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PEP英语三年级下册各单元知识点归纳Unit 1 Where are you from

China Canada USA Australia UK

panda beaver eagle kangaroo


Unit 2 My family:

() mother (mum,mom) grandfather (grandpa) grandmother ()


father(父亲) dad(爸爸) man(男人) woman(女人) mother(母亲) sister(姐、妹)

brother(兄、弟) grandmother (祖母) grandma (祖母) grandfather(祖父) grandpa(祖父) family(家庭)

Unit 3 At the zoo:

本单元都是形容词,可以用It’s…,It has…来表达

fat (胖的) thin(瘦的) tall(高的) short (矮的,短的)

small(小的) big (大的) long (长的)

It is+形容词,表示它/他/她是…,例:Look at that monkey. It is thin.看那只猴子,它是瘦的。

It has+形容词+身体部位,表示它/他/她有…的...例:It has long tail.它有一条长长的尾巴。that:那个(远的) this:这个(近的)

Unit 4 Where is my car :

方位词in on under的基本句型为:It’s…the…。desk专指书桌;餐桌为table; cap一般指鸭舌帽; on(在……上) in(在……里面) under(在……下面) chair(椅子) desk(书桌balloon 气球cap(鸭舌帽) ball(球) car(小汽车) boat(小船) map(地图) toy(玩具) box(盒子)

可数名词复数可以加s,如:pear(s) apple(s) orange(s) banana(s) watermelon(s) grape(s)

注意strawberry的不规则变化: strawberries

apple / orange元音开头,用an来形容一个;其余用a;


pear(梨) apple(苹果) orange橙子) banana(香蕉) watermelon(西瓜) strawberry(草莓) grape(葡萄) buy(买) fruit(水果)

I don’t like bananas. Me, neither. 我不喜欢香蕉。我也不喜欢。

I like grapes. Me, too. 我喜欢葡萄。我也喜欢。

Me, neither.和Me, too.都表示我也一样的意思。

Me, neither.用于否定句中Me, too.用于肯定句中。

谚语:An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一个苹果,医生远离我。


China father brother fat cap here

Canada family brown cat car there tail map ball friend pencil this tall cap boat fruit pupil that twenty kite grape eleven three fun twelve cat great eight thirteen run 三、读读下列句子,区别他们的意思。

How many apples do you see Can I have some apples

How many apples do you have Have some apples!

I’d like some apples, please.

1.Nice to see you = Nice to meet you.
