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Topic 1:Greetings and Introductions

A:This seat taken?

B:No,go ahead,be my guest.Are you new in chemistry?

A:Yeah.In fact, I’m a freshman.

B:Oh,me too. Nice meeting you. My name is Mandy.

A:Nice meeting you ,too.I’m Oceania.You know, I’ve heard a lot about you from Sammi and Fly.

B:Really?I hope it’s not anything bad about me.

A:Not at all.You are very popular.Everything I’ve heard has been good.

A:That couldn’t be better.I live in e over and visit when you have time. B:Thanks for the invitation.I will.

A:I want to know more thing about this campus.Right now is seems very big and confusing.

B:Yeah,I have no idea where I am going or what I am doing.

A:Do you have a map of the campus?

B:Yes,I have,but it doesn’t help me very much.I’m not good at reading maps.

A:Do you know where your classes are?

B:More or less.But I always get there late.I feel so helpless.

A:We are in the same boat.That’s because we don’t know the short cuts.We’ll learn them after a while.

B:We can ask the fellow students and they will show us the ropes.

Topic 3: Talking about a Party.

A:We're going to have a party this weekend. Would you like to join us?

B:Great! Maybe Sammi would like to come along?

A::OK. I'll tell my her.

B:This remind me of the terrible experience.Do you remember that party we went to last year?

A:NO,which one?

B:Sammi’s friend’s party in that big house .

A:Oh,yes!I remember.We made such a fool of ourselves. Sammi said we had to be on time,so we really worried that we were going to be late.

B: But when we got there,there was hardly anyone!

A:So we needn’t rush at all.

B:And you thought we didn’t need to bring anything,but everyone else arrived with bottles of drinks.

A:Yes, we were so embarrassed.

B:And the worst thing I suppose was that we were all dressed up in our best clothes,but everyone else was in casual clothes.

A:So we needn’t buy the expensive clothes at all.

B:But I’m sure we will have a perfect party this time.

A:Absolutely!A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit.

B:Oh,I can’t wait any longer.

Topic 5:Talking about Shopping.

B:You look great in your dress.

A:Really? I want to buy a pair of earrings to match it.I wonder if you can give me some advice.

B:That is easy.Let’s first search for it on the Internet.Here they are.These days the Indian earrings are most popular.Would you like to have a look at them?

A:You’re right.They really agree with my taste.

B:Look at the red one.Do you like it?

B:Red?NO way!I prefer light colour.

A:Then what about this one?Blue and it weights 22 gms.

A:Oh, the price is a little bit high.And it is a little heavy.

B:Then what about this one?

A:Let me see…This is just perfect. It ‘s not expensive.But I still want to look the real thing.

B:Ok,have you ever heard that there will be a huge discount in Metersbonwe, this weekend?

A:Really,that's my brand loyal,what's the exact time?

B:Ah,I don't know ,but maybe we can go there rigjht now .

A:Sounds great.You are really a genius.Let’s go.I can’t wait any longer.

Topic 7: Expressing Apologies

A:You’ve got to forgive me.

B:Forgive you for what?

A:I used your computer.And I’m afraid I’ve erased your personal files accidentally. B:NO!Are you kidding me?

A:I’m afraid not.I apologize.

B:I can’t believe it.I have all my important personal documents stored in that computer.It’s no laughing matter.

A:I’m sorry.What can I do to make it up to you?

B:Well,you should be sorry!Don’t ever use my computer again!You can’t do anything now.It’s too late.

A:Well,Oceania,you look so dreadful.

B:In fact,it’s nothing.Forget about it.


B:I’m just so tired.

A:Have you been going to bed late these days?

B:No,I can’t get used to the life here.I wish I were back home.
