





1. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. The food.

B. The weather.

C. The time.



听力原文:W: Dad, the noodles are very delicious, right?

M: Yes. But Jingzhou eight-treasure rice is more delicious, I think.


2. When is David’s birthday?

A. On Tuesday.

B. On Wednesday.

C. On Thursday.



听力原文:W: What day is it today, David?

M: It’s Tuesday. Tomorrow is my birthday.


3. Where does Jim often go to exercise?

A. The school playground.

B. The park.

C. The sports hall.



听力原文:W: Hi, Jim. Which school club have you joined?

M: Healthy Lifestyle Club.

W: So, what do you often do?

M: We often go to the park to exercise and tell people the importance of healthy lifestyle.

4. What time does Jim meet his club members every Sunday?

A. At 9:30.

B. At 8:30.

C. At 7:30.



听力原文:W: Sounds good. How often do you meet?

M: Once a week. We meet at 9:30 every Sunday morning.


5. Where did Mark probably work before?

A. In a hospital.

B. In a language school.

C. In a Chinese company.



听力原文:W: Mark, I heard you’ve got a new job in Washington D.C. Congratulations!

M: Thanks.

W: Will you still work as a nurse there?

6. Who taught Mark Chinese?

A. His mom.

B. His cousin.

C. His grandma.



听力原文:W: Will you still work as a nurse there?

M: No. My new job is teaching Chinese in a language school.

W: I didn’t know you speak Chinese. When did you learn it?

M: I learnt it from my grandma. She used to be a Chinese teacher when she was young.

7. How long will Mark work at his new job?

A. For about one year.

B. For about two years.

C. For about three years.



听力原文:W: How long do you plan to work in Washington D.C.?

M: For about three years. Then I’ll come back. All my friends are here, you know.


8.What did the old woman do after she got into the car?

A. She didn’t say anything.

B. She wanted to kill Alice.

C. She was always looking at Alice.



听力原文:M: Hi, Alice. How was it going last night?

W: Not good. I drove home after the party and an old woman asked me to take her on the way.

M: An old woman?

W: Yes. She said nothing after she got into the car.

9. What was Alice wondering?

A. If she should save the woman.

B. If she should call the police at once.

C. If the woman was that man wanted by the police.



听力原文:M: Did she have anything strange?

W: I looked at her several times, I found nothing strange at first. But the more I looked, the more I found her like a man.

M: Oh, really?

W: Suddenly I remembered I heard the news about someone wanted by the police. I was wondering if it was the man.

10. How did Alice get the old woman off the car?

A. She threw her out.

B. She asked her to clean the window.

C. She told her the police would come.



听力原文:M: That was really terrible. What did you do then?

W: At last we came to a small village. I asked her to get out to clean the window on her side. As soon as she got off, I drove quickly and called the police.

M: So you are really lucky enough.

II. 短文理解。


11. Why didn’t the writer want to get up in the morning?

A. Because she was too sleepy.

B. Because she disliked her new school.

C. Because she was nervous about going to the new school.



听力原文:It was 6:30 in the morning. But I didn't want to get up. It was my first day at a new school.

Although I had changed schools before, I was still worried.

12. What was the writer surprised at then?

A. The unkind teacher.

B. The friendly classmates.

C. The beautiful new school.



听力原文:The school bell rang. I entered the classroom nervously. The teacher welcomed me and asked me to sit beside a girl named Annette. Everyone was friendly and wanted to be my first friend. I was surprised.

13. Which book was the same as the writer learned at the old school?

A. The reading book.

B. The math book.

C. The science book.



听力原文:Then we started the lessons. Annette helped me find the pages and showed me what we were doing. It was the same kind of math I did at my old school.

14.How did the writer feel at the end of the day?

A. She felt happy.

B. She felt lonely.

C. She felt worried.



听力原文:At the end of the day, we got homework and left school. What a great day!

15.Which of the following is true?

A. The writer didn't change schools before.

B. The writer ate lunch alone at the new school.

C. It was November when the writer went to the new school.



听力原文:A. Although I had changed schools before, I was still worried.

B. At lunch time, Annette asked me to stay with her in the line, so she could show me where everything was. She also introduced me to her friends and we ate lunch together.

C. Although I had changed schools before, I was still worried. The other students at the new school have known each other. It is November, so they all have had friends already since September.



16. —How do you like the famous actor, Jack Chen?

—Wonderful! I like ______ very much.

A. he

B. his

C. him

D. himself


【解析】考查人称代词。句意:-你觉得著名演员成龙怎么样?-棒极了!我非常喜欢他。like 为动词,表示喜欢,动词后面人称代词用宾格形式,故选C。

17. —It’s his new book, but I think it is more interesting than his other books.

—I agree with you. His latest book is up to his highest _______.

A. choice

B. standard

C. purpose

D. wealth


【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:-这是他新出的书,但是我觉得这本比他别的书都更加有趣。-我同意你的看法,他最新的书达到了他的最高水平。A. choice 选择;B standard 标准;C purpose 目的;D wealth 健康。根据句意,“最高水平”可用“highest standard”表达。故选B。

18. —The boys are talking about the football match _______.

—Yes. They have so many fun things to share.

A. easily

B. happily

C. sadly

D. angrily


【解析】考查副词词义辨析。句意:-那群男孩非常开心地讨论足球比赛。-是的,他们总能分享许多有趣的事。A. easily 简单地;B happily 快乐地;C sadly 伤心地;D angrily 生气地。根据第二句话,讨论有趣的事情,应该是很快乐的,故选B。

19. —Sixty dollars for such a T-shirt! You _______. be joking!

—I’m serious. It’s made of silk from Hangzhou.

A. must

B. need

C. will

D. can


【解析】考查情态动词。句意:一件T恤六十美元!你一定是在开玩笑。-我是认真的,这件T恤是在杭州,用丝绸做成的。A must 一定;B need 需要;C will 意愿;D can 可以,可能。有语境可知顾客觉得一件T恤六十美元太贵了,一定是在开玩笑,故选A。20. —It’s _______. to stick your chopsticks into your food while having dinner.

—I’m sorry. I won’t do that again.

A. kind

B. polite

C. rude

D. proud


【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:-吃饭的时候你把筷子插在饭里是很不礼貌的行为。-对不起,我不会再这样做了。A kind 友善的;B polite 礼貌的;C rude 粗鲁的;D proud 自豪的。根据说第二句话的人道歉了,说明这种行为是粗鲁的,不好的,故选C。

21. —I don't know where to go this summer vacation.

—Why not _______. visiting Jingzhou? There are many places of interest.

A. regard

B. consider

C. wonder

D. suggest


【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:-暑假我不知道要去哪里玩。-为什么不考虑下去荆州呢?那里有许多名胜古迹。A regard 把…当做,后面跟as构成固定短语。B consider 考虑;

C wonder 想知道;

D suggest 建议。结合句意,应该是考虑参观荆州,consider doing sth 考虑做某事,故选B。

22. —Keep working hard, Paul. You will surely realize your dream of being a writer _______. you give it up halfway.

—I will, thank you, Miss Rowling.

A. unless

B. if

C. since

D. though


【解析】考查介词的用法。句意:-保持努力工作,Paul,除非你半途而废,否则你将会完成你成为一个作家的梦想。-我会的,谢谢你,Rowling老师。A unless 除非;B if 如果;

C since 自从;

D though 即使。结合句意,空格前面是结果,空格后是条件,故选A。

23. —What's the news about?

—People near the lake didn’t allow them to ______ a factory so as not to pollute the water.

A. look up

B. put up

C. take up

D. set up


【解析】考查动词词组。-这个新闻说了什么?-住在湖边的人们不允许他们建造工厂,这样就不会造成水污染了。A look up 查找;B put up 张贴;C take up 占据;D set up 建造。结合句意,工厂应该是用来建造的,故选D。

24. As middle school students, we should start thinking about _______ for our country in the future.

A. what we did

B. what did we do

C. what we can do

D. what can we do


【解析】考查宾语从句。句意:作为一个中学生,我们应该开始思考能为国家的未来做些什么。结合句意,表达的是一般现在时,排除AB;think about为动词词组,引导宾语从句,应该用陈述语句,排除D。故选C。

25. —It's nearly lunch time. How about having some noodles and dumplings? —_______.

A. You're welcome

B. That's right

C. That's nice of you

D. That sounds good


【解析】考查日常交际用语。句意:-快到午饭时间了,我们去吃面条和饺子吧?-听起来不错。A You’re welcome 不用谢,用来回答他人的道谢;B That’s right 正确的;C That’s nice of you,你真是太好了。一般用于别人给予你帮助时;D That sounds good。听起来不错。结合语境,对于一个主意,通常会说听起来不错,故选D。

IV. 完形填空。

I was walking along a busy road when I noticed a young man standing near the crossing selling toys. ____26___ I would hurry past such sellers. But I found this young man was ___27____, so I stood for some time without crossing the street. I wanted to see how he sold his things.

Soon, a young mother with a little girl came by and the child set ___28____ eyes on one of teddy bears. The mother asked for the ___29____ and it was only one dollar. She ___30____ out a l0-dollar note from her handbag and told the young man that she was giving him 10 dollars and wanted the ____31___ back. I was wondering how he was going to do it. He told the young mother to put the money in the bag ____32___ around his neck and take out her change.

I realized that this young man depended on believing people not to cheat him. There was no way for him to know ____33___ someone would take out more than they should have. I was so ___34____. I bought a car model from him that I did not need. As I walked down the street, I gave the car model to a kid walking with his father.

I kept thinking that the world would be a better place if we could all learn to ___35____ others more, like the young blind street seller.

26. A. Usually B. Exactly C. Hardly D. Probably

27. A .wise B. blind C. handsome D. strange

28. A. its B. their C. her D. his

29 A. man B. child C. price D. help

30. A. threw B. cleared C. gave D. pulled

31. A. change B. note C. bill D. money

32. A. turning B. hanging C. looking D. showing

33. A. where B. what C. why D. how

34. A. excited B. interested C. surprised D. touched

35. A. help B. understand C. trust D. manage

【答案】26-30 ABCCD 31-35 ABDDC


26.考查副词词义辨析。A Usually 通常地;B Exactly 精确地;C Hardly 几乎不;D Probably 很可能地。根据下文I would hurry past such sellers. But I found this young man was…我会匆忙经过这样的销售员,但是我发现这个年轻的男生是…,可知,这次他没有匆匆经过,和平时的行为不一样,故选A。

27.考查形容词词义辨析。A wise 机智的;B blind 瞎的;C handsome 英俊的;D strange 陌生的。根据下文I wanted to see how he sold his things 我想看看他是如何卖出他的东西的;文章最后一句like the young blind street seller.就像这位看不见的街边小贩。可知,因为小贩是瞎的,所以作者想看看他如何销售物品,故选B。

28.考查代词辨析。A its 它的。B their 它/他/她们的;C her 她的;D his 他的。由前文young mother with a little girl came by 一个年轻女人和一个小女孩,可知,小女孩把眼睛看向了泰迪熊,性别为女,所以是她的。故选C。

29.考查名词词义辨析。A man 人/男人;B child 小孩;C price 价格;D help 帮助。根据前文The mother asked for the 妈妈问道;空格后and it was only one dollar 它只要1美元,可知,这里询问的是价格,故选C。

30.考查动词词义辨析。A threw 扔掉;B cleared 打扫;C gave 给;D pulled 拉;扯。根据上下文She _30_ out a l0-dollar note from her handbag可知她是从钱包里拿出了一张10美元,pull out 在这里表示拿出,give out 分发,公布;throw out 扔掉。结合语境,故选D。

31.考查名词词义辨析。A change 零钱;B note 笔记;C bill 账单;D money 钱。根据She pull out a l0-dollar note from her handbag and told the young man that she was giving him 10 dollars and wanted the ()back;她从钱包里拿出了10美元,并告诉男人她给了10美元,需要剩下的零钱。以及take out her change 拿出她的零钱,这里是要求找回剩下的零钱,故选A。

32.考查动词词义辨析。A turning 转身;B hang 挂着;C look 看;D show 展示。根据空格前He told the young mother to put the money in the bag他告诉这位妈妈把钱放进包里;空格后around his neck and take out her change 围着他的脖子并拿出她的零钱。可知,包包应该是挂在脖子上的,故选B。

33.考查从句。A where 哪里;B what 什么;C why 为什么;D how 怎样。根据空格前There was no way for him to know他无法知道;空格后someone would take out more

than they should have某个人会拿走本不属于他的钱,前文提到小贩是瞎子,可知无法知道别人会怎样拿走他的钱,故选D。

34.考查形容词词义辨析。A excited 兴奋的;B interested 有趣的;C. surprised 惊讶的;

D. touched 受感动的。根据前文I realized that this young man depended on believing people not to cheat him我意识到这个小贩相信人们不会欺骗他,以及下文I bought a car model from him that I did not need. 我买了一个我并不喜欢的汽车模型。可知,这里作者是被小贩的行为所触动,故选D。

35.考查动词词义辨析。A help 帮助;B understand 理解;C trust 相信;D manage 经营。根据空格前I kept thinking that the world would be a better place if we could all learn to ______ others more, like the young blind street seller.我一直在思考,如果我们都像这个看不见的年轻街边小贩一样…他人,这个世界将会更加美好。由前文可知这个小贩对人们十分的信任,作者为之触动,所以这里指的是人们都像小贩一样去信任别人,故选C。V.阅读理解。


People in Los Angeles are known for their love of cars. The city is very large, and its public transportation is slow. So people drive everywhere. But now, a group of bicyclists are trying to get people out of their cars and on bikes.

Devon Fitzgerald says he has to be careful when he rides his bike in the streets. “A lot of people are in a rush, and it's very difficult to keep careful, for they would rather care for their speed than your safety.”Although riding a bike to work can be dangerous, he prefers it to a car. “It's much simpler than driving a car. For example, I don't have to worry about parking.”

Roger Rosas drives to work. "You always have to make sure you look to the other side because someone would rush across by bike. Or you can easily get into an accident. "

To make bicycling safer, some people who live and work near each other are riding to work together, which they call a "bike train". Nona Varnado helped create the group L. A. Bike Trains. "You're in a big group. If you're afraid of riding alone, you can now ride with experienced riders. " Nona said that people would feel safer by riding together in a group.

36. People in Los Angeles are known for their love of_________.

A. cars

B. buses

C. subways

D. bicycles


【解析】细节理解题。由文章第一句话People in Los Angeles are known for their love of cars.洛杉矶的人们因他们对车的热爱而被人们所知。故选A。

37. Devon Fitzgerald finds it _________ to ride his bike in the streets.

A. safe

B. dangerous

C. boring

D. exciting


【解析】细节理解题。由第二段Devon Fitzgerald says he has to be careful when he rides his bike in the streets. “A lot of people are in a rush, and it's very difficult to keep careful, for they would rather care for their speed than your safety.”Devon Fitzgerald说,在街上骑车的时候,他必须十分小心,许多人都十分匆忙,保持小心是很困难的,因为人们更关心如何超过你,而不是关心你的安全。可知,Devon Fitzgerald知道在街上骑车是很危险的。故选B。

38. Devon Fitzgerald likes riding a bike better because__________.

A. it's much cheaper

B. it is full of fun

C. it's safer everywhere

D. it’s much easier


【解析】细节理解题。由第二段Although riding a bike to work can be dangerous, he prefers it to a car. “It's much simpler than driving a car. For example, I don't have to worry about parking.”尽管骑自行车去上班很危险,但他还是更喜欢骑单车,“骑车比开车更方便,举个例子,我不必为了停车而烦恼。”可知,Devon Fitzgerald选择骑车是因为更简便,故选D。

39. From the passage we know that_________.

A. riding in a “bike train”can help people feel safer

B. Devon Fitzgerald helped to create L. A. Bike Trains

C. Roger Rosas prefers riding a bike to driving a car

D. people can easily get into an accident when riding together


【解析】细节理解题。A.在“bike train”骑车,人们觉得更加安全;B Devon Fitzgerald 协助创建了L. A. Bike Trains;C 比起开车,Roger Rosas更喜欢骑单车。由最后一段话Nona said that people would feel safer by riding together in a group. Nona说,组队骑车的时候,人们感觉更安全。可知,A正确,D错误,排除。B选项,协助创建Bike Trains 的是Nona Varnado;C选项,更喜欢骑单车是的Devon Fitzgerald。故选A。


I still remembered my first day of second grade. I was led to a room. No teacher yet. Girls talking. Boys trying to kill each other.

I took some paper and a pencil, picked a desk, and went to work. Minutes later,

a girl came over and sat on top of my desk.

“What’re you doing?”she said.

“Writing to 100,”I replied.

“Is that you can do?”

“No,”I said.

Then I rose from my seat to get my pencil sharpener. I had no idea that when I stood, the desk would fall over and hurt her leg.

Her name was Jane. From that day on--she was my best friend. Wherever we went--to school or church or basketball games, Jane saved me a seat or I saved one for her.

Many years later, after college, I moved to California and married. Jane stayed in our hometown to be a social worker. We were friends for more than 50 years. After her death seven years ago, I still think of her often, especially at the start of the school year.

TV ads try to tell us what children need for school—new shoes, clothes, backpacks. But really, children’s needs are simple. Besides the basics—to be fed, cared for, and loved—they need the gift of friendship.

For years, I feared how people saw me. But one day, I finally understood. I didn't need to be smart or pretty or popular. I just needed to be kind.

My grandson Henry recently finished his preschool and received a prize for “Friendship”. Even an Olympic medal wouldn't make me prouder! I think children need to know that they are loved. They need to know that they have all they need and the best way to win friends is to be one.

40. When she came into the classroom, the writer ________.

A. went to talk with Jane quickly

B. helped Jane write the numbers to 100

C. worked quietly at her desk alone

D. was afraid that others would fight with her


【解析】细节理解题。由第二段I took some paper and a pencil, picked a desk, and went to work. Minutes later, a girl came over and sat on top of my desk.我拿了一些纸和一只铅笔,找了张桌子,然后开始写字。几分钟后,一个女孩走了过来然后坐在我桌子上。可知,作者没有别的小伙伴,而且安静地自己在写字。故选C。

41. From the passage we know that__________.

A. the writer's leg was hurt on the first day of school

B. the two girls were close friends until Jane died

C. Jane often helped the writer to do some social work

D. the two girls stayed in the same city after college


【解析】细节理解题。由Her name was Jane. From that day on--she was my best friend.她叫简,从那天开始,她就成了我最好的朋友;We were friends for more than 50 years.

After her death seven years ago, I still think of her often,我们成为朋友到现在已经五十年了,在她去时后的七年,我还是经常想起她。可知,直到简去世,我们都一直都是朋友。故选B。

42. Henry received a prize for "Friendship" probably because _________.

A. he was kind to others

B. he was smart at his schoolwork

C. he was loved by his grandma

D. he joined in the Olympics


【解析】细节理解题。由I finally understood. I didn't need to be smart or pretty or popular. I just needed to be kind. 最后我想明白了,我不需要很聪明,或很漂亮,或十分受欢迎,我只需要与人为善;Henry赢得了友谊,是因为他待人和善。故选A。

43.The best title of this article would be__________.

A. My Best Friend Jane

B. How to Choose Friends

C. My First Day at School

D. Friendship Values


【解析】主旨归纳题。作者由与自己最好的朋友Jane的故事引出了自己对友谊的感想,由children’s needs are simple. Besides the basics—to be fed, cared for, and loved—they need the gift of friendship.孩子们的需要很简单,除了一些基本需求——吃饱穿暖,被照顾,被爱——他们需要友谊。以及最后一段可知,作者认为友谊对孩子们十分重要,文章中心意思是阐述了友谊的价值,故选D。


The winter of 1948 was very difficult for our family of eight living in Knoxvile, Tennessee. Unfortunately, Dad became ill and soon was out of a job. I was only 8

years old and my younger brother, Buddy was 7. After school we went to pick coal(煤) that fell from the coal train along the railroad near our home. When the train slowed down, we ran alongside it. After the train passed, we picked up the fallen coal.

One day, the train stopped for a short time unusually. My brother and I were digging around in the snow when the train’s fireman came to the window and shouted to us, “Why are you boys digging in the snow? Are you looking for gold?”he laughed.

“No, sir,”I replied, “We are finding coal.”

“Why doesn’t your daddy buy coal? It’s really dangerous here.”

“Our daddy is very sick and we have no money to buy food and coal,”I answered.

The fireman turned and went inside. After a moment, he shouted again. “Hey! Bring that coal bucket(桶子) here. I got something for you.”Then the fireman filled our bucket with clean coal. We were happy with his gift, and we knew we could go home early that day.

He smiled the kindest and warmest smile I had ever seen. “You two boys come here the day after tomorrow and I’ll throw off some coal.”

Two days later, Buddy and I stood by the railroads as the train slowed down. The fireman waved to us, then disappeared. Suddenly, some coal and a piece of red cloth came out. In the red cloth were two pieces of bubble gum(泡泡糖) and a new one-dollar bill.

2017山东省青岛市中考英语试题(Word 版,有解析)

山东青岛市2017年初中学业水平考试英语(有解析) 第Ⅰ卷(共30分) Ⅰ. 单项选择从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能够完成或回答这一小题的最佳答案。(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) (2017·山东青岛) 1. Look! There is _________ bottle on the table. A. a B. an C. the D. / 1. A 【解析】考查冠词。句意:看!有一个瓶子在桌子上。此处表示“泛指一个”且bottle以辅音音素/b/开头,不定冠词应用a。故选A。 (2017·山东青岛) 2. My father gave me a bike on my __________ birthday. A. ten B. a tenth C. the tenth D. tenth 2. D 【解析】考查数词。句意:在我十岁生日时,爸爸给我买了一辆自行车。表示某人的第几个生日时,应用序数词;因有物主代词修饰,此处不加定冠词the。故选D。 (2017·山东青岛) 3. —Which is your new English teacher? —The young lady _________ red over there. A. with B. in C. on D. for 3. B 【解析】考查介词。句意:——哪一个是你的新英语老师?——那边那个穿红色衣服的年轻的女子。介词in+颜色,表示“穿……颜色的衣服”。故选B。 (2017·山东青岛) 4. Fruit is good for health, so I often have breakfast with one _________. A. candy B. cake C. banana D. hamburger 4. C 【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:水果对健康有好处,因此我经常早餐时吃一根香蕉。candy糖果;cake 蛋糕;banana香蕉;hamburger汉堡包。根据前一分句关键词“Fruit(水果)”可定位答案为C。 (2017·山东青岛) 5. Jack’s mother was so tired. She felt asleep __________ she lay down on the bed. A. until B. as soon as C. unless D. although 5. B 【解析】考查连词辨析。句意:杰克的妈妈十分的劳累。她一躺到床上的时候就睡着了。until直到……才;as soon as一……就;unless除非;although尽管。根据语境可知选B。 (2017·山东青岛) 6. Jenny is afraid to travel by plane. She always feels __________ when getting on it. A. nervous B. interested C. relaxed D. happy 6. A 【解析】考查形容词辨析。句意:珍妮害怕坐飞机旅行。当上飞机的时候,她总是感到紧张。nervous 紧张的;interested感兴趣的;relaxed放松的;happy开心的。根据可空前珍妮害怕坐飞机,那么她坐飞机时自然地就感到紧张。故选A。 (2017·山东青岛) 7. —Can I come today or tomorrow? —__________ is OK. I’m busy today and tomorrow. A. Either B. Neither C. Each D. None 7. B 【解析】考查代词用法。句意:——我是今天还是明天来呢?——_________可以。我今明两天都忙。Either两者中的任一;Neither两者都不;Each每一个;None没有人,没有任何东西。根据答语可知,我今、明两天都忙,故哪天都不行。故选B。 (2017·山东青岛) 8. __________ we work at English, the better grades we will get. A. Harder B. The hardest C. Hardest D. The harder


2017宝山区中考一模英语试卷 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) (本卷有七大题,试题均采用连续编号。所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。) Part 1 Listening(第一部分听力) I.Listening Comprehension (听力理解) (共30分) A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分) 1._ 2._ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear ((根据你所听到的对话和问题,选择最恰当的答案)(8分) 7.A) His parents.B)His cousin.C)His friends.D)His teacher. 8.A) At the restaurant.B)At home.C)At the bus stop.D)At school. 9.A) By taxi.B)By car.C)By underground.D)By bus. 10.A) Amazing.B)Boring.C)Exciting.D)Lovely. 11.A) Italy.B)Australia.C)America.D)Japan. 12.A) French fries.B)Cookies.C)Oranges.D)Bread. 13.A) At a quarter past eight.B)At ten to eight. C)At twenty-five past eight.D)At half past eight. 14.A) The railway station. B) A friend.C)A film.D)The cinema.


2018年湖北省荆州市中考 数学试卷 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题只有唯一正确答案,每小题3分,共30分) 1.(3.00分)下列代数式中,整式为() A.x+1 B. C.D. 2.(3.00分)如图,两个实数互为相反数,在数轴上的对应点分别是点A、点B,则下列说法正确的是() A.原点在点A的左边B.原点在线段AB的中点处 C.原点在点B的右边D.原点可以在点A或点B上 3.(3.00分)下列计算正确的是() A.3a2﹣4a2=a2B.a2?a3=a6 C.a10÷a5=a2D.(a2)3=a6 4.(3.00分)如图,两条直线l1∥l2,Rt△ACB中,∠C=90°,AC=BC,顶点A、B 分别在l1和l2上,∠1=20°,则∠2的度数是() A.45°B.55°C.65°D.75° 5.(3.00分)解分式方程﹣3=时,去分母可得() A.1﹣3(x﹣2)=4 B.1﹣3(x﹣2)=﹣4 C.﹣1﹣3(2﹣x)=﹣4D.1﹣3(2﹣x)=4 6.(3.00分)《九章算术》是中国传统数学名著,其中记载:“今有牛五、羊二,直金十两;牛二、羊五,直金八两.问牛、羊各直金几何?”译文:“假设有5头牛,2只羊,值金10两;2头牛,5只羊,值金8两.问每头牛、每只羊各值金多少两?”若设每头牛、每只羊分别值金x两、y两,则可列方程组为()

A.B. C.D. 7.(3.00分)已知:将直线y=x﹣1向上平移2个单位长度后得到直线y=kx+b,则下列关于直线y=kx+b的说法正确的是() A.经过第一、二、四象限B.与x轴交于(1,0) C.与y轴交于(0,1)D.y随x的增大而减小 8.(3.00分)如图,将一块菱形ABCD硬纸片固定后进行投针训练.已知纸片上AE⊥BC于E,CF⊥AD于F,sinD=.若随意投出一针命中了菱形纸片,则命中矩形区域的概率是() A.B.C.D. 9.(3.00分)荆州古城是闻名遐迩的历史文化名城,“五一”期间相关部门对到荆州观光游客的出行方式进行了随机抽样调查,整理后绘制了两幅统计图(尚不完整).根据图中信息,下列结论错误的是() A.本次抽样调查的样本容量是5000 B.扇形图中的m为10% C.样本中选择公共交通出行的有2500人 D.若“五一”期间到荆州观光的游客有50万人,则选择自驾方式出行的有25万


青岛市二○一七年初中学业水平考试 2017年青岛市中考英语试题 英语试题 (考试时间:100分钟;满分:90分) 温馨提示:亲爱的同学,欢迎你参加本次考试,祝你答题成功! 1.2017年青岛市中考英语试题本试卷分为第 I 卷和第 II卷两部分,共五道大题。第 I卷包含:单项选择和阅读理解,共 30个小题;第 II 卷包含:综合填空 A、B、C,阅读表达 A、B、C和书面表达。 所有题目均在答题卡.上作答,在试题上作答无效。 2017年青岛市中考英语试题第 I卷(共 30分) I. 单项选择从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能够完成或回答这一小题的最佳答案。(共 15小题,每小题 1分,共 15分) 1.Look! There is ______ bottle on the table . A. a B. an C.the D. / 2.My father gave me a bike on my ______ birthday. A. ten B. a tenth C. the tenth D. tenth 3. — Which is your new English teacher? — The young lady ______ red over there. A. with B. in C. on D. for 4.Fruit is good for health, so I often have breakfast with one ______. A. candy B. cake C.banana D. hamburger

5.Jack’s mother was so tired. She fell asleep ______ she lay down on the bed. A. until B. as soon as C. unless 6.Jenny is afraid to travel by plane. She always feels ______ when getting on it. A. nervous B. interested C. relaxed D. happy 7. — Can I come today or tomorrow? — ______ is OK. I’m busy today and tomorrow. A. Either B. Neither C. Each D. None 8.______ we work at English, the better grades we will get. A. Harder B. The hardest C. Hardest D. The harder 9.Teenagers have to be 18 years old before they ______ to drive a car. A. are allowed C. will be allowed D. allow 10. — ______ do you go to a movie? — Twice a week. A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How far 11. These oranges look nice, but ______ very sour. A. feel B. taste C. sound D. look 12. We should keep quiet in the cinema. We ______ speak loudly. A. can B. must C. needn’t D. mustn’t


2017届上海中考英语模拟试卷三 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) 考生注意:本卷有7大题,共94小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上 完成,做在试卷上不给分。 Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力) I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (6分) A B C D E F G H 1. ________ 2. _______ 3. _________ 4. __________ 5. __________ 6. _________ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (8分) 7. A) By bus. B) By underground. C) By car. D) By taxi. 8. A) Lovely. B) Sunny. C) Rainy. D) Cloudy. 9. A) Bread and juice. B) Newspapers. C) Tomatoes. D) Salad. 10. A) 6:45. B) 7:15. C) 7:30. D) 7:45. 11. A) On the hall table. B) In the car. C) In his coat pocket. D) In the kitchen. 12. A) She has got a bad headache. B) She is suffering from back pain. C) She has got a stomachache. D) She has pain all over body. 13. A) Weekend plans. B) TV programs. C) School subjects. D) Museums and exhibitions.


https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f10921553.html, 2018年湖北省荆州市中考数学试卷 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题只有唯一正确答案,每小题3分,共30分) 1.(3.00分)下列代数式中,整式为() A.x+1 B. C.D. 2.(3.00分)如图,两个实数互为相反数,在数轴上的对应点分别是点A、点B,则下列说法正确的是() A.原点在点A的左边B.原点在线段AB的中点处 C.原点在点B的右边D.原点可以在点A或点B上 3.(3.00分)下列计算正确的是() A.3a2﹣4a2=a2B.a2?a3=a6 C.a10÷a5=a2D.(a2)3=a6 4.(3.00分)如图,两条直线l1∥l2,Rt△ACB中,∠C=90°,AC=BC,顶点A、B 分别在l1和l2上,∠1=20°,则∠2的度数是() A.45°B.55°C.65°D.75° 5.(3.00分)解分式方程﹣3=时,去分母可得() A.1﹣3(x﹣2)=4 B.1﹣3(x﹣2)=﹣4 C.﹣1﹣3(2﹣x)=﹣4D.1﹣3(2﹣x)=4 6.(3.00分)《九章算术》是中国传统数学名著,其中记载:“今有牛五、羊二,直金十两;牛二、羊五,直金八两.问牛、羊各直金几何?”译文:“假设有5头牛,2只羊,值金10两;2头牛,5只羊,值金8两.问每头牛、每只羊各值金多少两?”若设每头牛、每只羊分别值金x两、y两,则可列方程组为()

https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f10921553.html, A.B. C.D. 7.(3.00分)已知:将直线y=x﹣1向上平移2个单位长度后得到直线y=kx+b,则下列关于直线y=kx+b的说法正确的是() A.经过第一、二、四象限B.与x轴交于(1,0) C.与y轴交于(0,1)D.y随x的增大而减小 8.(3.00分)如图,将一块菱形ABCD硬纸片固定后进行投针训练.已知纸片上AE⊥BC于E,CF⊥AD于F,sinD=.若随意投出一针命中了菱形纸片,则命中矩形区域的概率是() A.B.C.D. 9.(3.00分)荆州古城是闻名遐迩的历史文化名城,“五一”期间相关部门对到荆州观光游客的出行方式进行了随机抽样调查,整理后绘制了两幅统计图(尚不完整).根据图中信息,下列结论错误的是() A.本次抽样调查的样本容量是5000 B.扇形图中的m为10% C.样本中选择公共交通出行的有2500人


青岛市二〇一七年初中学业水平考试英语试题 (考试时间:100 分钟;满分:90 分) 温馨提示:亲爱的同学,欢迎你参加本次考试,祝你答题成功! 1.本试卷分为第 I 卷和第 II 卷两部分,共五道大题。第 I 卷包含:单项选择和阅读理解,共 30 个小题;第 II 卷包含:综合填空 A、B、C,阅读表达A、B、C 和书面表达。 I 卷(共 30 分) H. 单项选择从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能够完成或回答这一小题的最佳答案。(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 1. Look! There is ______ bottle on the table. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. My father gave me a bike on my ______ birthday. A. ten B. a tenth C. the tenth D. tenth 3. — Which is your new English teacher? — The young lady ______ red over there. A. with B. in C. on D. for 4. Fruit is good for health, so I often have breakfast with one ______.

A. candy B. cake C. banana D. hamburger 5.Jack’s mother was so tired. She fell asleep ______ she lay down on the bed. A. until B. as soon as C. unless D. although 6.Jenny is afraid to travel by plane. She always feels ______ when getting on it. A. nervous B. interested C. relaxed D. happy 7.— Can I come today or tomorrow? —______ is OK. I’m busy today and tomorrow. A. Either B. Neither C. Each D. None 8. ______ we work at English, the better grades we will get. A. Harder B. The hardest C. Hardest D. The harder 9. Teenagers have to be 18 years old before they ______ to drive a car. A. are allowed B. allowed C. will be allowed D. allow 10. — ______ do you go to a movie? — Twice a week. A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How far


2017年上海市中考英语试卷 I. Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分) A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) 1. B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) 7.A.Pink. B.Blue. C.White. D.Brown. 8.A.For one week. B.For one year. C.For two weeks. D.For two years. 9.A.By making a call.B.By sending an email.C.By writing a letter.D.By leaving a message.

10.A.On Monday.B.On Wednesday.C.On Thursday.D.On Friday. 11.A.To visit China. B.To try something new. C.To make friends. D.To learn something easy. 12.A.Work on her project. B.Go to the school dance. C.Take a physics exam. D.Meet her dance teacher. 13.A.In a hotel. B.In a bookshop. C.In a cinema. D.In a classroom. 14.A.The food. B.Their car. C.The supermarket. D.Their house. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following sentences are true or false 15.判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T“表示,不符合的用“F“表示 15.Peter makes hamburgers for customers in a fast food restaurant. 16.Once,Peter delivered 30 sets of hamburger meals to a school with his partner.17.The students were waiting at the school gate when Peter arrived. 18.There would be a sports meeting for the student the next day. 19.The teacher ordered the hamburger meals to encourage the students.20.Peter loves his job as he gains happiness from his working experiences.


荆州市2017年初中学业水平(升学)考试 数 学 试 题 1、 选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题只有唯一正确答案,每小题 3分,共30分) 1. 下列实数中最大的数是 A.3 B.0 C. D.-4 2.中国企业2016年已经在“一带一路”沿线国家建立了56个经贸合作区,直接为东道国增加了180 000个就业岗位.将180 000用科学记数法 表示应为 A.18×104 B.1.8×105 C.1.8×106 D.18×105 3.一把直尺和一块三角板ABC(含30° 、60°角)摆放位置如图所示,直尺一边与三角板的两直角边分别交于点D、点E,另一边与三角板的两直 角边分别交于点F、点A,且∠CDE=40°,那么∠BAF的大小为 A.40° B.45° C.50° D.20° 4.为了解某班学生双休户外活动情况,对部分学生参加户外活动的时间进行抽样调查,结果如下表: 1236 户外活动的时间 (小时) 学生人数(人)2242 则关于“户外活动时间”这组数据的众数、中位数、平均数分别是 A.3、3、3 B.6、2、3 C.3、3、2 D.3、2、3 5.下列根式是最简二次根式的是 A. B. C. D. 6.如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC,∠A =30°,AB的垂直平分线交AC于点D, 则∠CBD的度数为 A.30° B.45° C.50° D.75°

7.为配合荆州市“我读书,我快乐”读书节活动,某书店推出一种优惠 卡,每张卡售价20元,凭卡购书可享受8折优惠,小慧同学到该书店购 书,她先买优惠卡再凭卡付款,结果节省了10元.若此次小慧同学不买 卡直接购书,则她需付款多少元? A.140元 B.150元 C.160元 D.200元 8.《九章算术》中的“折竹抵地”问题:今有竹高一丈,末折抵地,去 根六尺.问折高者几何?意思是:一根竹子,原高一丈(一丈=10尺), 一阵风将竹子折断,其竹稍恰好抵地,抵地处离竹子底部6尺远,问折 断处离地面的高度是多少? 设折断处离地面的高度为尺,则可列方程为 9.如图是某几何体的三视图,根据图中的数据,求得该几何体的体积为 10.规定:如果关于的一元二次方程有两个实数根,且其中一个根是另 一个根的2倍,则称这样的方程为“倍根方程”.现有下列结论: ①方程是倍根方程; ②若关于的方程是倍根方程,则; ③若关于的方程是倍根方程,则抛物线与轴的公共点的坐标是(2,0)和 (4,0); ④若点在反比例函数的图象上,则关于的方程是倍根方程 上述结论中正确的有 A.①② B.③④ C.②③ D.②④ 二、填空题(本大题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分) 11.化简的结果是____________. 12.若单项式是同类项,则的算术平方根是_________. 13.若关于的分式方程的解为负数,则的取值范围为 ______________________. 14.观察下列图形:


青岛市二○ 一七年初中学业水平考试
(考试时间:100 分钟;满分:90 分) ..
1.本试卷分为第 I 卷和第 II 卷两部分,共五道大题。第 I 卷包含:单项选择和阅读理解, 共 30 个小题;第 II 卷包含:综合填空 A、B、C,阅读表达 A、B、C 和书面表达。
第 I 卷(共 30 分)
I. 单项选择 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能够完成或回答这一小题的最佳答案。(共 15 小
题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分)
1. Look! There is ______ bottle on the table.
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. /
2. My father gave me a bike on my ______ birthday.
A. ten
B. a tenth
C. the tenth
D. tenth
3. — Which is your new English teacher?
— The young lady ______ red over there.
A. with
B. in
C. on
D. for
4. Fruit is good for health, so I often have breakfast with one ______.
A. candy
B. cake
C. banana
D. hamburger
5. Jack’s mother was so tired. She fell asleep ______ she lay down on the bed.
A. until
B. as soon as
C. unless
6. Jenny is afraid to travel by plane. She always feels ______ when getting on it.
A. nervous
B. interested
C. relaxed
D. happy
7. — Can I come today or tomorrow?
— ______ is OK. I’m busy today and tomorrow.
A. Either
B. Neither
C. Each
D. None
8. ______ we work at English, the better grades we will get.
A. Harder
B. The hardest


2017年湖北省荆州市中考数学试卷 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题只有唯一正确答案,每小题3分,共30分) 1.下列实数中最大的数是() A.3 B.0 C .D.﹣4 2.中国企业2016年已经在“一带一路”沿线国家建立了56个经贸合作区,直接为东道国增加了180 000个就业岗位.将180 000用科学记数法表示应为()A.18×104 B.1.8×105C.1.8×106D.18×105 3.一把直尺和一块三角板ABC(含30°、60°角)摆放位置如图所示,直尺一边与三角板的两直角边分别交于点D、点E,另一边与三角板的两直角边分别交于点F、点A,且∠CDE=40°,那么∠BAF的大小为() A.40°B.45°C.50°D.10° 4.为了解某班学生双休户外活动情况,对部分学生参加户外活动的时间进行抽样调查,结果如下表: 则关于“户外活动时间”这组数据的众数、中位数、平均数分别是()A.3、3、3 B.6、2、3 C.3、3、2 D.3、2、3 5.下列根式是最简二次根式的是() A.B.C.D. 6.如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC,∠A=30°,AB的垂直平分线l交AC于点D,则∠CBD的度数为()

A.30°B.45°C.50°D.75° 7.为配合荆州市“我读书,我快乐”读书节活动,某书店推出一种优惠卡,每张卡售价20元,凭卡购书可享受8折优惠.小慧同学到该书店购书,她先买优惠卡再凭卡付款,结果节省了10元.若此次小慧同学不买卡直接购书,则她需付款多少元?() A.140元B.150元C.160元D.200元 8.《九章算术》中的“折竹抵地”问题:今有竹高一丈,末折抵地,去根六尺.问折高者几何?意思是:一根竹子,原高一丈(一丈=10尺),一阵风将竹子折断,其竹稍恰好抵地,抵地处离竹子底部6尺远,问折断处离地面的高度是多少?设折断处离地面的高度为x尺,则可列方程为() A.x2﹣6=(10﹣x)2B.x2﹣62=(10﹣x)2C.x2+6=(10﹣x)2 D.x2+62=(10﹣x)2 9.如图是某几何体的三视图,根据图中的数据,求得该几何体的体积为() A.800π+1200 B.160π+1700 C.3200π+1200 D.800π+3000 10.规定:如果关于x的一元二次方程ax2+bx+c=0(a≠0)有两个实数根,且其中一个根是另一个根的2倍,则称这样的方程为“倍根方程”.现有下列结论: ①方程x2+2x﹣8=0是倍根方程; ②若关于x的方程x2+ax+2=0是倍根方程,则a=±3;


2017年天津市初中毕业生学业考试试卷 英语 一、听力理解(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并看到供选择的A、B、C三幅图画。找出与你所听句子内容相匹配的图画。 (3 A.11. c. A. B. c. A. B)下面你将听到十组对话,每组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从每组所给的 B、C三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。 5. How many students are there in Linda ' s class? A. 25. B. 35. C. 45. 's brother arrive? B. This after noon. C. This eve ning. 7. Who is Lingling talking to? A. Her sister. B. Her classmate. C. Her mother. 6. When will Lucy A. This morni ng.

8. Whose bag is it? A. Li Lei ' s. B. Tony' s. C. Jack' s. 9. What can Jenny do? A. Dance. B. Cook. C. Play the pia no. 10. What colour is the skirt? A.Blue. B. Gree n. C. Purple. 11. Where is the woma n going? A. The cin ema. B. The bank. C. The hospital. 12. Who was Daming ' s first teacher? A. Ms Gao. B. Ms Li. C. Ms Wang. 13. What ' s the name of the book? A. Teahouse. B. Tom Sawyer. C. Alice ' s Adventures in Wonderland 14. When will Bob get to the tea party? A. At 3:00 p.m. B. At 3:30 p.m. C. At 4:00 p.m. C)听下面长对话或独白。每段长对话或独白后都有几个问题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听下面一段材料,回答第15至第17题。 15. Where did Kate go? A. Paris. B. Lo ndon. C. New York. 16. How was the weather there? A. Rainy. B. Sno wy. C. Sunny. 17. What did Mike do during the holiday? A. He climbed the mountains. B. He practised play ing basketball. C. He went to do volun teer work. 听下面一段材料,回答第18至第20题。 18. What does the girl ' s father do? A. A doctor. B. A teacher. C. A policema n. 19. What did the girl want to do for her father? A. Clea n the room. B. Buy some flowers. C. Give him a special gift. 20. Who came to the girl ' s home? A. Her aunt. B. Her un cle. C. Her gra ndfather. 二、单项填空(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 从下列每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. Shen zhe n is on _____ coast n ear Hong Kon g. It was small village many years ago. A. a; the B. the; a C.不填;不填 D. the; the 22. —Is this ____ computer? —Yes, it 's . My mother bought it for me.


普陀区2017 学年度第一学期初三质量调研英语试卷 Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案) 20 分 26.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A.Put your hand on my shoulder B.Mother is so proud of me C.Tom drew a mouse just now D.Can the kid count numbers 27.In order to keep fit ,Simon goes for swim after work every day. A./ B.a C.an D.the 28.the toy attracted many people’ s attention, it didnhave many’buyerst. A.If B.Though C.As D.Because 29.Stephen learned skating several months when he lived in German. A.on B.in C.at D.for 30.At last I saw the wild lions and elephants in Africa with own eyes! A.I B.me C.my D.mine 31.All the seats in the library are empty now. You may take of them. A.either B.neither C.any D.both 32.The parents haven ’t heard their kid in Europe for a long time. A.at B.to C.with D.from 33.The brave fire fighters saved the people in the building one after. A.another B.the other C.others D.the others 34.Jane ’twins brothers are making much progress this term than last term. A.great B.greater C.greatest D.the greatest 35.The search for the missing old man continued he was found. A.until B.while C.after D.since 36.We saw a huge rainbow on our way home., I had my camera with me. A.Luck B.Lucky C.Luckier D.Luckily 37.Look! Someone up the hall already and we can just relax! A.cleans B.will clean C.cleaned D.has cleaned 38.Mr,Drake called 5 minutes ago. He’liked your nephew his fence. A.fix B.fixes C.to fix D.fixed 39.Yesterday the funny short play made every audience in the theater. https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f10921553.html,ugh B.to laugh C.would laugh https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f10921553.html,ughed 40.When he retired at 65,he painting in over 20 cities in Europe and Asia. A.teaches B.has taught C.had taught D.would teach 41.Don’ t worry!Our boss iscoming and you there in five minutes. A.will meet B.meet C.met D.has met 42.--did the winner of the bicycle race ride? --At the speed of 40km/h. A.How long B.How fast C.How much D.How far 43. Dustin has been warned that he lose at least 10 pounds if he wants to stay healthy. A.may B.can C.would D.should 44.--It’ s so kind of you to hold the doorfor me.


2017荆州市中考数学试卷 1.3的绝对值是() A.3 B.﹣3 C.D. 【考点】绝对值. 【分析】直接根据绝对值的意义求解. 【解答】解:|3|=3. 故选A. 2.如图所示,几何体的左视图是() A.B.C.D. 【考点】简单组合体的三视图.

【分析】根据从左边看得到的图形是左视图,可得答案. 【解答】解:从左边看是一个矩形,矩形得右边缺少一个弓形,故选:B. 3.乐山武警射击选拔赛中,武警战士小张和小王的总成绩相同,小张射击成绩的方差为1.247,小王射击成绩的方差为1.647,下列说法正确的是() A.小张的方差小,射击水平没有小王稳定 B.小张的方差小,射击水平比小王稳定 C.小王的方差大,射击水平比小张稳定 D.两人总成绩相同,小张和小王射击稳定性相同 【考点】方差. 【分析】由方差反映了一组数据的波动情况,方差越小,则数据的波动越小,成绩越稳定可以作出判断. 【解答】解:小张射击成绩的方差为1.247,小王射击成绩的方差为1.647, 所以小张的方差小,射击水平比小王稳定. 故选B. 4.已知x+3与y﹣5的和是负数,以下所列关系式正确的是()A.(x+3)+(y﹣5)>0 B.(x+3)+(y﹣5)<0 C.(x+3)﹣(y ﹣5)>0 D.(x+3)+(y﹣5)≤0

【考点】不等式的定义. 【分析】直接利用不等式的定义分析得出答案. 【解答】解:∵x+3与y﹣5的和是负数, ∴(x+3)+(y﹣5)<0, 故选:B. 5.如图,BD平分∠ABC,CD∥AB,若∠BCD=70°,则∠ABD 的度数为() A.55°B.50°C.45°D.40° 【考点】平行线的性质. 【分析】首先根据平行线的性质可得∠ABC+∠DCB=180°,进而得到∠BCD的度数,再根据角平分线的性质可得答案. 【解答】解:∵CD∥AB, ∴∠ABC+∠DCB=180°(两直线平行,同旁内角互补), ∵∠BCD=70°, ∴∠ABC=180°﹣70°=110°, ∵BD平分∠ABC, ∴∠ABD=55°, 故选:A. 6.两条直线y=k1x+b1和y=k2x+b2相交于点A(﹣2,3),则方
