



Unit1 That's what friends are for.

1.Do you have a date for the party yet?

Do you have a date for the party yet?

Actually,I don't.

Do you know anyone I could go with?

em..what kind of guys do you like?

oh,I like guys who aren't too serious,and who have a good sense of humor.

You know,someone like you.

okay,erm,what else?

Well I prefer someone I have something in common with,who i can talk to easily.

I think i know just the guy for you,Bob..

Do you know him?

No,i don't think so.

okay,I'll ask him to meet us for coffee,and you can tell me what you think.

2.So,what's the verdict?

So,what's the verdict?

What did you think of Bob?

Well,I was worried at first,especially when I saw that he rode a huge motorcycle.

I thought he might turn out to be one of those guys who is into heavy metal music and stuff like that.

You know what I mean?

But he is just a regular kind of guy right?

Yeah,we got along really well.

I knew you'd like him!

Yeah.I do.And he is really funny!

He had me laughing hysterically at the coffee shop,remember?I think the people sitting next to us thought we were crazy.

So,are you two going to get together again?

Definitely.In fact,we 'll going to the party together.

That is great!


So,Have you seen Andrea lately?

yeah,I see her pretty ofen.

We work together at cafe latte.

How's she doing?

I've been meaning to call her.

Well,to be honest,I've always thought she was a little difficult.These days,I find her impossible.

What do you mean?

Oh,you know how she is,she has such strong ideas about everything,and if you don't agree with her,she lets you know what she thinks of you!

yes,that's true.But that's why we love her,right?

I guess so.But she's changed a lot since she started college.She talks about herself all the time.And she always manages to mention how good she is at everything she does.

em,maybe i won't call her after all.


Have you met the new apartment manager?

Mr. Jonnson?

yeah,i met him last week.He's...a little strange.

yeah,he is.I'm not sure i like him.

He's hard to predict.

Sometime he's pretty cheerful and talktive,and the next day,he doesn't even say hello.I think he must have personal problems or something.

I think you're right.

And have you noticed that half the time when he says he's going to do something,he never actually does it?

He told me three times he comes to fix the light in my kitchen.And he still hasn't done it.

Unit2 Career moves


So,where are you working this summer,Carlors?

I'm working as a tutor in a learning Central for kids.

Interesting,what kinds of things do the kids do there?

Well,they work on subjects they need help in.

Erm..mainly math and English.

Is your job hard?

No,not at all.The kids work on computers most of the time.We have to help them started and be there when they run into problems.

Do you enjoy it?

Oh,yes.Working with kids is so much more fun than working with adults. And I get to choose my own hours.

As long as I work eight hours a day,I can come in at anytime from eight am to nine pm.

Lucky you.


So,what kind of job did you find for the summer?

I'm working for a marketing company.I'm doing telephone marketing.

Oh,so you're one of those people who drives me crazy by calling me up and trying to persuade me to buy something that I have absolutely no need for?


Do you like it?

Believe it or not,I do.It's mostly a bunch of students working there,and we have a lot fun when we are not making calls.too.

It's really easy,too.Since we just have to read from a script.

Are you doing this full time?

Yeah,but I work from two in the afternoon until eleven at night.So I get to sleep as late as I want to in the morning.


Paul,Did you find your summer job yet?

Yeah,I'm working in a restaurant.

Oh,How's it going?

Oh,the money is not bad.

What are you doing?Are you waiting tables?

I wish.No,I'm working in the kitchen.I cut up stuff for the chef,vegetables and meat and things.I also wash the dishes.


Yeah,It's pretty hard work.I didn't realize how hot it is in a restaurant kitchen until I took this job.

So why don't you quit?

I'd love to!But I need the money.


Why the long face,Tony?

Oh,I get some bad news today.

What happened?

Well,you know my job at the design studio?



Oh no..

Oh yes!Today the boss called me into his office and tell me they had to lay me off.That means as of April 30th ,I'm out of work!


No more job!

Oh ,Tony,I'm so sorry.You said you really like working there,too.

Yeah,well,It's not all bad news.

The boss told me there's still a small chance that the company would call me back in the summer if the work picked up.

You never know What'll happen,they may need me than.

This is so sudden,isn't it?

Well,not really.Say,the boss also explained that two other employees had already been laid off.

I had feeling I might be the next one in line.You know,I've only been working there ten months.

So we don't have any seniority.If they're going to lay someone off,it's always going to the newer employees first.

What are you going to do?

Like i said i still get a job until the end of the month.Starting in May,I plan to send out resumes and go on some interviews.may..

Depending on the outcome of the interviews,I may..

Unit3 What's wrong with it


Can I help you?

Yes, I bought this briefcase here last week.

There're something wrong with the lock.

I can't get it to close properly.

Let me see...

Yes I see what you mean.

The lock seems to be jamed or something.

No problem,I'll get you another one.

Sorry about that.


Excuse me?

Yes?How can I help you?

You see that shirt,I bought it here a few weeks ago,but the first time I washed it,the color changed.It went from bright red to light pink.

How did you wash it?

Well ,I just tossed it into the washing machine with my other clothes. What temperature did you use?

I usually wash my clothes in the hot water,so I guess hot!

Well,did you check the washing instructions?

Am..Maybe not.

Well you see here on this label,it says wash in cold water only.


So I'm really sorry.But,since you didn't follow the washing instruction,I can really do anything for you.


Excuse me.


I wonder if you could take o look at these shoes I bought here.They are pretty new,but they seemed to be falling apart.

em,let me see.Yes,this doesn't look right.

The stitching is coming out.How long did you say you've had them?

Only about a month,Here's the receipt.

em,yes,well,let me exchange this for you.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

4.High Achiever

Do you wanna be a high achiever?

Then you're going to have to think like a high achiever.

Are you ready to change the way you think?

Are you willing to change the way you do things?

Then it sounds like you're ready to be high achievers!

The first thing you've got to keep in mind is that life is a constant process of learning.

The secret of any kind of success is education.

And we're all able to take in much more information than we think we can.

People who aim to be high achievers can take advantage of this in a number of ways.

For example,no matter what you're trying to achieve,make sure to absorb information about it every day.

Get books、articles、CD-Roms、DVDs,and search the web.

Do whatever you can to increase your knowledge in your chosen field.

And whenever they're available,take courses that will build your knowledge in the area you're interested in.

In conversations with many high achievers over the years,I've come to understand that high achievers always accept total responsibility for their situation.

In order to develop this quality in yourself,practice not blaming other people for you failures.Also try not using difficult situations as excuses.

High achievers know that the keys to success are always in their hands. But that is their responsibility to use them.

Now we come to the quality of high achievers that I think many people have the most trouble developing in themselves.I'm talking about the vital quality of being a risk-taker.

Now,if you're already willing to take risks,that's great!

If not,you've got to practice going after opportunities that are a little risky. Think of something you've always wanted,but were afraid to try for.

Then,go for it!

Even if you're going out of your comfort zone.

Remember,no pain,no gain.

Devil wears in Prada 穿普拉达的女王

Do you know why I hired you?

I always hire the same girl:stylish, slender, of course worships the magazine.

But so often, they turn out to be... I don't know, disappointing, and um, stupid.

So you, with that impressive resume and the big speech about your so-called work ethic.

I, um…I thought you would be different.

I said to myself, go ahead, take a chance, hire the smart , fat girl .

I had hope, my god, I live on it.

Anyway you ended up disappointing me more than , um, more than any of the other silly girls. Um...I really did everything I could think of.

That's all.

Excuse me,where do you think you're going?

She hates me, Nigel.

And that's my problem because...oh, wait, no, it's not my problem.

I don't know what else I can do, because if I do something right, it's unacknowledged, she doesn't even say thank you.

But if I do something wrong, she is vicious.?

So quit.?




I can get another girl to take your job in five minutes...one who really wants it.?

No,I don't wanna quit, that's not fair.

B ut I…you know, I'm just saying that I would just like a little credit for the fact that I'm killing

myself trying.?

Andy, be serious.

You are not trying, you are whining.?

What is it that you want me to say to you, huh? Do you want me to say:"Poor you, Miranda's picking on you, poor you, poor Andy?"

Hmm, wake up, six.

She is just doing her job.

Don't you know that you are working at the place that published some of the greatest artists of the century?

Halston, Lagerfled, de la Renta.

And what they did, what they created, was greater than art because you live your life in it. Well, not you, obviously, but some people.

You think this is just a magazine, hmm?

That is not just a magazine.

This is a shining beacon of hope for… oh, I don't know…

Let's say a youny boy growing up in Rhode Island with six brothers pretending to go to soccer practice when he was really going to sewing class, and reading Runway under the covers at night with a flashlight.

You have no idea how many legends have walked these halls.

And what's worse, you don't care, because this place , where so many people would die to work, you only deign to work.

And you want to know why she doesn't kiss you on the forehead and five you gold star on your homwork at the end of the day.

Wake up, sweetheart.?

Okay, so I 'm screwing it up, I don't want to ...

I just wish tha tI know that I could do to...?

Haslton 侯斯顿

Lagerfled 拉格尔格伦

Oscar De la Renta 奥斯卡德拉伦塔

beacon /?bi?k?n/ 信号,烽火灯

Rhode 罗德岛

legend /?l?d??nd/神话

Unit6 Cloth and Appearance

liposuction 抽脂术

stunning 极好的,美呆了

gorgeous 灿烂的,华丽的

double eyelid surgery 割双眼皮

get a nose job 隆鼻

implant 植入体

airbrushed and editited anyway修过图的

The people in that movie were so beautiful, the lead actress was stunning, I wish I looked like her.

Yes,she was beautiful,although I hear she's had a lot of surgery to get her looking that way.

Really? Like what?

I think she's had liposuction and double eyelid surgery.

Oh yes.I've got a friend who's had double eyelid surgery and she looks great now.


Yeah,I was actually considering having it done too.

Are you serious?

But I think you're perfect the way you are.

And I'm not just saying that.

Um..Thanks Alice.But let's face it.

I'm nothing compared to that actress.

Maybe I should get a nose job ,too.

I would love to have a straighter nose like hers.

Oh and maybe implants to make my lips fuller as well.

Wow,don't get carried away.

I might not be able to recognize you after all of that.

What if you get it done,and you decide you don't like your new look?And wouldn't you be worried about the surgery going wrong?

Not really.I think the risks are quite small.

Is it really worth it though?

There's no point comparing yourself to movie stars.

They spend hours in make up to get them looking like that.

And all their pictures are airbrushed and editied anyway.

They don't look like that in real life.

Nobody's perfect.

em..Yeah that's true I suppose.

Well just make sure is what you really want before you make any rash decisions.

Anyway let's talk about something else before you get any more crazy ideas into your head.

sweat pants

a jogging suit

jerseys 运动衣球衣

sporty look

light-colored slack 休闲长裤
