考值计算的动压 (0.5*density*(velocity**2)*area=0.5*1.225*



作为Cl、Cd也是具有特定含义的系数,参考面积的取法是特定的,比如投影面积等等,但是这个在Fluent 里是没有体现的




user guide 的相关内容

26.8 Reference Values

You can control the reference values that are used in the computation of derived physical quantities and nondimensional coefficients. These reference values are used only for postprocessing.

Some examples of the use of reference values include the following:

Force coefficients use the reference area, density, and velocity. In addition, the pressure force calculation uses the reference pressure.

Moment coefficients use the reference length, area, density and velocity. In addition, the pressure force calculation uses the reference pressure.

Reynolds number uses the reference length, density, and viscosity.

Pressure and total pressure coefficients use the reference pressure, density, and velocity.

Entropy uses the reference density, pressure, and temperature.

Skin friction coefficient uses the reference density and velocity.

Heat transfer coefficient uses the reference temperature.

Turbomachinery efficiency calculations use the ratio of specific heats.

26.8.1 Setting Reference Values

To set the reference quantities used for computing normalized flow-field variables, use the Reference Values panel (Figure 26.8.1).

You can input the reference values manually or compute them based on values of physical quantities at a selected boundary zone. The reference values to be set are Area, Density, Enthalpy, Length, Pressure, Temperature, Velocity, dynamic Viscosity, and Ratio Of Specific Heats. For 2D problems, an additional quantity, Depth, can also be defined. This value will be used for reporting fluxes and forces. (Note that the units for Depth are set independently from the units for length in the Set Units panel.)

If you want to compute reference values from the conditions set on a particular boundary zone, select the zone in the Compute From drop-down list. Note, however, that depending on the boundary condition used, only some of the reference values may be set. For example, the reference length and area will not be set by computing the reference values from a boundary condition; you will need to set these manually.

To set the values manually, simply enter the value for each under the Reference Values heading.


风阻系数:空气阻力是汽车行驶时所遇到最大的也是最重要的外力。空气阻力系数,又称风阻系数,是计算汽车空气阻力的一个重要系数。它是通过风洞实验和下滑实验所确定的一个数学参数, 用它可以计算出汽车在行驶时的空气阻力。




