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一.1.【答案】It must be Ted's

2.【答案】What's up/What's the matter/What's wrong/What happened

3.【答案】I'm sorry to hear that

4.【答案】What/How about going to see him/Shall we go to see him/Why not go to see him/Why don't we go to see him

5.【答案】See you (then)

二.1.【解析】So do we.意思是“我们也一样”,说这样的话一定是要有上文的,因为这是对上文的肯定。








5.【解析】B对A的观点表示赞同,agree with sb“同意某人”。



1.【答案】What are you going to do

2.【答案】What's wrong with her

3.【答案】I'm sorry to hear that

4.【答案】I hope she will be well soon

5.【答案】Can I go to see her with you

四.1.【答案】To my hometown/Australia/Shanghai/...

I'm going to my hometown/Australia/Shanghai/...

2.【答案】Where are you going(for your summer holidays)

What are you going to do this summer

What's your plan (for summer holidays)/What are your plans (for Summer holidays)/What plans do you have (for summer holidays)/...

What about you/How about you/...

3.【答案】I help my grandparents do farm work

I feed chickens,water plants and ride horses

I go swimming and boating/I play basketball or tennis/...

4.【答案】I'm going with my cousin/my brother/...

With my cousin/my brother/...

My cousin/brother/...is going with me

My parents/... are going with me

5.【答案】You too(,Charles)/You,too

The same to you

五.1.【答案】I'm going to visit Shanghai/I'm visiting Shanghai/I want to go to Shanghai/I will visit Shanghai

2.【答案】How are you going there/How will you go there/How will you go to Shanghai/How to get to Shanghai/How to get there

3.【答案】What's the weather like there(in Shanghai)/How is the weather there(in Shanghai)

4.【答案】Sorry to hear that/I'm sorry to hear that

5.【答案】Have a nice trip/Have a good trip/Have fun/Have a good time/Enjoy yourself


1.【答案】I'm going to Hainan Island/To Hainan Island/Hainan Island

2.【答案】It is very hot there

3.【答案】How long will you stay there

4.【答案】Why/Why did you choose Shanghai/Why are you going to Shanghai

5.【答案】How interesting/exciting/How lucky you are/Lucky you/What a great idea

七.1.【答案】What's the matter

2.【答案】I've got a headache

3.【答案】How long have you been like this

4.【答案】You'd better go to see a doctor

5.【答案】Shall I take you to the hospital

八.1.【答案】Good idea/Yes, I'd like(love) to/That sounds nice/...

2.【答案】Do you often play it/...

3.【答案】I failed/I still can't play it well/It is(was) difficult for me/I find it (is/was) difficult/I find it hard to play/...

4.【答案】Thank you/Thanks/Thanks a lot

5.【答案】Let's practise every Friday after school/Let's play together every Friday after school/I'll teach you every Friday after school/Why not play it every Friday after school/...

九.56. Who is he/ Who is this (boy/ man)/ Who is the boy/ Who is that (boy/ man)/ Who is it Who is the person/ Who is the man

57. Where is he (now) / Where does he live (now)

58. great/ good/ interesting/ exciting/ wonderful/ fantastic/

fun/ amazing

59. By bus/ on the bus/ on a bus

60. Is good at/ does well in/ enjoys/ loves/ likes

评分说明:56-60题的答案使用完整和缩略形式均可; 大小写错误,一处扣0.5分。

十.56. Yes/Yes, it is. /1 think so【解析】根据后面的"It's quite sunny."可知华肯定回,。,

57. Thank you/It's nice (kind) of you/Good idea/It's

a good idea/A good idea/Good/Wonderful/Great【解析】根据"I

can go with you,,可知答案。

58. What ( How) about a watch/Why not buy (him) a watch/

Why don't you buy a watch (for him) 【解析】根据上、下句可


59. How much are they/How much/What's the price of the

flowers/What's the price of them/How much do they cost/How

much do the flowers cost 【解析】根据答句"About 3 yuan.,,


60. You are welcome / Not at all I That's all right /

That's OK I Don't mention it 【解析】根据"Thank you...,,



76. Yes, please/ thanks/ sir

Thank you

77. Can/Could you tell me where the nearest hotel is

/how I can get to the nearest hotel

/where I can find the nearest hotel

/which is the way to the nearest hotel

Can/Could you tell me where to find the nearest hotel

/how to get to the nearest hotel

Can/Could you tell me the way to the nearest hotel

Where is the nearest hotel

Which is the way to the nearest hotel

How can I get to the nearest hotel

78. There’s a post office nearby/over there/down the street/…

You can get/buy one in a/the post office (nearby/over there/down the street/…) You can find a post office (nearby/over ther/down the street/…)

79. Is it open now

Is it closed in the evening

Does it close in the evening

80. (The)Euro (Hotel)

It’s called (the) Euro(Hotel)

The name of the hotel is (the)Euro(Hotel)

Its name is (the) Euro (Hotel)

十二.87. I’m going to travel to Taiwan.

