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一. 判断下列每组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的打“√”,不相同的打“×”(5分)

bed pig

Take mine box bus dog duck 二.补全单词(20分)

1.( ) M___ch A. ra B. ai C. ar

2.( ) mat_ _ B. ch C. hc

3.( ) b___n B. ro

4.( ) s__mmer B. u C. e

5.( ) De___mber A. ca B. ce C. ec

6.( ) f_ _m B. er

7.( ) cl_b B. a

8.( ) g__l B. ae C. or

9.( ) s____son A. oe C. ae 10.( ) m____th B. no C. Oa 11.( ) w___st 12.( ) Sept___ber 13.( ) tr___n 14.( ) rainc__t 15.( ) Ch__na

16.( ) w___m 17.( ) v__lin 18.( ) w___ther 19.( ) cl___dy 20.( ) w___ter 三.按要求填空(12分)

(形容词)__________ (对应词)____________ (过去式)___________ (序数词)_____________ ’t(完全形式)_______ on(反义词)_________ 四.单项选择(30分)

( ) 1. I ’m interested______music. A. in B. at C. on ( )2. China_____many places of interest. A. have B. has C. get ( )3. Where _____you go yesterday A. do B. Are C. did ( )4. He is good_____sing songs. A. at B. in C. of ( )5. Which season do you like________ A. good B. best C. well ( )6. I haven ’t got______umbrella A. a B. the C. an ( ) _____in November.

A. begins

B. to begin

C. begin

1. ( ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


4. 3. 5.

( )8. ——______is the weather

——It’s windy

A. How

B. What

C. Which ( )9. Can you play_____flute

A. a

B. /

C. the ( )10. I was born______September 3rd.

A. on

B. of

C. in

( )11. ——_____are you going now

——The airport.

A. What

B. How

C. Where

( )12. I’m going_______a party.

A. have

B. has

C. to have

( )13. I want____the football club

A. to join

B. joins

C. join

( )14. ______your telephone number

A. How’s

B. Where

C. What’s

( ) is coming here _______plane for a holiday

A. at

B. on

C. by



2. be good at ____________


4. a birthday present _____________

5.名胜古迹______________ railway station _______________

7.守门________________ video games ______________


1. I want to kick a goal.(改为否定句)


2. I was born on October 22nd.(划线部分提问)


you play the piano(否定回答)


4. please; sing; you; Would; song; us; a; (连词成句)


5. from; Summer; May; is; July; to; (连词成句)



( ) Yes,I want to join the football club.

( ) All right.

( ) I’m good at keeping can run fast.

( ) Can I help you

( ) OK,please write down your name and your telephone number.

( )What can you do


( ) I turn on the TV

( )’s the date today

( ) you from America

( )’s the weather like in Xi’an

( ) are you going there



,I am.


’s April 3rd.

’s windy.
