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M3 U1 常敏2006.06

1. make an effort to do sth. 努力做…

2. take effect 生效…

3. make sense of…理解…

4. the sense of hearing 听觉…

5. make sense 讲得通, 有道理

6. affect one another 彼此影响

7. be confused by…被…迷惑

8. confuse sth with sth. 把…和…混淆

9. a united family 一个团结的家庭

11. at lunchtime 在午饭时候

around lunchtime 午饭左右

12. that / so far 如此地远

13. report sth / doing sth. 报道做某事

be reported as…把…报道成

sb/sth is reported to have done

14. leave work 下班go to work 上班

15. can’t be too glad / pleased to see you


can’t be too polite to customers

can’t be polite enough to customers


16. a man in a dark coat 穿黑衣的男人

17. be covered in a grey mist 被灰色薄雾笼罩

be covered by…

cover a piece of interesting news


18. take usual bus home 乘平常车回家

19. set off towards…前往

20. glance at…瞥一眼

take a glance at…瞥一眼

21. reach an agreement 达成协议

22. wish for 期盼,盼望

wish sb to do sth. 希望某人做某事

Wish you success! May you succeed!


23. keep still 保持不动

24. find oneself doing sth.发现某人正处于某种状态

25. watch out for 小心,提防…

26. the chance to do sth. 做某事的机会

the chance of doing sth. 同上

27. pay back 报答,偿还(借款)

pay off 还清

28. follow sb’s advice 听从某人建议

29. be frozen with / by 被…惊呆

the freezing wind 刺骨的寒风

a frozen cake 一块冻僵的蛋糕

30. imagine doing sth. 想象作某事

31. invite him to my home 邀请去我家

32. regret doing sth. 后悔做过某事

regret to do sth 后悔要做某事

33. contact sb through the newspaper


34. walk sb home / a dog护送某人回家/ 溜狗

35. the remaining ten dollars 剩余10﹩

36. see people without houses sleeping on the streets 看见没房人睡街上

the answer to the question 问题的答案

the housing problems 住房问题

37. with occasional cloudy periods


38. the weather forecast for tomorrow明天的天气预报

39. reduce to …降低到…

reduce sb to doing sth.使某人沦落…

reduce by…降低了…

40. as long as possible 尽可能长so long as 只要

41. breathe in different smells


hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸

42. couldn’t take / stand / bear the pain any more


43. be related to be linked to 和…想关联

44. be in a position to do sth. 由于处境有权做某事

a question to be answered by scientists


45. make the most of…充分利用

have sth. to do with 与…有关系

develop all our senses 开发全部的感觉

would do sth. rather than do sth.

would rather do sth than sth 宁可…也不愿…

46. everyday life 日常的生活

sleep deeply / sound 熟睡

turn the lights down 把灯关小

47. make one’s way 艰难的前进

in a way 从某种意义上;in the way 挡道

48. lose sight of…看不见

catch sight of…看见

49. get close to nature 接近大自然

get to one’s destination 到达目的地

50. all of a sudden 突然on a sudden
