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Unit3 第3课时教学设计


1. 拓展功能结构:

Mom is drinking coffee. That’s her favorite.

My brother loves chocolate. That’s his favorite.

继续就他人的喜好进行表达,并在教师的带领下完成Let’s learn more部分的问题。

2. 能听懂、会唱Let’s sing部分的歌曲。

3. 能在教师的正确引导下,完成Ask and answer部分的问答,通过小组合作的方式对本单元所学的内容进行归纳和总结,并能在日常生活中灵活运用。



(1) Let’s learn more部分和Let’s sing部分的音频。

(2) Let’s learn more部分的教学挂图。

(3) 周一至周日的英语单词卡片。

(4) 教师准备一张自己和家人在一起喝下午茶的照片,要求照片中的人物所做的事情各不相同。


I. 新课导入(Leading In)


教师亲切地和学生打招呼问好,在此过程中教师可结合学生的实际情况有选择地进行一些话题的讨论,让学生在每节课的开始就能接触到新鲜的东西。本节课就以动物为free talk 的话题进行简单的讨论,以下对话内容可供教师参考:

T: I like dogs very much. Dogs are my favorite animals. How about you? What’s your favorite animal?

S1: My favorite animal is monkeys.

T: Why?

SI: Because monkeys are very clever.

T: What’s your favorite animal, S2?

S2: I like cats very much, because they are lovely.

T: Animals are very important in our daily life. They bring us happiness, and make our life colorful. We should protect them. Everybody, follow me, please! To protect animals is everybody’s business.(教师可板书最后一句话,并向学生解释其含义:保护动物人人有责)

2. 新课导入

教师可承接上一个话题,借助句型What’s your favorite ...?导入今天的话题,询问并引导学生回答他们各自的、家人的、朋友的喜好。教师可借助准备的自己家人喝下午茶的照片引入对话。具体内容可参考如下:

T: Look! This is a photo of my family. It’s our afternoon tea time. My grandpa is reading a newspaper. He likes reading very much. This is my father. Look! What is he doing?

Ss: He is drinking tea.(教师引导学生看照片然后回答出完整的句子,可适时进行板书)

T: Yes. His favorite drink is tea. This is my mother.

Ss: She is listening to music.

T: Can you guess what her favorite thing is?

Ss: Her favorite thing is listening to music.

T: Great! You have done a good job.(在经过几次引导后,教师给学生更多的时间,让学生自己输出完整的句子)What does my son like?

Ss: He likes playing with the toy cars.(教师引导学生进行语言输出)

T: From the picture, can you guess what my favorite thing is?

Ss: Your favorite thing is reading books.

T: Well done! You are very good!

II. 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(Presentation)

1. Let’s learn more部分的呈现


(1) What day is it today?

(2) What’s the time now?

(3) What are Kevin’s family doing?

(4) What’s his mother’s favorite drink?

(5) What’s his father’s favorite thing?

(6) What about his grandpa and his brother?

(7) What’s Kevin’s favorite thing?

