英语听力教程第三版(张民伦主编)Unit 8 The Sound of Music听力原文

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Listen this way听力教程第三册-8

Unit 8 The Sound of Music

Part I Getting ready

A quiz game show is a type of radio or television programming genre in which contestants, television personalities or celebrities, sometimes as part of a team, play a game which involves answering questions or solving puzzles usually for money and/or prizes.

A The following words will appear in this unit. Listen carefully and study the definitions.

1. panel:a group of specialists who give their advice or opinion about something

2. contender:a person who takes part in a competition or tries to win something

3. nomination:the act of suggesting or choosing somebody as a candidate in an election, or for a job or an award

4. cinematography:the art or process of making films

5. score:the music written for a film/movie or play

6. audition:take part in a practical test for performing applicants

7. choreography:the arranging or inventing of dances, especially ballet

8. pantomime:traditional Christmas musical show for children

9. scherzo:a short, lively piece of music, that is often part of a longer piece

10. lyrics:the words of a song

Listen to the following radio quiz game. Who are those people on the panel? Supply the missing information.

Now listen again. Put a mark beside each question. Put a tick if it is true. If it is false, put a cross. Finally write down who that person is. Audioscript::

A - Announcer M - Maxine

Q - Quizmaster L - Laura

T-Tim D-David Radio Bristol. Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for "Alive or Dead?" our exciting quiz game about famous people alive or dead. Before I tell you the rules, let's meet our panel for tonight. From right to left we have that famous sportsman and racing driver, Tim

Brown. T:. Evening everyone. Next to Tim, is that lovely star of the American cinema, who is now here in Bristol at the Opera House, Maxine Morgan. Hi there! Next we have novelist, David Walker. Good evening. And last but not least, composer and singer, Laura Dennison. Hello. So let's get with the game. I have the name of a famous person -- alive or dead -- in this envelope. The panel will try to guess who it is. But they can only ask questions which have a "yes" or "no" answer. Are we ready? Well, yes. Are you alive? No, I'm not. Now Maxine, let's have your question. You're not alive. So you are a famous person who is dead. Oh, I know. Are you a person in a book -- a fictional character -- somebody who isn't real? No, I'm not fictional. David, can we have your question? So you're a real, dead person? That's right, I am. Good, now we want to know where you come from. Are you British? No, I'm not British. Are you from Europe? No, I'm not. T: Are you Australian? No, Tim, I'm not. I'm not Australian. Oh, then I know, you're American. You're a real American person, but you're dead. Now let me think. Ah, yes, are you a writer of any sort? No, I'm not. Are you anything to do with peace, you know someone like Martin Luther King? A good guess, Laura, but I'm nothing to do with peace. Well, that's a difficult one, really. I think the answer is half "Yes" and half "No". No, I'll say "No". T: Mm, funny, half "Yes", half "No", but finally "No". Well, well, are you famous as an entertainer of any sort, you know a film star, or pop
