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above all 尤其是,最重要的是above suspicion 无可怀疑

above praise 赞美不尽above criticism 无可指责

above reproach 无可厚非above price 价值连城

above one’s head (understanding) 不可理解above one’s income 入不敷出above the average 超过一般水平be above oneself 兴高采烈

2.after构成的惯用短语…后的; (表示时间)在…以后; (表示位置、顺序)在…

after all 毕竟,到底day after day 日复一日

one after another 接二连三page after page一页又一页地

year after year 年年岁岁wave after wave一波又一波地

bus after bus 公共汽车一辆又一辆time after time 一次又一次


at the sight of 看到at the news of 听到

at one’s ease/ at one’s leisure 在闲暇时at the thought of 想到at a draft 一口气at liberty 闲暇,自在,随意at peace 处于和平状态,心情平静at large 详细地

at home 安适at one’s height 登峰造极at stake 在危险中at bay 陷入绝境

at one’s convenience 在某人方便时at the end of在…结尾,在…末端at rest 长眠,静止at a loss 迷茫

at sea 茫然at fault 迷惑

at one’s will 随意at command 依…的命令

at random 随意地at intervals 时时

at one’s mercy 任人支配,有人摆布at expense of 以…为代价

at dusk 黄昏at one’s service 乐意帮助

at length 终于at hand 不远,在身边

at least 至少at the risk of 冒险

at half price of 半价at any rate 至少,无论如何

at most 至多at cost 照原价

at a loss 亏本at a bargain 廉价

at full speed 以全速at a profit 获利

at the risk of 冒…的危险at the point of 就要


超过; 越过; 那一边; 在…较远的一边;

beyond words 难以言喻beyond all hope 毫无希望

beyond control 难以控制beyond belief 难以置信beyond all comprehension 不可理解beyond dispute 无可争议

beyond all comparison 无可比拟beyond doubt 无可怀疑

beyond one’s grasp 力所不及beyond controversy 无可争议


时用; 短暂拜访

by rule 按规则by way of 经由

year by year 年复一年by force 用武力

by degrees 逐渐地by heart 熟记

step by step 逐步by persuation 凭说服

little by little 渐渐地by wholesale 批发

honest by nature 天性诚实by sight 仅识其面

by trade 就职业而言by auction 拍卖

by chance 偶然by contract 承包

by good luck 侥幸by post 邮寄

by mistake 弄错by express 以快件方式

by request 应邀by appointment 约定

by accident 偶然,意外地by means of 用…方法

by turns 轮流by all means 用一切手段,当然可以large by half 大一半by virtue of 凭借

reduce by half 减少一半by airplane 乘飞机

by retail 零售by boat 乘船


cut out for 有…才能for the present 暂时

bound for 启程前往for good 永远,一劳永逸地for all 尽管,虽然for the moment 暂时

for all I know 就我所知answer for 负责

for certain 的确for the time being 暂时for life 终生


from far 从远处from above 自上

from now on 从现在起from bad to worse 每况愈下from top to bottom 彻头彻尾


in chorus 合唱in whispers 低语

in full dress 盛装in disguise 假扮

in mourning/ in white 穿丧衣in spectacles 带着眼镜

in high feather 兴高采烈in a good mood 心情好in high (low,poor)spirits 情绪高昂(低沉)in violation 违反

in a good temper 脾气好in anger 愤怒

in a rage 盛怒in hope 在希望中

in despair 失望in fun 开玩笑
