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周杰伦日 JayChou’s Day
• Synchronization premiered on July 16, 2003 the new album "Ye Hui mei" in the first series, "in the name of the father", there are about 800 million people listen to. Over 50 stations throughout Asia on July 16 for " JayChou’s Day "
• 周杰伦,中国台湾人,祖籍福建泉州,华 语流行歌手、著名音乐人,2000年后亚洲 流行乐坛最具革命性创作歌手,唱片亚洲 总销量超过3100万张,有“亚洲流行天王” 之称。 • Jay Chou, China Taiwan people, native of Quanzhou, Fujian province, famous Chinese pop singer, musician, after 2000 Asian pop singer the most revolutionary creation, more than 31 million record sales in Asia, Asia "King of pop" said.
第三张专辑《八度空间》 --《Eight-dimensional 》
• 2002年七月,杰伦又一次展现他惊人的音 乐狂想力,他尝试把自己的奇想格局更加 扩大,无形中,也将国语歌坛的音乐标准 再推高一层! • In July 2002, Jay once again shows his amazing music fantasy, he tries to put his own fantasy pattern more expanded, and Chinese pop music music standards push one layer!
主要公益活动 Major charitable activities
• 3. 2007年 在《不能说的秘密》宣传期间与主演桂纶镁参 加了台湾地区名为“一块救一命”的公益活动,并呼吁歌 迷朋友一起参加、支持公益事业 • During 2007 of the secrets that cannot be said of the publicity and cast magnesium GUI LUN participating in the Taiwan area called "save a life" public service activities, friends and called on fans to attend, support public • 4. 2009年 莫拉克肆虐台南,杰伦捐200万台币,约合五 十万人民币,还认养了300名受灾儿童 • 2009 Morakot ravaged Tainan, Jay donated NT $ 2 million, or roughly 500,000 yuan, also adopt 300 children affected;
个人音乐专辑介绍 Introduction to personal music albums
第一张专辑《Jay》The first album of Jay
第二张专辑《范特西》 ----《fantasy 》
• 周杰伦的第二张专辑「范特西」,充分反 射出杰伦思绪充沛的一面,他独特的想像 空间,可说是构成此张专辑的主要原动力。 • Jay's second album 《fantasy 》 fully reflecting abundant Jay thought, his unique imagination space can be said to constitute the main driving force behind this album.
• 走过10年,创意不断的周杰伦依然迈开脚步跨向 下一个阶段,他说:“我希望我的音乐就像吸血 鬼一样,永远不老!跨越时代也超越世代!” • 10 years, creative and constantly Jay continues to stride across to the next stage, he said: "I hope that my music is like a vampire, never old! Across the era beyond generations! ”
第四张-《叶惠美》 --《Ye Hui mei 》
• 以母亲的名字命名 • Named after the mother's name
第五张-《七里香》 --《Qili fragrance 》
• 第一首主打歌—七里香,就定名为专辑名 称,这也是周杰伦五张专辑以来,第一次 以主打歌为专辑名称。 • First flagship song-Qili fragrance, named the album name, since this is Jay Chou the five albums, with the main song for the album name for the first time.
• 1. 2003年 参加公益歌曲《手牵手》的演唱,演唱 会所用的扇子也用于拍卖,并捐给天津一家福利 机构 • 2003 participation in the public singing of songs, hand in hand, concert fans are also used for auctions, Tianjin, and donated to a welfare institution • 2. 2004年 在东南亚海啸期间,参加了泰国举办的 一个音乐大奖颁奖典礼上,献唱励志歌曲《蜗牛》 • During the 2004 tsunami in Southeast Asia, participated in Thailand organized a music awards ceremony, singing inspirational songs of the snail;
• 4. 2008年,美国《Fast Company》杂志评选“全球百大创人”(The 100 Most Creative People in Business),他与Lady Gaga、jay-z成为 “唯三”入榜歌手,同时也是唯一亚洲歌手 • In 2008, the United States of the Fast Company magazine "best University in the world" (The 100 Most Creative People in Business), he and Lady Gaga, Jay-z became "only three" into the list of singers, is also the only Asian singer • 5. 2010年12月,古柏蒂奴(Cupertino)新任市长黄少雄将订本世纪第 一个十年最后一天,即2010年12月31日为「周杰伦日」。这也是第 二个周杰伦日 • In December 2010, the ancient cypress pedicle slave (Cupertino) new mayor Gilbert Wong will provide the first decade of this century, the last day of December 31, 2010 as " JayChou’s Day ". This is the second JayChou’s Day • 6. 2010年,全球歌曲下载量排名第三,仅次于Lady Gaga和 MJ 。 • In 2010, songs downloads ranked third in the world, second only to the Lady Gaga and MJ.
主要电影 Main movie
• • • • • • • • 2003《寻找周杰伦 》Looking for Jay Chou 2005《头文字D》 Initial d 2006《满城尽带黄金甲》City Golden Flower 2007《不能说的秘密》Can't say secret 2008《大灌篮》Slam Dunk 2009《刺陵》Mausoleum of thorn 2011《青蜂侠》The Green Hornet 2012《逆战》Viral Factor
第十张-《跨时代》 Cross-age
NO.11-《惊叹号》 Exclamation points
• 周杰伦2011年的11月11日推出第11张专辑《惊叹号》, 同名主打歌「惊叹号」由方文山与周杰伦连手打造,以周 式重摇滚曲风-来势汹汹! • Jay on November 11 of 2011 11th album of the exclamation point, main song of the same name "exclamation point" by Jay Chou and Fang Wenshan joined hands to build, to week-heavy rock style-savage
NO.6《十一月的肖邦》 ——《November Chopin 》
NO.7.-依然范特西 《still fantasy 》
• 想像依然无限大、感觉依然说不完、音乐 依然范特西 • Imagination is still infinity, you feeling still says no, music is still fantasy life
第八张.《我很忙》 -on the run
• 忙电影宣传 忙拍广告 忙新专辑 忙演唱会 • Film promotion is busy busy busy busy advertising the new album tour
第九张.《魔杰座》 Magic Kit
• 《魔杰座》有多个层面的意义,除了周杰 伦原本就属于魔羯座之外,他变魔术让音 乐变幻无穷 • The magic of gizo has multiple levels of meaning, in addition to Jay was a Capricorn, changing his magic music infinity
• 2003年7月16日同步首播新专辑【叶惠美】中第 一主打【以父之名】 ,约有八亿人同时收听 。全 亚洲超过50家电台定7月16日为【周杰伦日】
重要荣誉Baidu NhomakorabeaImportant honors
• 1.2003年,荣登美国《时代》周刊亚洲版封面人物,该杂 志赞许他为“新一代的亚洲音乐天王”。 • In 2003, topped the United States the time magazine Asia edition cover, the magazine praised him as "the King of new generations of Asian music". • 2. 2006年5月18日,周杰伦蜡像亮相香港杜莎夫人蜡像馆 • On May 18, 2006, Jay waxwork debut Hong Kong, Madame Tussauds Wax Museum • 3. 2008年,美国新闻网CNN Talk Asia 专程飞往台湾采访 • In 2008, the United States news networks CNN Talk Asia made a special trip to Taiwan interview