




A:will you tell me something about yourself?

B:ok,my name is Limingqiang ,I graduate form bit , my major is Computer science and technology ,I am at good at communicate with different person .I like singing ,playing basketball ,reading book and so on.

A:what do you think are your strengths and weaknesses?

B:I think I have positive opinions to work and life ,I can work hard without any complain .but ,I know I still have many weakness ,such as careless.

A:how long do you think you'd stay with us if you were appointed? B:sorry I don't know exactly ,I think I will stay as long as possible. A:which is more important to you :status or money?

B:status,status is more important than money ,when you have good

status ,you will have money .

A:why do you want to leave your present job?

B: because the workplace have long way to my house. I should spend 2 hours in the way.

A:which do you think are good working conditions?

B:A good office environment

A:what is your best quality?


A:what are your long-range goals?

B:I want to be a good engineer.

A:OK,you wait for notice



A:hello,long time no see,what do you do recently?

B:I work in lenovo as a assistant.

A:do you like this job?

B:it is hard to say ,the salary is enough for me .but, in the long time , it isn't benifit fo my career,I think I will change my job if I find the most suitable position for myself.

A:I think you should change this job as soon as possible ,although it is hard at the very beginning,the ending will change if you have enough courage and confident.

B:you are right ,I will think carefully to your advice.and do you satisficed with you job?

A:you know,my dream is to be a layer,when I graduate from my college,I worked in a law firm as a paralegals for 1 year,and now I can deal with a case all by myself ,but I am under great pressure on the this job.

B:yes ,everything has two side,life is hard to satisfied for everyone's dream.so,we should think more optimistic about our life,everything will change if your attitude is right.

A:yeh,tomorrow is another day,we will have a bright future. B:I firmly believe that too.


A:I heard you stay in American 2 years,can you tell me something

about the difference between American and our country?

B:Most Chinese families like to cook the meals at home. The family members sit around the table and share the dishes on the table together. Even when they are having their meals in restaurants, they eat in the same way too. But in America, just part of the Americans have their meal at home with their family members.

A:can you give me a example?

B:for example,when you leave .for American people, they just said “goodbye” and go back to do other work.while,in china,they will say “Go slowly.” Not farewell or Godspeed, but “go slowly”. To the Chinese it means “Take care.” or “Watch your step.” Or some such caution, but translated literally it means “Go slow.”

A:It is very interesting .and what is the most distinctive difference between American culture and Chinese culture?

B:I think is the Chinese take pride in “modesty”; the Ame ricans in “straight forwardness”. That modesty has left many a Chinese hungry at an American table, for Chinese politeness calls for three refusals before one accepts an offer, and the American hosts take a “no” to mean “no”, whether it’s the first, second, or third time.I heard you received Korea University's offer,why do you choose korea to go to graduate shool?

A:I like the culture of korea ,Compared to modern China, South Korea retains the essence of traditional Chinese culture part, and I like to watch Korean dramas, so I choose to go to Korea to study.I will have the opportunity to meet my favorite stars.

B:Have you ever to south korea ?

A:sorry ,I never to ,all the knowledge about korea are from dramas.

B:I think you the dramas may have great difference from the fact ,when you live there for a short of time ,all the definition of korea will have a new understanding .

A:yes you are right ,see you next year.

B:good luck ,bye.


A:how did you spend you Leisure time?

B:I like watch movie direct by fengxiaogang .

A:which movie do you like best?


A:what is the movie about?

B:it is a love story about qinfen and xiaoxiao .qinfen has date with different women .when he date with xiaoxiao ,he konw she is his destiny .

A:is a very interesting film,I will see it.

B:do you often see feng xiao gang 's movie?

A:very little,I like reading books,such as science fiction,cartoon.

B:whose cartoon do you like best?

A:Hayao Miyazaki

B:His cartoon was made in to a movie,do you like it ?

A:yes ,you can see

B:good idea

英语对话范文篇5:Communication on the Internet

Conversation Stacy: I am thrilled about the internet telephone technology, but I have to admit I know nothing about how it works. Sue: You mean how people can speak to other people using their computers? Stacy: Yeah. I guess that's what I am trying to say. I mean can I just dial a phone number on my computer and speak to somebody? Sue: Yes, you can if you have necessary communication software installed on your computer.

Stacy: I am an average computer user. But, I have no idea what kind of program I would need to make calls from my computer to other people.

Sue: First of all, you need a Voice-Over-Internet-Protocol communication program.

Stacy: Wait! What's that again? Sue: Voice-Over-Internet-Protocol communication program. This program makes your regular telephone line communicate with the other person's computer or just regular telephone. Stacy: You mean a program makes my computer acts like a telephone?

Sue: Yap. But, in order to use your computer for making telephone calls, you must first have a high-speed internet connection Stacy: Ok. I have high-speed internet connection

Sue: That's good. Next, you can install Skype for free to make calls from your computer. You've heard of Skype before. Haven't you? Stacy: Yes, I've heared about it quite often, but I don't know exactly what it does. Sue: Skype

is a VoIP communication program I just mentioned earlier. VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. VoIP transfers voice data to digital data first, and as soon as the digital data reaches the destination on the other the end of the line to the receiver, VoIP again translates it to speech so other person can hear you. Stacy: Wow! That's neat. Is that all I need? Just install Skype?

Sue: No, you need little bit of more. You need, a microphone attached to your computer and a headphone. Stacy: I have a new computer and headphone. How can I check out if my computer has a microphone? Sue: It's very easy. Just do this: open the Programs from the Start Menu on your desktop. Click Control Panel. Then look for the Sound and Audio Devices icon in the control panel. If you have this icon in the control panel, then you have a computer microphone.

Stacy: I see. Ok, I'll do that. If I run into a problem, I'll call you. So is it expensive to use VoIP? Sue: It can be quite costly, but it's free with Skype if both you and the person you call have Skype installed on your computers. Stacy: But, that's always not the case. Not everybody has a computer and Skype installed. If other person doesn't have a computer, can I still call that person using Skype from my computer? Sue: Yes, you can. That's the beauty of Skype. If you do so, you will be able to make calls even to those who have no computer



英语口语考试对话范文-英语口语对话场景20 篇 英语对话教学是随着对话时代的到来应运而生的。它吸收了民主、平等的对话精神,又融合了语言学派的理论精华,是赋有旺盛生命力的教学形态。WTT精心收集了英语口语考试对话范文,供大家欣赏学习! 英语口语考试对话范文1 A:Ecuse me, but can I draw on my account forpayment of things I buy in China? A:劳驾,请问我能不能提取存款来支付我在中国买东西的费用? B:Cerlainly, sir.How much do you draw? B:当然可以,先生。您要取多少钱? A:RMB 8,000, please.Would you please tell me my balance? A:请给我人民币8,000元。请把我账号上的节余金额告诉我好吗? B:Yes, sir.Your balance is RMB 34,000. B:好的,先生。您的账户余额是人民币34.000元。 英语口语考试对话范文2 A:Yes, sir? A:先生,有事吗? B:May I have an account opened here? B:这里可以开户头吗? A:Certainly.A deposit account or current account, please? A:可以。请问你要定期的还是活期的? B:A current account. B:活期的。 A:What's the sum?

A:数额多少? B:It's 2,000 dollars.Here you are. B:两千美元。钱在这里。 A:Here is the form for you to fill. A:这张表请你填一下。 B:All right.Here you are. B:好的。给你。 A:Here is the receipt and the passcard. A:这是你的收据和自动存取款卡。 B:Thank you. B:谢谢你。 英语口语考试对话范文3 A:What's the minimum deposit for opening achecking account? A:开立支票帐户的最低存款额是多少? B:100 dollars. B:100美元。 A:I want to deposit 500 dollars. A:我存500美元。 B:Very well, sir. B:好的,先生。 A:Let me have a look at the form.What does it mean by secret number? A:让我看看表格。密码是什么意思? B:We ask that for identifation purpose in case you lose your passbook, sir.We use it ositively identify you. B:为了确认所用,如果您遗失了存折,我们用它确认您的身份。 英语口语考试对话范文4 A:Good morning, sir.Can I help you? A:早上好,先生。能为您做些什么?


常用场景英语对话15篇 以下是一些常见场景的英语对话,供您参考: 1. 餐厅 A: Welcome to our restaurant. How many are in your party? B: There are four of us. A: Right this way. Here's your table. Can I get you something to drink? B: Yes, I'll have a coke, please. 2. 商店购物 A: Can I help you find anything? B: Yes, I'm looking for a new pair of jeans. A: We have a variety of styles. What size are you looking for? B: I'm a size 32/34. 3. 图书馆 A: Excuse me, do you know where I can find books on history? B: Yes, the history section is on the second floor. A: Thank you. 4. 电影院 A: Hi, can I get two tickets for the 7 pm showing of Avengers: Endgame? B: Sure, that will be 20. A: Here you go. B: Enjoy the movie! 5. 旅游 A: Excuse me, how do I get to the nearest train station? B: It's just a few blocks down this street. You can't miss it. A: Thank you. 6. 医院


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英语口语对话场景20篇英语口语对话场景 英语对话课教学要以培养学生语言交际能力为目的,注重丰富的情景设计,学习实用易学的句型表达。WTT精心收集了英语口语场景对话,供大家欣赏学习! 英语口语场景对话1 unit 509 动作电影 dialogue 英语情景对话 A:Hello, Tom.Where are you heading for? A:嗨,汤姆,你到哪儿去? B:I am going to the movie theater.You know there isa new action film produced by Hollywood.A thriller,really. B:我去电影院。你知道吗,好莱坞又出了一部新的动作片。确实很刺激。 A:Another terror film? There is too much terror and violence in the films.Do you like seeingsuch a pture? A:又有一部恐怖片?电影里太多恐怖和暴力了。你喜欢看这种电影? B:I don't really like seeing bloody frames, but I reciate the lifelike frames simulated with thehighly skillful special effects. B:我并不是真的喜欢看血腥的画面,但是我喜欢欣赏用高技巧的特效模拟出的逼真画面。 英语口语场景对话2 A:What kind of films do you like best? A:你最喜欢看什么影片? B:I like feature films best.How about you? B:我最喜欢看故事片。你呢?


英语对话范文_英语口语对话场景20篇 英语对话范文篇1:Job A:manager B:candidates A:will you tell me something about yourself? B:ok,my name is Limingqiang ,I graduate form bit , my major is Computer science and technology ,I am at good at communicate with different person .I like singing ,playing basketball ,reading book and so on. A:what do you think are your strengths and weaknesses? B:I think I have positive opinions to work and life ,I can work hard without any complain .but ,I know I still have many weakness ,such as careless. A:how long do you think you'd stay with us if you were appointed? B:sorry I don't know exactly ,I think I will stay as long as possible. A:which is more important to you :status or money? B:status,status is more important than money ,when you have good status ,you will have money . A:why do you want to leave your present job? B: because the workplace have long way to my house. I should spend 2 hours in the way. A:which do you think are good working conditions? B:A good office environment A:what is your best quality? B:loyal(effort) A:what are your long-range goals? B:I want to be a good engineer. A:OK,you wait for notice B:thanks


英语口语对话场景20篇 1. Greetings and Introduction •A: Hello! My name is John. Nice to meet you. •B: Hi John! I’m Lisa. Nice to meet you too. How are you? •A: I’m good, thanks. How about you? •B: I’m doing well, thank you. 2. Ordering Food at a Restaurant •A: Excuse me, could I see the menu, please? •B: Of course. Here you go. •A: Thank you. I would like to order a medium pizza with extra cheese, please. •B: Sure. Anything to drink with that? •A: Yes, I’ll have a cola, please. 3. Asking for Directions •A: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest bank?

•B: Sure. Go straight ahead until you reach the traffic light, then turn left. The bank will be on your right. •A: Thank you very much. I appreciate it. 4. Making a Phone Call •A: Hello, is this the customer service department? •B: Yes, it is. How can I assist you? •A: I have a problem with my order. I received the wrong item. •B: I apologize for the inconvenience. Can you provide more details about the issue? 5. Shopping for Clothes •A: Excuse me, where can I find women’s dresses? •B: The dresses are located on the second floor, in the women’s clothing section. •A: Thank you. I’ll head there right away. 6. At the Airport •A: Excuse me, is this the correct gate for flight 123 to London? •B: No, this gate is for flight 456 to Paris. The gate for your flight is two gates down to your right.


英语口语对话场景20篇 以下是20个英语口语对话场景,每个场景包含一段对话,字数已满足3000字要求: 1. 在机场 A: Excuse me, which gate is the flight to New York? B: The flight to New York is at gate 15. A: Thank you. 2. 在餐厅 A: Can I have a menu, please? B: Here you go. Are you ready to order? A: Yes, I'll have the steak and a side of mashed potatoes. B: Great, I'll get that for you. 3. 在超市 A: Do you know where the cereal aisle is? B: It's in aisle 3, right next to the bread. A: Thank you! 4. 在医生办公室 A: I've been feeling sick lately. I think I have a fever. B: I'll take your temperature and check your symptoms. Sit tight. A: Okay, thank you. 5. 在酒店前台

A: Hi, I have a reservation under the name Johnson. B: Yes, Mr. Johnson. Here's your room key. Enjoy your stay! A: Thank you. 6. 在地铁站 A: Excuse me, is this the train to downtown? B: Yes, it is. The next train will arrive in 5 minutes. A: Great, thanks! 7. 在咖啡店 A: Can I have a medium latte, please? B: Sure, would you like it to-go? A: Yes, please. 8. 在书店 A: Hi, do you have any books by J.K. Rowling? B: Yes, they're located in the fiction section. A: Thank you. 9. 在银行 A: I'd like to withdraw some money, please. B: Sure, could you please fill out this withdrawal slip? A: Of course. 10. 在邮局 A: I'd like to send this package to China, how much will it cost? B: It depends on the weight. Let me weigh it for you. A: Thank you. 11. 在旅游局


英语情景对话大全两人_英语口语对话场景20篇 两人英语情景对话一 谈话 第一个妇女:“工作一整天后还要做家务,可真够我受的。你看,我 回家后要洗衣服、洗碗。明天,我还要擦洗厨房的地板和前门的窗户……” Secondwoman:"Whataboutyourhuband" 第二个妇女:“那你丈夫呢” Firtwoman:"Abolutelynot!Hecanwahhimelf.” 第一个妇女:“他绝不用我洗,他自己会洗。” 两人英语情景对话二 Mark:Hey!John.Let'embarkonthecruie. 喂!約翰,一起去乘船旅遊吧! John:ThecruieThefareinotcheap. 乘船旅遊票價不便宜的。 Mark:Don'tworry!Igottwoticket. 不用擔心!我有兩張船票。 你總是準備好的。但是你怎樣得來的。 Mark:Oh!Myfriendhatwoe某traticketohegavemethen. 噢!我的朋友有兩張多餘的,所以他送給我了。

John:Whatpecialactivitiewillwehaveintheboat 在船上有什麼特別的活動呢 Mark:Suchabuffetdinner,dancingpartyandyoucanenjoythebreeze. 有自助餐,跳舞派對和感受微風。 我就不會浪費時間在吹風了。喂,我們可以交上一些女子。 Mark:Sure!ButIonlywantone. 两人英语情景对话三 今天是我升职了,我想请你过来吃一顿饭庆祝一下。 Maly:Congratulation. 恭喜你。 几点钟,在哪里见面 Tom:8o'clocktonight,atmyhoue. 今晚8点,在我家


英语口语情景对话(5篇) 英语口语情景对话(5篇) 英语口语情景对话范文第1篇 英语情景对话教学 学校英语教学的目标要求是激发同学学习英语的爱好,培育同学运用英语语言沟通的力量。所以,英语教学的重点就是进行听说力量强化训练,使同学把握基本的英语口语学问和沟通技能。近年来,随着英语课堂改革的深化,对同学的英语口语表达力量的训练,也就成为了英语教学中的主要讨论课题。 所谓英语情景对话教学,即老师创设逼真的社会交际情境,让同学乐观参加其中,培育同学的沟通习惯,训练同学的口语表达力量,提高其英语交际力量的一种重要教学方式。英语情景对话的创设,为同学制造了丰富的生活场景和沟通话题,有效地调动了同学练习英语口语的爱好,为同学供应了练习口语表达的机会。情景对话具有多元化、有用性和敏捷性的特点,既可以作为口语课堂的教材内容,也可以为课外口语训练搭建有效平台。它是英语口语学习中最有效、最活跃的组成部分,也是同学学习英语的不竭动力。 情景对话教学的促进作用 情景对话激发学习激情情景的创设为全部同学供应了展现自己的平台,使每个同学都能乐观参加其中,都可以体验到英语沟通的魅力,有效地激发了同学的学习主动性和热忱。实践表明,在情景对话中学习英语口语,

可以使同学的爱好和自信得到有效提升,运用英语沟通对话的乐观性得到增加,词汇记忆力量显著地得到改善。 同学的英语学习力量得到有效提高在经过情境对话教学后,同学的英语学习热忱昂扬,主动进行口语沟通的意识得到增加。比如:同学间、师生间相互问候;与家人伴侣问好;部分同学能看懂一些简洁的英语漫画书或故事书,并能在课堂中用英语表达出来;对于不明白的地方,同学间可以绽开乐观的争论,或借助于工具书等自行解决。通过情景对话训练,同学们的口语表达力量得到提升,同时听力水平也得到了有效提高,同学能够听懂老师的英语问题;进而使课堂更趋于全英化教学,这不仅促进了同学的听觉记忆,同时又反作用于英语课堂,使同学的表达力量又有新的提升。 促进了生生间的沟通情景创设需要多种角色的参加、互动、合作,需要师生分担不同的角色,完成情景活动沟通。在此过程中,不仅是英语学问的学习,更重要的是培育同学的团队合作意识,集体协作精神。同学在相互关心、合作中培育了自信念,熬炼了力量。 情景对话教学的运用 创设对话情景,强化英语口语表达训练英语老师应成为对话情境的设计师和总导演,应为同学创设内容丰富、形式多元、表现方式多样的英语对话场景,使每个同学都能发挥自己的优势,都能体验到胜利的欢乐;鼓舞全部同学乐观参加到活动中,并能主动、大胆地开口表达。老师可敏捷对教材内容进行重新组织编剧,可以把原来的枯燥学问变得好玩,提高同学学习英语的动力。例如:打电话邀请好伴侣来家里做客,邀约胜利后,


英语口语对话场景20篇 英语口语对话是一种可以帮助人们提高口语能力的有效方式。口语对话能够让人们更加熟悉母语,运用更加准确和流利。特别是对非母语使用者来说,口语对话更重要。本文将介绍20个典型场景,以 及每个场景中可及时运用的相关英语口语。 1.超市 超市场景对多数人都不陌生,这也是一个很实用的口语场景。 A:Hello,can I help you with something? B:Yes,I need two packs of cookies,please. A:Do you want anything else? B:No,just the cookies,thanks. 2.饭店 饭店是一个可以探究英语口语的好地方,以礼貌的口语交流为主。 A:Hello,welcome to our restaurant. What can I do for you? B:I looking for a table for two people. A:No problem. Please follow me. 3.银行 银行是另一个使用英语口语的地方,必须注意礼貌和客气。 A:Good morning,how can I help you? B:I like to open a new savings account. A:Sure,I can help you with that. Do you have all the necessary documents?

4.药店 药店也是一个口语交流的场景,要注意的是用英语熟练的描述药品。 A:Can I help you find something? B:Yes,I need some painkillers. A:Do you want aspirin or paracetamol? 5.医院 医院中大多使用的是专业的英语口语,所以最好是和医生或护士谈话时要加强想象,以便更准确的表达自己的意思。 A:Good morning,Mr. Smith. How can I help you? B:I have a sore throat and a fever. A:I see. Let me take your temperature and check your throat. 6.火车站 火车站是一个人和人之间口语交流最多的地方,英语口语也同样被使用。 A:Excuse me,what time does the next train to London leave? B:It leaves at 10:30. A:And how much is a ticket? B:The ticket price is25. 7.机场 机场也是口语交流的重要场所,以下可能会是某些机场的典型场景。


英语口语对话场景20篇 1. 问候与介绍 A: Good morning! How are you today? B: Good morning! I’m fine, thank you. And you? A: I’m good as well, thanks for asking. B: Nice to meet you. I’m John, by the way. A: Nice to meet you too, John. I’m Sarah. 2. 餐厅点餐 A: Excuse me, do you have a menu in English? B: Yes, here you go. A: Thank you. I’d like to order a cheeseburger and a Coke, please. B: Would you like fries with that? A: Yes, please. B: Anything else? A: That’s all, thank you. 3. 购物询问 A: Excuse me, where can I find the men’s clothing section? B: It’s on the second floor, right next to the escalator. A: Thank you. And do you have this shirt in a size small? B: Let me check for you. Yes, we do. A: Great, I’ll take it. 4. 讨论天气 A: The weather is so nice today, isn’t it? B: Yes, it’s perfect for a picnic. A: I agree. Do you want to go to the park later? B: That sounds like a great idea. 5. 预约医生 A: Hello, I’d like to make an appointment with Dr. Smith. B: Sure, what’s your name and phone number? A: My name is Lisa Johnson and my phone number is 555-1234. B: Alright, I have an available appointment tomorrow at 2pm. Does that work for you? A: Yes, that works for me. Thank you.


日常英语口语对话场景英语口语对话场景20 篇 情境语境在英语对话教学中起到了非常重要的角色,直接影响初中英语教学的质量和教学的效果。WTT整理了日常英语口语对话,! 日常英语口语对话一 A:There are many new kinds of newspapers.I find it hard to choose among them.Whh is themost popular paper circulcrting in our city? A:现在新出的报纸实在太多了。很难在它们当中做出选择。哪份报纸是本地最受欢迎的? B:I'd remend you the Morning Paper, it is true that the paper is a newly issued one, but itscirculation is https://www.360docs.net/doc/4f19220329.html,st month, it reached to three hundred thousand, whh is a very goodfigure for a new paper. B:我建议你看《晨报》,这份报纸发行不久,但它的发行量却在上升。上个月就达到了30万份。这个数字对一份新报纸来说是很不惜的。 A:What's the reason that people prefer to read this one? A:为什么人们都钟情这份报纸呢? B:I think perhaps the news stories in it are truthful and accurate.It also has a special pageabout the stock market; maybe this is the real reason for its popularity.Many people are nowspeculating in the stock market. B:我想大概是因为它所报道的新闻总是真实、准确吧。也许它之所以受欢迎还有一个真正的原因,那就是《晨报》有关于股市的特版。现在炒股的人很多。 A:I can predt it will have the largest circulation in one or two years. A:我可以预见不出一两年,这份报纸就会成为发行量最大的报纸。


英语情景对话英语口语对话场景20篇 英语情景对话范文1 LiLei: What’yourmother 你妈妈干什么工作 WangFei: Sheiadoctor. 她是医生。 LiLei: Ihebuy 忙吗 WangFei: 忙,她经常很晚回家,如果要做手术的话,常常晚上..8点才回家。LiLei: Yourmothermutbeworkingveryhard. 你妈妈一定工作非常努力。 WangFei: Ye,Ilovemymotherverymuch. 是的,我很爱我妈妈。

Paul: What’Beijinglike 北京什么样 Mary: It’bigande某citingbutnoiy. 很大,令人兴奋但是嘈杂。Paul: WhatcanIeeinBeijing 北京有什么可以看的 Mary: YoucaneetheForbiddenCity. 有故宫。 Paul: What’itlike 故宫什么样 Mary: It’beautifulbutcrowded. 很漂亮,不过人多拥挤。

LiLei: Howmanytudentarethereinyourcla 你们班有多少人 WangFei: 48,26girland22boy. 48人,26个女生,22个男生。 LiLei: Youhavemoregirlthanboy,don’tyou 你们班女生比男生多 WangFei: Ye.Butourmonitoriaboyandheitheyoungetinourcla. 对,可是我们班长是男生,而且是班上最小的。 LiLei: Iheartudentinyourclaworkhardandmanyofyouarequiteactiveincla. 听说你们班同学学习很努力,许多同学课堂上都挺活跃的。WangFei: That’true.Ilovemycla. 是的。我很喜欢我的班级。


家庭英语口语对话场景20篇 1.Greeting each other in the morning: A: Good morning! Did you sleep well? B: Yes, I did. Good morning to you too! 2.Making breakfast: A: What would you like for breakfast today? B: I'll have scrambled eggs and toast, please. 3.Discussing weekend plans: A: Any ideas for what we should do this weekend? B: How about going hiking or maybe watching a movie? 4.Sharing household chores: A: It's your turn to do the dishes today. B: Okay, I'll take care of it after dinner. 5.Planning a family outing: A: Let's go to the zoo this weekend. B: That sounds like a fun idea! 6.Helping with homework: A: Do you need any help with your math homework? B: Yes, I'm struggling with this problem. Can you explain it to me? 7.Talking about daily routines: A: What time do you usually go to bed? B: I try to go to bed around 10:30 pm. 8.Making dinner plans: A: What should we have for dinner tonight? B: How about ordering pizza? I don't feel like cooking. 9.Discussing family vacations: A: Have you thought about where we should go for our next family trip? B: I was thinking we could go to the beach this year. 10.Talking about hobbies: A: What do you like to do in your free time? B: I enjoy reading books and playing the guitar. 11.Sharing good news:


三年级英语口语对话场景20篇一、吃午饭 Bo-Bo:I'm hungry,Mom妈妈,我饿了。 Is lunch ready?午餐准备好了吗? Mom:Yes.Wash your hands first.好了。先去洗手。Bo-Bo:What's good for lunch?中午有什么好吃的? Mom:Beef,eggs and tomatoes.牛肉、鸡蛋和西红柿。Bo-Bo:Are there any noodles?有面条吗? Mom:Yes.There is rice,too.有。还有米饭。 Help yourself.自己盛吧。 二、打车

A:Could you please reserve a taxi for me? 你可以为我预约一辆出租车吗? B: Do you think a private vehicle might be more to your liking? 你认为私家车可能更符合你的喜好吗? A: A private vehicle? No, thanks, I won't need one. 私家车? 不,谢谢,我不需要。 B: Even better than a private vehicle is a limo. How does that sound?甚至比一辆私家车还贵。听上去怎么样? A: Taxi, please.出租车就好了。 B: Where will you be headed? 你要去哪里?

A: Rockefeller Center. Can you get the taxi here immediately, please?洛克菲勒中心。你能马上出租车吗? B: A taxi will be here in just a minute, sir. 先生,一辆出租车将在短短的一分钟内到达。 A: Good. I'll get my coat and come downstairs. 一个好的。我得到我的外套,下楼。 B: The taxi will be ready when you are, sir. 先生,出租车准备好了。 三、起床 Mom:Have you got up,Bo-Bo?波波,起床了吗? Bo-Bo:Yes,Mom.起来了,妈妈。


英语对话短文(精选20篇) 日F耄盯L酋好听的歌,我们能够块儿学。 C: Great。 Do you think we need a Chiness dictionary? 太好了。我们要带本汉语字典吗? K: Yes, just in case we run into me new cha:racters。 带吧,要是我们遇上生字,能够查一查。 c: Ok。 I will bring it with me。 好的,我把我的字典带上。 英语对话短文(九): A: What time s the next train to Washington? A: 下一趟去华盛顿的车几点开? B: That s 9:26 on Track 14。 B: 9点26分,14轨道。 A: When does it get there? A: 什么时候到? B: It s scheduledto arrive at 10:50。 B: 根据列车时刻表是10点50分到。 A: How much is it? A: 多少钱? B: It s $30。00 one way or $55。00 round trip。 B: 单程票30美元,来回票55美元。 英语对话短文(十): 问路 A: excuse me, can you tell me the way to Holton railway station? B: sure。 It s quite far from here。 Don t worry, though。 It s not difficult to get there。 A: I think I m going in the wrong direction, aren t? B: yes。 First, you need to turn around。 Do you remember passing some traffic lights further up this road?

英语情景对话范文 英语口语对话场景20篇

英语情景对话范文英语口语对话场景20篇 Li Lei: What’s your mother? 你妈妈干什么工作? Wang Fei: She is a doctor. 她是医生。 Li Lei: Is she busy? 忙吗? Wang Fei: Yes, she of ten comes home late. If she has got some operations to do, she usually comes home at eight o’clock in the evening. 忙,她经常很晚回家,如果要做手术的话,常常晚上.. 8点才回家。 Li Lei: Your mother must be working very hard. 你妈妈一定工作非常努力。 Wang Fei: Yes, I love my mother very much. 是的,我很爱我妈妈。 Paul: What’s Beijing like? 北京什么样? Mary:

It’s big and exciting but noisy. 很大,令人兴奋但是嘈杂。 Paul: What can I see in Beijing? 北京有什么可以看的? Mary: You can see the Forbidden City. 有故宫。 Paul: What’s it like? 故宫什么样? Mary: It’s beautiful but crowded. 很漂亮,不过人多拥挤。 Li Lei: How many students are there in yourclass? 你们班有多少人? Wang Fei: 48,26 girls and 22 boys. 48人,26个女生,22个男生。 Li Lei: You have more girls than boys,don’tyou? 你们班女生比男生多? Wang Fei: Yes. But our monitor is a boy and he is the youngest in our class.

英语对话范文 英语口语对话场景20篇

英语对话范文英语口语对话场景20篇 英语对话课教学要以培养学生语言交际能力为目的,注重丰富的情景设计,学习实用易学的句型表达。WTT精心收集了1分钟英语对话范文,供大家欣赏学习! 1分钟英语对话范文1 Edward: Thanks, you are so thoughtful. 谢谢,你真是太周到了。 Lu Yuan: This is your seat. Some office supplies have been prepared. 这是你的座位,一些常用的办公用品已经给你准备好了。 Edward: Not at the moment. Thank you. 暂时没有了,谢谢。 Lu Yuan: The printer, copier, fa____ and water dispenser are over there.

Is there anything else I can do for you? 打印机,复印机,传真机和饮水机都在那边。你看还有什么问题吗? Edward: OK, thanks. 好的,谢谢。 Lu Yuan: This is the contact information for the entire staff. ____iao Li's e____tension number is on the list as well as mine. 这是公司全体职员的联系方式,小李的分机号码就在上面,我的也在。 Edward: How can I contact him? 怎么联系他呢? Lu Yuan: Here is your puter. If there are any problems with the puter, you can contact ____iao Li, the work administrator. 这是你的电脑,如果有什么问题的话可以找网管小李。
