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Ⅱ. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A

Directions: Read the following sentences, and choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

21. When shopping, a woman ________ to find an unexpected bargain.

A. is always trying

B. will try

C. has been trying

D. had tried

22. When I wanted to show myself up at the party, the song I ________ so many times suddenly became difficult.

A. am practicing

B. had practiced

C. will be practicing

D. have practiced

23. All those ________ the pop singing group cheered, applauding as they sang.

A. watched

B. was watching

C. watching

D. to watch

24. The car moved so fast the it went through the highway-dividing fence, ________ in a collision in which five people died.

A. to result

B. resulting

C. resulted

D. having resulted

25. Some psychologists suggest that one could improve his performance when mentally imagining himself ________ (perform) well at some back.


A. performing

B. to perform

C. performed

D. having performed

26. ________ with a roomful of dresses, a woman may easily spend hours going from one dress on another before selecting the dresses she wants to try on.

A. Having faced

B. Faced

C. T o face

D. Facing

27. It is easy ________ (imagine) the consequences of unchecked plant disease: food shortage could kill millions of people and cause unrest in the world.

A. imagine

B. to be imagined

C. imagining

D. to imagine

28. Many strange new means of transport have been developed in our century, the strangest of ________ is the hovercraft.

A. them

B. which

C. what

D. whatever

29. Performances, ________ the public was admitted for free, were arranged fortnightly.

A. them

B. in which

C. to which

D. when

30. Darwin, ________ book On the Origin of Species probably ranks second only to the Bible had great impact on Western thought.

A. who’s

B. which

C. for whom

D. whose


Section B

Directions:Complete the following sentences by using the proper form of the words or expressions given in the frame. Each one can only be used once.

Ice is a lot more than frozen water. In ancient days, it was nearly worth its weight in gold. Egyptian pharaohs, Roman emperors, and Mideastern kings ordered thick pieces of ice brought from the snow-covered mountain peak to make their drinks __31__. Floated on ships, ice soon became a quick business -- not only as refreshment but also to cool houses in an old version of air __32__. The Chinese of 3,000 years ago built special buildings to __33__ ice. The Persians enjoyed put ice into fruit juices, which was called sharbia. In time, a craze for sharbia __34__ throughout Europe.

The best was yet to come. In Italy, around 1550, some __35__ cooks added milk to the recipe(菜谱). Presto! The __36__ of ice cream! But, for centuries, it was __37__ and expensive. In 1809, Dolly Madison, wife of the fourth president of U. S.

A., impressed her dinner guests by being the first to __38__ ice cream at the White House.

Apart from nice desserts, ice was __39__ business. It could cool fish, meat,

