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•It was Sunday.
•It was a sunny day.
•It was two miles away. •It was crying. •It was big big wolf’s house.
未知性别的婴儿或孩 子或身份不明的人
Why did you pretended to like_i_t_?” (13四川)The traffic on the main streets has a longer green signal thant_h_a_t on the small ones.
(11福建)We have various summer camps for your holidays. You can choose _o_n_e_ based on your own interests.
• It is the second time I have heard of this . 【句式5】 It /this is/was the +序数词+ time + 现在完成时态/过去完 成时-(表示某人第几次做某事)
卓越 舜耕
1. It will be years __C__ we meet again.
5. It was 2 am. _A__Tangshan earthquake took
A. when
B. that C. before
D. since
Complete the “it” sentences Quit
drinking? Tough!
It is tough for them _to__q_u_it__d_r_in_k. ing Igtivisehuaprddrfionrktihnegm, htaorgdi,viet iusp, fdoritnhkeimng.
It was Sunday. It was a sunny day. Lazy
goat decided to go for a walk to the park though it was two miles away.
Unluckily he found he got lost and walked into a strange house. There was a baby in the house. It was crying. Suddenly he realized that it was big big wolf’s house. He quickly get away from it before big big wolf came back.
2. It is ten years _D___ I came to this town.
3. It is ten years ago __B__ I came to this town.
4. It is the third time __B_ I _h_a_v_e_v_i_s_it_ (visit) to this town.
• It will be 3 months before they complete the bridge. 【句式3】 It will be +段时间 + before --要过多久----才--
要点2: it指时间的几个重要句式
• It was 10 o’clock when the big fire broke out . 【句式4】 it was + 点时间 + when ---某事发生于---某一时刻--
要点2: it指时间的几个重要句式
• It is / has been 3 years since I visited your company. 【句式1】 it is /has been + 段时间 + since ----自从----多久了
• It was 3 hours before he realized the truth. 【句式2】 It was + 段时间 + before ---过了多久-----才---
•it指“同一个” •one泛指“同一类,不同一个”;。 •that用来代替前面特指的名词,相当于the+名词单数, 有时候可与the one互换。 •them, ones, those 是他们对应的复数形式
(10广东)He asked his teacher, “Sir, the water is awful.
I、 代词 it(pronoun)
II. 形式主语it(formal subject)
III.形式宾语it(formal object)
IV. 用在强调句型中的 it(emphatic sentence )
V. 用 在 固 定 结 构 中 的 it(fixed structure)
(14广东)Last year, my brother and I went to Miami for a vacation. Some of my friends who had been there before said _i_t_ was a wonderful holiday destination.
•He quickly get away from it. 代替前文提到过的事物,
要点1:区分 it, them, that, those, one, ones
I had a good book, but I lost it yesterday,so I’ll buy a new one in Xing Hua Book Store tomorrow. The books in Xing Hua Book Store is of high quality than those / the ones in other book stores.