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Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT

评委总结发言(表达感谢时用):Good afternoon, excellent contestants,it’s my greatpleasure to be here as a judge for thisEnglish speech competition. I think all contestants did a great job today, and I’d like to show my thanks to everyone who has contributed to organize the competition and has helped to make it a success. S o let’s give a big round of applause to all of them. Finally I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the contestants the best of luck and great success in your future. 对选手整体水平的肯定:I have been really enjoying this contest thoroughly, especially because all the contestants have approached the topic from different perspectives. All speeches have been well researched, with good thoughts as well as interesting ideas. I am very pleased to see that most of you delivered your speech with good pronunciation, clear articulation, with good eye contact and a proper manner. On top of all this you all have also demonstrated your remarkable analytical abilities. The importance of today goes beyond the competition itself. I always like to say that ”Life is a journey”. Language learning is a life long experience and we never finish learning, especially for the English language which is so alive and ever changing. So as you move forward with your language learning make sure you enjoy every moment of your journey.

面对标新立异选手:You really have been very creative in trying to clear out your point. But this time, it was very clearly stated what would be required of you in the speech. Therefore, it is very important to understand what is required of you and what is demanded of you in a competition.

面对跑题选手(或主题不明确选手)In to day’s competition, I think you are a little too hasty in your preparation for the speech. For instance, as your topic is “a word that changes the world” ,you ‘d better show your point out straightly. Otherwise how could you grab the audiences’ attention to your speech. So next time, you just read carefully about the instructions before you start making a speech. And try to understand every word clearly and correctly.

对不能及时切入主题的选手: I think the basic rules of communication are universal, and apply across languages and cultures. Say what you mean, and say it in as clear, direct, and simple a manner as possible. And when you are talking or writing to someone from a different country, don’t be afraid to say the obvious thing first.

面对发音不好的选手:I have to mention in this competition that you still need to improve your pronunciatione specially rhythm and sentence need to improve your vowels. I t is still very important. I think that’s all I want to say. Thank you very much for your speech.

对表现好的选手I am very much impressed by the speech you have made. To compare with the speech of others, you really did a great job. I feel good about this. First of all, in your prepared speech, you are more to the point and your English is more natural. Secondly, your point is very impressive. And you provide a lot of examples to support your speech.

对即兴演讲的评论:Talking about your impromptu speech, I think you are quite sensitive to answer answer is quite logical and I like it.

对眼神交流/肢体语言把握好的选手:It's worth metioning that you give us a fantastic speech with an impressive beginning, ending or the free talk. Furthermore, you are enthusiastic throughout the speech. You made good eye contact with the audience and used appropriate body language in the speech. .You made your speech more wonderful and more perfect with your body language. Youlooked cool!

适时对选手提出的建议:We all know a language is a means and the purpose is communication. What really matters is the courage to come and participate in the contest. I should learn from all of you. However, there are still some problems and much room for improvement. I am going to put forward some suggestions on how to do better in the future.

Have you thought about this question: When you prepare a speech, there is something more important than language. What is it It is idea. Ideas come before the language. If you don’t know what to say, if you have no ideas, what is the use of the la nguage So, you must think, and think again and decide what you want to say and then organize your ideas. One point I want to emphasize is that you should have your own approach, your own original ideas. If you only borrow things from others or copy things from some ready materials or textbooks, your speech is bound to fail. In this contest we hear some expressions again and again. Then, we know you have been borrowing things from the same source. To quote from one of the topics for impromptu speech: “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” This is a quotation from Einstein. If we want the world to move forward, we need imagination, and we need creativity.

对即兴演讲的建议:When you prepare your impromptu speech, the most important thing is to be clear about the topic you have chosen. If you miss the point, however
