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Chapter 6 Language and Cognition1. 语言与认知

6.1.What is Cognition认知?

a.Mental processes, information processing

b.Mental process or faculty of knowing,including awareness,perception, reasoning, and judgment.

2.The formal approach:形式法structural patterns, including the study of morphological, syntactic, and lexical structure.

The psychological approach心理法: language from the view of general systems ranging from perception, memory, attention, and reasoning.

The conceptual approach:认知法:how language structures (processes & patterns) conceptual content.


The study of the relationships between linguistic behavior and mental activity.

6.2.1 Language acquirement 语言习得①Holophrastic stage独词句阶段Two word stage双词句阶段Stage of three-word utterances三词句阶段④Fluent grammatical conversation stage

6.2.2 Language comprehension理解

Mental lexicon(心智词库):information about the properties of words, retrievable when understanding language For example, we may use morphological rules to decompose a complex word like rewritable the first few times we encounter it and after several exposures we may store and access it as a unit or word. It means that frequency of exposure determines our ability to recall stored instances Connectionism(连结主义): readers use the same system of links between spelling units and sound units to generate the pronunciations of written words like tove and to access the pronunciations of familiar words like stove, or words that are exceptions to these patterns, like love.

Similarity and frequency play important roles in processing and comprehending language, with the novel items being processed based on their similarity to the known ones

Word recognition单词识别: recognition of spoken words and printed ones.

Cohort theory:集群模型

Marslen-Wilson & Welsh (1978)

The first few phonemes of a spoken word activate a set of word candidates that are consistent with the input. Eg. To an instruction” pick up the candle”, listeners sometimes glances first at a picture of a candy.

Interactive model:交互模型

Higher processing levels have a direct, “top-down” influence on lower levels. Lexical knowledge can affect the perception of phonemes. eg.In certain cases, listeners’ knowledge of words can lead to the inhibition of certain phonemes; in other cases, list eners continue to “hear” phonemes that have been removed from the speech signal and replaced by noise.

Race model:竞争模型

Pre-lexical route: computes phonological information from the acoustic signal Lexical route: the phonological information associated with a word becomes available when the word itself is accessed eg.listeners use phonotactic information such as
