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A:Good Moring, ladies ,gentlemen and my fellow students:I m very pleased to be the hostess for today's competition ,to give the opening speech for everybody.now you are watching the My college and my Dream Cup English speech contest. Thank you for coming to this competition. In today's show. There are 17 contestants coming from different Classes .All of they are freshman. I hope you can have a good day! 


A:Now,I will tell you something about this contest in general,Today s contest includes Prepared contest,Questions and Answers,Impromptu speech and Talent show。The judges will judge you by substance style,delivery and pronunciation of your speech。The rewards contain a First winner two Second winners three Third winners and five Excellent winners


A:In Prepared contest,you have about four minutes to take you speech Something important is you have to speech without draft,then,you will face the Impromptu speech, after you choose the question, you have 40s to prepare ,2 minutes to answers。And judges may ask you something.


A:Ok, now ,I think it s better for me to introduce our judges let s warmly welcome .

B:现在我很荣幸的向大家介绍我们的评委大家欢迎! ..

A:Let s warmly welcome they again!


A:Thank for join us,it s time for show.


A:Let welcome to the first contestant xx come from class xx


A:Thank for you wonderful show, Let welcome to the next contestant xx come from class xx



A:Thank you thank you ,so well! I almost can t believe my eyes, everyone is versatile,I think you must have worked hard all the time. And the fantastically time is coming! I will tell you the scores of the past run




A:Ok,contest is continue, I m exciting to say,let t begin the Prepared contest. expect your wonderful performance.


A:Welcome to the first contestant xx




A:Thank all of you, thank your wonderful performance. one minute on the stage and ten year for pratice,the road to success is never smooth and easy, but we truly believe if we work hard and never give up, our dream will come true! I believe all the contestants in this stage have proved this
