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新版新目标八年级下unit6An old man tried to move the mountains.(讲故事领会道理,状从、)知识点总结 望理教学资源尽情分享-------书山有路乐为径,学海无涯趣作舟

第 1 页 共 1 页

八下Unit 6重点短语

1. try to do something 努力做…try doing sth 试着干某事 try one ’s best to do sth 尽最大努力干某事

2. Journey to the West 西游记;Y u Gong Moves a Mountain 愚公移山 Hou Yi Shoots the Suns 后羿射日;Nu Wa Repairs the Sky 女娲补天

3. move the mountains 移山

4. finish doing sth= end up doing 完成或结束干某事

5. continue doing sth= continue to do sth 继续干某事

6. once upon a time 从前=long, long ago 很久很久以前

7. the earth and stone from the mountains 山上的泥土和石头 8. work on doing something 从事…

9. a god was so moved by Y u Gong 一位神仙如此感动于愚公 10. s end two gods to take the mountains away 派两位神仙去把山搬走 11. f ind a good way to solve his problem 找到解决他的问题的好方法 12. a little bit silly 有点傻 a little bit+形容词/副词=kind of

a bit of +不可数名词 = a little +不可数名词 a bit of water 一点儿水 13. i nstead of…代替…/ 而不是…+doing/ 名词(常放在句子之中) instead 反而,而不是 (常放在句子末尾) 14. s eem +形容词=seem (to be ) +形容词seem possible=seem to be possible seem to do sth 似乎要干某事 =It seems / seemed that+从句 15. d ifferent opinions about the story 关于这个故事的不同的观点 16. n either of you are wrong 你们两个都错了(也跟单数谓语形式) 17. k eep doing sth 坚持干某事 give up doing sth 放弃干某事 18.

b e able to do sth= can do sth 能做某事 (前者可用各种时态) 19. a new TV program called Monkey 被叫做Monkey 的新电视节目 20. f or the first time 第一次 21. t he main character 主角,主人公 22. t raditional Chinese book 传统的中国书籍 23. i n fact 事实上 24. m ake 72 changes to his shape and size 它的外形有72变 25. t urn… into…把…变成…turn himself into different animals and objects 把自己变成不同的动物和物体 26. t o fight bad people = in order to fight bad people 为了对付坏人 27. a magi

c stick 魔法棒 28. k eep it in his ear 放在耳朵里 29. a t other times 另外的时候 30. e xcite sb 使某人兴奋或激动=sb be excite

d about sth=sth is exciting. 31. c om

e out 出版, 发行(无被动语态) 32. m ore than 30 years ago= over 30 years ago 30多年以前 33. b ecome interested in…变得对…感兴趣 34. k eep fighting to help the weak and never give up 不断战斗以帮助弱者且从不放弃 35. o ne o

f the most popular stories 最受欢迎的故事之一 36. t he most famous Chinese story 最著名的中国故事 37. t he weak= weak people 弱者 38. t hink of ways to fight them=think of ways of doin

g 想方设法打他们 39. c hildren all over the world 全世界的孩子all over =around 40. s ound stupid 听起来愚蠢 41. c heat the emperor 欺骗皇帝=the emperor be cheated 42. k eep everything for themselves 把每样东西据为己有 43. m ake special clothes for the emperor 为皇帝做特别的衣服 44. a n emperor who loved clothes 一个喜欢衣服的皇帝 45. w alked throug

h the city wearing his new clothes 穿着新衣服走过城市 46. f all in love with …爱上… 47. f it sb 适合某人;be fit for sth / to do 适合。。。。。。 keep fit 保持健康

48. c an ’t / couldn’t help/ stop doing sth ( smiling)情不自禁地笑起来

49. g et married to sb 和某人结婚(不和how long, for, since 连用表短暂性) be married to sb (常和how long, for , since 等连用 表持续性) 50. m ake a plan to save himself and his sister 制定计划去拯救自己和妹妹 51. t he /my / this whole +可数名词单数 family /story 整个家庭/故事(整体) all the / my / these students 所有的学生(侧重个体常接名词复数形式) 52. i n the moonlight 在月光下 53. h ear our stepmother planning to kill us 听见我们的继母正计划杀死我们 hear the voice of an old woman coming from the house 听见房子里传来一位老妇人的声音 54. S leeping Beauty<睡美人> 55. g et wood 砍柴 56. b e lost=get lost 迷路=lose one ’s way 57. h ave no more stones 再也没有石头no more = not any more (no more 放在助后行前,any more 放在句末) 58. l ead somebody to …带领某人到…, 引导某人到… 59. t he house make of bread, cake and candy 由面包,蛋糕和糖制成的房子 60. f rom inside the house 从房子里面 61. t he pieces of bread 面包屑 62. f ind their way home 找到回家的路find one ’s way to school 63. s how their way home 向他们指明回家的路 show one ’s way to school 64. t he next morning/week/year 第二天上午/第二个周/第二年 65. t he movie was so touching/moving …这部电影是如此令人感动 66. t he boy was so moved / touched …这个男孩子如此感动 67. a ll(that) he could see= what he could see 他所能看见的东西

all 后省掉that 是定语从句 what 引导宾语从句all that=what(中考点) 68. I t seems impossible to do something=It isn ’t possible to do something 做…看起来是不可能的. 69. t he rest of the story 故事的其余部分 70. d o it 做成功 71. d ay after day and year after year 日复一日,年复一年


1. It doesn’t seem very possible to move a mountain.看起来要移山不太可能=It seems very impossible to do sth

2. the story is trying to show us that anything is possible if you work hard. 这个故事告诉我们如果我们努力了一切皆有可能

3. What could Y u Gong do instead of moving the mountains?愚公要是不移山,他可以做什么呢?

4. That’s better and faster than moving a mountain.那比移山更好,更快.

5. There are many sides to a story and many ways to understand it.一个故事有许多角度, 也有许多方法去理解.

6. This is because he can make 72 changes to his shape and size, turning himself into different animals and objects.这是因为他会72变,从形状到大小, 把自己变成不同的动物和物体.

7. He cannot turn himself into a person unless he can hide his tail. 除非他可以把他的尾巴藏起来,他不能把自己变成人.

8. The Monkey King has excited the children of China for many years.猴王已经感动了中国的孩子许多年了.

9. The wife told her husband that unless he left the children to die in the forest, the whole family would die .妻子告诉丈夫,除非他把孩子留在森林里死去,全家都会死. 10. D on’t eat it until you get to the forest.到了森林才可以吃. 11. I ’m dropping white st ones along the way .我在沿路撒白色的小石子. 12. W hat a long time you slept in the forest!你们在森林里睡好久哇! 13. A s soon as the moon rises , we can follow them instead.一旦太阳升起来,


14. T hat bird’s song is so beautiful that we should follow it.鸟儿的歌是如此美妙, 以至于我们应该跟着它走. 15. W hen the emperor put on the clothes, all he could see was his underwear. 当皇帝穿上衣服的时候,他所能看见的就只有他的内裤. 16. T hat’s what his wife said, too.那也是他的妻子所说的话. 17. T he sea is big enough to hold everything.大海足够顺丰可以容纳下一切. 18. H is family would live and grow, but the mountains could not get bigger.他的家人会生活并成长,而山不可能变大. 19. P eople couldn’t see the clothes unless they were clever.人们不能看见衣服,除非他们聪明. 20. T he emperor isn’t wearing any clothes!后帝一丝不挂! The emperor is wearing no clothes. not …any = no 21. T he prince knew that unless the girl’s foot could fit the shoe, i t was not the right girl.王子知道,除非女孩子的脚与鞋相符,它就不是他想要的女孩. 22. T he children surprised the parents.孩子使他们的父母感到惊讶



① something else 其他的东西 brave enough 足够勇敢 something bad 糟糕的东西

② a TV program called Monkey 一部名叫《美猴王》的电视节目 ③ find a good way to solve his problem 找到解决问题的好方法 2.掌握几种从句 ① so… that… 如此。。。以致于。。。(引导结果状语从句,主考连词选择) ② not… until 直到。。。才。。。(引导时从,主考连词及主从句谓语动词) ③ unless 除非;如果不(引导条件状语从句,主考连词的选择) ④ as soon as 一。。。就。。。(引导时从,主考连词及主从句谓语动词) ⑤ when 当。。。。。。的时候 ⑥ as 一边。。。一边。。。He dropped the stones as they walked 3.动词后的doing

① keep doing sth; 一直做某事

② finish doing sth; 干完某件事=end up doing sth ③ keep on doing sth; 坚持,继续干某事

④ work on doing sth ; 致力于干某事,从事于某件事 ⑤ continue doing (to do) sth; 继续干某事

⑥ hear sb / sth doing 听见某人或某物正在干什么 4.excite ,surprise, move 等的用法

①excite sb 使某人兴奋或激动The Monkey King has excited the Chinese children for many years.=The Chinese children are excited about the Monkey King.美猴王已经让中国孩子兴奋了许多年。=The Monkey King is exciting.= This is an exciting movie. ②surprise sb 使某人惊讶= be surprised at sth be surprised to do sth = be surprised that +从句 have a surprise party 举行一个惊讶晚会 ③be moved by 被。。感动 I am moved by his speech.我被他的演讲感动了。 This is a moving film.这是一部动人的电影。 move to sp 迁到某地 5.couple 和marry

※couple ,两人或两件物 作主语谓语要用复数形式 The couple are friendly to us. 夫妇俩对我们很友好。 a couple of 两个或几个 作主语谓语也要用复数形式

A couple of girls are waiting for you now. 有两个女孩正在等你

※ marry sb 嫁给某人 get married 结婚(强调动作)be married(强调状态) 搭配介词to 不和with 搭配使用。

6.magic 形容词有魔力的 magician 魔术师;music 音乐musician 音乐家
