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1.When did the man study German?

A.Three years ago B.Two years ago C.Never


2.What does the woman mean?

A.She doesn’t like readin g B.The man doesn’t like what she has read

C.The library is not open.


3.Where are they having the dialogue?

A.In the street B.In a shop C.In the school


4.Where does the dialogue probably take place?

A.In a doctor’s office B.At a hotel C.In a department store



5.When will the shirts be finished?

A.By Friday morning B.By Saturday morning C.By Saturday afternoon


6.Where are the speakers?

A.On a sports ground B.In a theatre C.In a cinema

7.What is the man’s seat?

A.Seat 11,19th row B.Seat 11, 6th row C.Seat 11,9th row


8.Where is Jenny going?

A.To the library B.To an English class C.To the swimming pool 9.Why can’t Don g o with Jenny?

A.He has to do some reading

B.He has to take a reading test

C.He is not able to swim well

10.Where will they meet?

A.At the swimming pool B.In the library C.In Jenny’s home



11.A lot of people take part in sports they compete prize.

A.in which,for B.when,to C.where,for D.that, in

12.It is ten years since his brother army.So he the army for ten years.

A.was joined,has been in B.joined, has been in

C.joined,has joined D.was in,has joined

13.is written French.

A.Many of the novels, with B.Many the novels, with

C.Many of novels, in D.Many a book,in

14.The picture on the wall is painted by my nephew .

A.having hung B.hanging C.hangs D.being hung 15.—How often the summer Olympics held?


A.does,Every four years B.are ,Every other year

C.are,Every four years D.is,Each two years

16.—Which side will you in the fight?

—I’ll be because I think the fight is not the right way to solve the problem.

A.go,in neither side B.be,on both sides

C.in,by no side D.be on, on neither side

17.Old Tom has three sons, lives with him.

A.neither of them B.all of whom C.none of whom D.either of whom 18.I to meet you at the station,but I had some extra work to do.

A.meaned B.want C.wanted D.meant 19.Wrestling is a sport in which you try to get person down on the floor.

A.the other B.another C.some other D.other

20.My father looked up the book and asked if there was something new about the game the newspaper.

A.of ,on B.from,in C.upon ,on D.on,in

21.On the door was a piece of paper some strange words.

A.on that was written B.that was written

C.on which were written D.which were written

22.They were subjects the importance I didn’t realize at the time.

A.its B.of which C.whose D.which 23.Which would you ,tea or coffee?

A.prefer B.like to C.rather D.prefer to

24.In this village, people went to town for shopping days.

A.every few B.every a few C.each other D.a few

25.That was the first person we met in the village afternoon.

A./,on that B.which, this C.that, that D.who, this

26.At that time girls were not to go to school.
