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1.—Why don't we go for a swim? I hear there are lots of tropical fish.

—_________. I can use my new video camera; it's waterproof.

A.My pleasure B.Good idea

C.It doesn't matter D.You are welcome

2.---Do you mind choosing Peter to be the new chairman?


A.Of course. He is the best choice.

B.Certainly not. We can’t find a better one.

C.Yes, I do. He is the most suitable person

D.No, I don’t. I don’t think he is the suitable person.

3.- May I help you? You seem to be having some problems.

- _________, thanks. I think I can manage.

A.All right B.No problem C.It’s all right D.No way

4.—I ’ m travelling to Iceland next week. Would you tell me about your experiences there?—______. Let’s talk about it over coffee.

A.By all means.B.Take your time.

C.That’s all right.D.It’s up to you.

5.----I’m dead tired. I can’t walk any further, Jenny. ----_______, Tommy. You can do it. A.No problem B.Come on

C.No hurry D.That’s OK

6.—What kind of career would you like, Tom?

—Well, ______. Being a writer could be interesting.

A.Sounds amazing B.I'm not sure exactly

C.You got it D.I couldn't agree more

7.—Pity that Linda’s losing her job three years on end!

—Don’t worry about her. She always ________!

A.lands on her feet B.has frogs in her throat

C.laughs her head off D.has butterflies in her stomach

8.-Ken, can I get you anything to drink?


A.You are welcome B.No problem

C.I wouldn’t mind a coffee D.Doesn’t matter

9.—Kobe Bryant was a basketball star with strong fighting spirit.

—_____________. He's always a role model for youngsters.

A.I couldn't agree more.B.I can't help it.C.I couldn't be bothered.D.I beg to differ.

10.—Dad is always that busy.

—_______ . But he is a wonderful doctor and he treats his patients kindly.

A.I ca n’t complain B.That’s all right C.He just can’t help it D.Don’t mention it

11.—If we work on the project together, we should be able to complete it ahead of schedule.— ! Many hands make light work.

A.You bet B.Have fun C.Good job D.Forget it 12.— How about putting some pictures into the report?

— ______ A picture is worth a thousand words.

A.I don’t think so.B.Why not?

C.Thank you.D.No matter.

13.— _______ ?

—I got two tickets for the evening show, but they're not in the same row.

A.What can I do for you B.May I have your name

C.What's your point D.Any luck at the booking office

14.--- You could always put the decision off a little bit longer.

--- _________ If I leave it much longer I might miss my chance.

A.That’s reasonable advice

B.Isn’t it a goo d idea?

C.Do you think so?

D.I can’t agree more

15.—I have just made great progress in learning to drive.


A.How lucky B.You bet C.Cheer up D.Keep it up 16.—Andrew said he would be here by 8.

—_____. He has never been punctual for anything in his life.

A.You said it.B.I wouldn’t bet on it C.You asked for it D.I can’t agree more 17.—________

—Thank you. I certainly will.

A.I wish you succeed.B.What can I do for you?

C.I greatly appreciate our friendship.D.Remember me to your family.

18.—I’ve been promoted to the director of HR and I’m wondering whether I can ask for a big pay rise .

—________. After all, the economy is struggling these days.

A.You can make it.B.Good for you C.You’ve gone too far D.It’s up to you 19._______she was late for such an important meeting?I can't believe all the efforts she'd made just went down the drain.

A.What if B.So what C.What about D.How come 20.—You seem to be in a really good mood.

—I finished my last test today. ___________! Now I’m free.

A.What a pity B.What a relief C.I’ve got it D.I’ve missed the point

21.—It’s very kind of you to give me a lift back home.

—____________. I'm just driving your way.

A.With pleasure B.It doesn't matter.C.That's right.D.Think nothing of it.
