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一. 听对话回答问题(共5小题,计10分)


1. What does the woman speaker often use the computer for?

A. Checking the weather.

B. Reading the news.

C. Sending e-mail.

2. How often does the woman”s mother use the computer?

A. Always.

B. Sometimes.

C. Never.


3. Where is Steve working now?

A. In an office.

B. At school.

C. In a sports center.

4. What is Steve training for?

A. His new job.

B. The Olympics.

C. The exercise program.

5. What does the woman speaker most probably do?

A. She is a reporter.

B. She is a trainer.

C. She is a saleswoman.

二. 听独白回答问题(共5小题,计10分)


6. How many things are you asked to circle (圈出)?

A. Five.

B. Four

C. Three.

7. Which line did the speaker ask you to draw first?

A. B. C.

8. What will happen if you draw another line between B2and L2according to the speaker?

A. The lamp won”t be on.

B. The lamp will be always on.

C. The lamp will be broken soon.

9. Which line you drew is the longest in the circuit diagram (电路图)?

A. A1-L1

B. L2-S2

C. A2-B1

10. What does the circuit diagram you drew look like?

A. △

B. ○



三. 单项填空(共15小题,计15分)


11. Tom and Linda are _________ from Australia.

A. students

B. girls

C. boys

D. sisters

12. There is a lot of traffic in the city, ______ look both ways before crossing the street.

A. so

B. and

C. but

D. for

13. The world is becoming smaller and smaller because the Internet brings us _______.

A. the close

B. closer

C. the closer

D. close

14. -Hello! I haven”t seen you for years.

-Oh, John. _______?

A. How are you

B. How do you do

C. How about you

D. What are you

15. Please pay your attention to your spelling. You”ve dropped _______ “d”in the word Wednesday.

A. an

B. the

C. a

D. 不填

16. -By the way, do you know the National Spelling Bee?

-No, I never heard of it. Tell me _______, please.

A. what is it

B. what it is

C. it is what

D. is it what

17. Believe it or not, more than half of our body weight _______ water.

A. comes across

B. comes from

C. comes by

D. comes to

18. ______ the help of the Internet, we can learn what other people around the world are doing.

A. By

B. Through

C. With

D. For

19. We won”t go sightseeing if _______ tomorrow.

A. it rains

B. it will rain

C. it would rain

D. it rained

20. Tom _______ a lot of friends since he came to China last year.

A. made

B. makes

C. is making

D. has made

21. -How many students are there in your newly built school?

-Two thousand in _______ classrooms.

A. four

B. fourth

C. forty

D. the fortieth

22. Alice has been in China for several years. She ______ be a big girl now.

A. need

B. must

C. can

D. may

23. I think high school students should ______ pocket money.

A. be giving

B. have given

C. give

D. be given

24. Miss Green is the only person ________ can help you with your English.

A. she

B. whom

C. which

D. who

25. -Lucy, let me help you fix your computer.

-_______. I can manage it myself.

A. That”s OK

B. No, thanks

C. Perhaps not

D. Not at all

四. 完形填空(共15小题,计15分)

