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Intelligent Traffic Control System Design Based on Single

Chip Microcomputer

Xu Lei, Ye Sheng, Lu Guilin, and Zhang Zhen

School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology,

Xuzhou(221008), Jiangsu, China


Abstract. This paper mainly introduces microcontroller of counter to

implement an intelligent traffic control system. The system uses an external

triggered pulses to simulate, through traffic to timing/counter car collection, so

as to realize the flow of traffic information digitization. Meanwhile, according

to historical stored data and automatic detection to car traffic information,

microcontroller will be compared, and the control model algorithm control

scheme by setting proper signal ratio, realizing the intelligent control traffic


Keywords: microcontroller, intelligent control system, timing ⁄ counters.

1 Introduction

Urban traffic control system is mainly used in city traffic data monitoring, traffic light control and traffic persuation computer integrated management system, it has become the most important part of the modern urban traffic control command system. Therefore, each intersection installation traffic lights has become the most relieves traffic vehicles and pedestrians most common and most effective management means, and how to use advanced information technology transform urban traffic system has become the consensus of urban traffic management.

2 System Compisition

The traffic light control system is used to receive, processing intersection traffic data system, and according to the traffic flow conditions to be intelligent to adjust the traffic lights light destroy time length. The purpose of the design of the control system has two main function: Firstly ,finishing crossing the east-west and south-north two directions of traffic flow detection based on experimental data, so as to provide data modeling method; Secondly, by using the control system for intelligent control of traffic lights.

Considering the actual feasibility, this system uses LED to replace the actual traffic lights, and the traffic flow with external input data is simulated the pulses. From the function can be mainly the whole control system points of traffic flow control module, inspection module and traffic light control module. The traffic lights control system of general function structure is as shown in figure 1.

Intelligent Traffic Control System Design Based on Single Chip Microcomputer 233 As can be seen from the figure, and conventional traffic control system, this system mainly compared with the following features:

•Control module by a single chip micro-controller, every function modules in IC chips are based on development, each module and IC chips from bus way between connected nearly;

•Control system, signal and data flow is one-sided. Counter system provides traffic data, after micro controller operational treatment, become the traffic lights control instructions, the output to light control system;

•Micro controller can be timely to various signal processed;

•Between each device with bus way share data, system structure compact, data security good;

•It can be used as more intelligent control system hardware foundation.

Fig. 1. Composition of regulation system

3 System Design

This system hardware components selection is mainly made by ATMEL company in the United States, the Intel company AT89S52 SCM 8255 programmable general parallel interface and programmable timing/counter 8253. AT89S52 SCM is low power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcontroller. Slice the Flash memory with 8KB within, allowing within the system with programmer programming rewrite the or. AT89S52 instruction system and 80C52 fully compatible with pins, 256B RAM pieces (and the I/O, 32 mouth line, 316 timing/counters, the watchdog, six interrupt source, a full-duplex serial port, etc, and can meet the practical needs of the system. 3.1 Counter

Adopting single external count chips, such as 82C53, 82C54 as special counter to external input pulse signal as count chips, to realize the count of external pulse pulse digital. Thus making road traffic flow into SCM, it can identify the pulse count for the single-chip computer completes control procedures and the output of the control order to provide basic data.
