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一、Listen and choose.(听录音,选单词。)(10%)

()1.A. short B. strict C. shy

()2.A. Tuesday B. Friday C. Wednesday

()3.A. juice B. tea C. sandwich

()4.A. sing songs B. play the pipa C. speak English

()5.A. near B. above C. in front of

()6.A. forest B. tree C. village

()7.A. nature B. house C. flower

()8.A. water B. ice-cream C. hamburger

()9.A. healthy B. thirsty C. hot

()10.A. wonderful B. problem C. tired

二、Listen and number.(听录音,给下列图片排序。)(10%)


三、Listen and judge.(听录音,判断下列图片与所听到的内容是(T)否(F)相符。)(5%)


四、Listen and choose.(听问句,选答语)(5%)

()1.A. I like reading books. B. I have maths and English.

()2.A. I am strong. B. I love salad.

()3.A. Yes, I can. B. No, I’m not.

()4.A. Yes, there is. B. No, there aren’t.

()5.A. Yes, there are. B. Yes, there is.


五、Read and judge. (小法官,来断案。读一读,判断画线部分读音是否相同,相同的写“T”,不相同的写“F”。)(10%)

()1.hous mouse ()2.paint wait

()3.book food ()4.cow window

()5.feet meet ()6.Monday Thursday ()7.tea eat ()8.happy shy

()9.horse fork ()10.car bird

六、Read and choose.(运用能力我最棒!读句子,看图片,根据提示写出单词。)(10%)

1.Mike is tall and (强壮的).

2.My favourite day is (星期二).

3.I’d like some (汉堡包). They are delicious.

4.Look! There is a (钟表)on the wall.

5.There is a (桥)over there.

6.There are many (植物)in the park.

7.---What can you do? ---I can (画) cartoons.

8.---Where is the (湖泊)?---It’s behind the hill.

9.---Are there any (山)? ---Yes, there are.

10.---Are there any trees in the (村庄)?---No, there aren’t.

七、Read and choose. (火眼金睛。读一读,选择正确答案,将序号写在括号内。)(10%)

( ) 1.--- ______ your art teacher?--- Mr. Jones.

A. What's

B. Who's

C. Where's

( ) 2.--- Is she friendly? --- ______

A. Yes, she isn't.

B. No, she is.

C. No, she isn't.

( )3.---Do you often read books? --- .

A. Yes, she is.

B. No, I don’t.

C. Yes, I am.

( )4.--- What would you like to drink? --- I'd like some ______.

A. tomatoes

B. tea

C. sandwich

( )5.---What can you do for the party? --- I ______ dance.

A. am

B. can

C. Can

( )6.Can you do ______ kung fu?

A. many

B. any

C. some

( )7.Amy is behind John. John is ______ Amy.

A. front

B. in front of

C. in the front of

( ) 8.There are two dogs ______ the picture.

A. / (不填)

B. above

C. in

( ) 9.--- ______ there a river in the park? --- Yes, there is.

A. Is

B. are

C. is

( ) 10.--- ______ there any animals? --- No, there aren’t.

A. are

B. Are

C. is

八、Read and choose.(小小交际家!读问句,找答语。)(10%)

( ) 1.What’s she like? A. I have maths and music.

( ) 2.What do you have on Mondays? B. A sandwich, please.

( ) 3.What would you like to eat? C. She’s hard-working.

( ) 4.Can you do any kung fu? D. Yes, I can.

( ) 5.Are there any tall buildings? E. Yes, there are.

九、Read and choose. (搭配小能手。找出合适的选项填到横线上,完成对话。)(10%)
