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译文:Maersk group was founded in 1904, with headquarters in Denmark Copenhagen, MSK in more than 100 countries in the world has hundreds of between agencies, employees more than sixty thousand, service throughout the world. In addition to shipping industry, the group diversified business scope and logistics, the oil and gas exploration and production, shipbuilding, aviation, the industrial production, the super market retail and IT etc range. Maersk sea land, as the group's container shipping branch, is the world's largest container carrier, service network across six continents.

相关业务:1、马士基航运公司(Maersk Line)。MSK世界上最大的集装箱航运公司,由Mearsk Sealand合并英国P&O Nedllord后改组而成,目前占世界集装箱航运市场的17%。拥有500多艘集装箱船以及150万个集装箱。

2、马士基物流公司(Mearsk Logistics)。世界一流的物流公司,可以为客户提供高效的供应链。

3、马士基集装箱码头公司(APM Terminal)。业务范围为集装箱码头建设和运营。

4、马士基集装箱工业公司(Maersk Container Industri)。生产冷藏集装箱及其他各种集装箱。




马士基(MAERSK)航运公司是 A.P. 穆勒——马士基集团的核心班轮运输机构,也是世界领先的集装箱运输公司。马士基(MAERSK)航运公司的船队由 500 多艘集装箱船舶组成,总容量超过 1,700,000 TEU(20英尺标准箱——20 英尺长的集装箱)。

MAERSK (MAERSK) shipping company is the A.P. moller - MAERSK group's core liner shipping agency, and is also the world's leading container transport company. MAERSK (MAERSK) shipping company's fleet by more than 500 ship container ship composition, total capacity of more than 1700000 TEU (20 feet TEU - 20 ft container)


这个赛事是马士基航运公司的订单今年2月10 e与两个选择——每个容器为额外的10艘舰船。

译文:Today, at a signing ceremony in Tokyo, Japan, Maersk Line exercised its option with Korea’s Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd. to build an additional 10 Triple-E ships, the world’s largest and most efficient container vessels.

The event follows Maersk Line's order in February this year for 10 Triple-E vessels with two options - each for an additional 10 ships.

我很兴奋地签署了一份合同,大宇10多e船只。我们现在有20 e在订单。他们强调我们坚守亚欧贸易和很适合我们当前的野心和对未来的预期发展贸易。我们相信三e级船舶后与他们的记录容量和能源效率将使我们能够实现商业和环境的期望我们的客户,也给我们一个巨大的竞争优势在市场,”说,首席执行官柯林拥马士基航运公司。

马士基航运公司预计需求在亚洲到欧洲贸易增加每年5 - 8%在2011 - 2015。通过介绍船舶从2013 e,马士基航运公司将能够满足日益增长的需求以及维持其市场份额。第一个10艘船舶将被交付了2013和2014年;第二个10艘预计在2014年交付和2015。

译文:I am very excited to have signed a contract with Daewoo for 10 more Triple-E ships. We now have twenty Triple-E on order. They underline our strong commitment to the Asia-Europe trade and fit well with our current ambitions and expectations for the future development of the trade. We believe the Triple-E ships with their record capacity and energy efficiency will enable us to deliver on the commercial and environmental expectations of our customers and also give us a significant competitive advantage in the market,” says Eivind Kolding, CEO of Maersk Line.

Maersk Line expects demand on the Asia to Europe trade to increase 5-8% per year during 2011-2015. By introducing the Triple-E vessels from 2013, Maersk Line will be able to meet the increasing demand as well as maintain its market share. The first 10 vessels will be delivered 2013 and 2014; the second 10 vessels are scheduled for delivery in 2014 and 2015.



e将产生的二氧化碳每集装箱少20%相比,移动艾玛。马士基号和50%低于行业平均水平在亚欧贸易车道。此外,它将消耗大约减少35%的燃料比13100 TEU每集装箱船只被送到其他集装箱航运公司在接下来的几年里,也为亚欧服务。


译文:Called the ‘Triple-E’ class for the three main purposes behind their creation —economy of scale, energy efficiency and environmentally improved — the ships set a new industry benchmark for size and fuel efficiency.
