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Amplification by implication
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
We might just well go the whole hog and stay overnight.

我们索性在这里过夜吧。 (“吧”一般表示建议)
适当加入语气词“吧、嘛、吗、呢、啦” 等。
Amplification by implication
• 这一公司首创在职培训。 • This company pioneered on-job training. • 中国的核心家庭是有父母和独生子女组成。 • A Chinese nuclear family usually consists of
the parents and their only child.
Having Having a lot of advantages, this machine will eventually be improved upon.
尽管这台机器有很多优点,它总有一天会被别 的机器超过的。
Amplification for the purpose of rhetoric
Putting in necessary connectives
Putting in necessary connectives
Heated, water will change into wapor. 水如受热,就会气化。
Putting in necessary connectives
练习与答案 • 他是一个有公德心的、受人尊敬的摇滚歌星。 • He is a civic-minded and very respectable rock and roll star. • 高中生的辍学率是多少呢? • What are the dropout rates of high school students?
Amplification by repetition

Avoid using this computer is extremely cold, heat, dust or humidity. 不要在过冷、过热、灰尘过重、湿度过大的 情况下使用此电脑。

Amplification by implication
can be changed
物质可以转化为能量,能量也可以转化为 物质。
Putting in words omitted in the Original
He has provided the poor with jobs, with opportunity, with self-respect.
Don’t be childish. I’m only joking. 别孩子气了嘛,这只不过是开玩笑罢了。
Amplification by implication
The car is beyond my means.
Amplification by implication
has provided the poor
他给穷人提供了工作,提供了机会,提供 了自尊。
Putting in words omitted in the Original
—How shall I do it? —Just as you wish.

——这事我该咋办? ——你想咋办就咋办。
Amplification by implication
• The hotel bus meets all the trains. • 旅馆的汽车在火车站迎侯各班车的旅客。
The End
I had imagined it to be merely a gesture of affection, but it seems it is to smell the lamb and make sure that it is her own. 原来我以为这不过是一种亲热的表示,但是 现在看来,这是为了闻一闻羊羔的味道,来 断定是不是自己生的。
Amplification for the purpose of rhetoric
The printer is indeed cheap and fine. cheap and fine. 这部打印机真是物美价廉。
Amplification for the purpose of rhetoric
Putting into words to convey the concept of plurality
They talked unemployment pollution. about inflation, and environmental
Putting in words to indicate different tenses
What a sight!
Amplification by implication
What have you to be so proud ? 你究竟有啥了不起的?
适当加入一些虚词“究竟、到底、就是、罢了、才 好”等。
Amplification by implication
英汉翻译技巧 English Translation Skills
2011年第1学期 张弢
Unit Eight
Warm-Up ——词的速记与速译
• • • • • • • • • • •
失学儿童 Dropout 小家庭/ 核心家庭 Nuclear family 大家庭 Extended family 有公德心 Be civic-minded 在职培训 On-job training In-service training
Amplification for the purpose of coherence
Amplification for the purpose of coherence
He stepped to the platform and paused: a little dingy station, a small crowd of travelers. 他跨到月台上,停了停,只看见一个阴沉沉 的小车站和一小群旅客。
Putting in words to indicate different tenses
was The high-altitude plane was and still is is a remarkable bird.
高空飞行过去是而且现在仍还是一种了不起 的飞行器。
Putting in words to indicate different tenses
Amplification by logical analysis
Amplification by logical analysis
Air pressure decrease with altitude.
Amplification by logical analysis
过去的北京既有一种神圣的规模,又有一种杂 乱无章的格局。
Putting into words to convey the concept of plurality
Putting into words to convey the concept of plurality
Note that the words “velocity” and “speed” require explanation. 请注意,“速度”和“速率”这两个词需要 解释。
Amplification by repetition
Amplification by repetition

You need and deserve admiration.

Amplification by repetition
His temper is as short as he himself is.
They would not have done such a thing without government approval.
如果没有得到政府的同意,他们是不会做这 种事的。
Putting in necessary connectives
In Beijing, there was a divine scale and a higgledy-piggledy scale.
加词法 ——Amplification
Putting in words omitted in the Original
Putting in words omitted in the Original
Matter can be changed into energy, and energy into matter.
Can the leopard change his spots? 豹子改变不了身上的斑纹,这叫本性难移。
Amplification for the purpose of rhetoric
Everyone knows that he is only a fairweather friend. weather

There are artists and artists. 既有好的艺术家,又有坏的艺术家。 There are friends and friends. 朋友有种种不同,有益友,有损友。

Amplification by implication
The film fetched the public. 该影片博得观众的好评。