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目录 (1)

摘要 (2)

Abstract (3)

第一章绪论 (4)

1.1 苯酚降解菌的定义及分类 (4)

1.2苯酚降解菌的性质及其用途 (4)

1.3苯酚降解的研究现状 (5)

1.4苯酚降解菌生产菌的筛选 (6)

1.5本课题的研究思路及意义 (6)

第二章材料与方法 (7)

2.1试验材料 (7)

2.2试验方法 (8)

2.2.2苯酚降解菌的驯化 (8)

2.2.3菌种在不同条件下的降解能力 (9)

2.2.4最优菌种的鉴定 (9)

3.1苯酚降解菌筛选结果及性状初步研究 (11)

3.11筛选结果 (11)初步筛选的结果 (11) 菌种驯化中的结果 (11)

3.1.2 H-1菌株的性状初步结果 (13)

3.2 H-1菌株分类鉴定结果 (13)

第四章结论 (14)

4.1菌种的筛选结果 (14)

4.2菌种的鉴定 (14)

参考文献 (15)

致谢.......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。



为了寻找能高效降解苯酚的微生物, 从土壤中筛选得到了一株苯酚降解菌,通过逐渐增加苯酚的浓度,然后驯化出一株高效降解苯酚的细菌H-1. 当在30 ℃培养48h 时其降解率高达92.11%. 经理化特征测定及外观鉴定,将其初步鉴定为假单胞菌属.再经过对比实验测各种因素(碳源、温度、pH、通气) 对该菌生长及降解苯酚能力的影响,得知该菌能以苯酚作为唯一碳源,最适生长温度为32 ℃,最适pH 为7.0. 该菌为好氧菌,在空气充足的条件下可提高降解能力.

该菌菌落较小,菌落呈微黄色。菌体呈直或微弯的杆装,没有菌柄也没有鞘。不产芽孢。对该菌做生化鉴定,可知该菌革兰氏染色为阴性,可水解苯酚,生长温度为32℃,生长pH为pH 6.5~7.5。参照东秀珠,蔡妙英的《常见细菌系统鉴定手册》等文献方法,以形态和培养特征为主,生理生化特性及生态特性为辅,经初步鉴定为假单胞菌属,命名为H-1,具体确定到种则需要进一步的研究。


Isolation and Identification of a Phenol-degrading



In order to find efficient microbial degradation of phenol, screened from the soil has been a phenol-degrading bacteria, through a gradual increase in the concentration of phenol, and then domesticated from a phenol-degrading bacteria in H-1. When at 30 ℃48h culture, when the maximum degradation of rate was as high as 92.11%. Manager of the characteristics of measurement and the appearance of identification, be identified as Pseudomonas. After comparing the experimental test a variety of factors (carbon source, temperature, pH, ventilation) on the bacteria growth and phenol degradation ability, that the bacteria to phenol as the sole carbon source, the optimal growth temperature of 32 ℃, the optimum pH was 7.0. bacteria for aerobic bacteria in t air under the conditions of sufficient capacity to enhance the degradation.

Bacteria colony small micro-colonies were yellow. Cell was under the direct or Micro bend installed, there is no there is no sheath stripe. Did not produce spores. To do biochemical identification of bacteria, bacteria known as Gram stain negative, can be hydrolyzed phenol, the growth temperature of 32 ℃, the growth of pH for the pH 6.5 ~ 7.5.Reference to "bacteria Berger Identification Manual (Eighth Edition)" and other literature methods, in order to shape and cultivate the characteristics of the main physiological and biochemical characteristics and ecological characteristics of supplement, preliminary identified as Pseudomonas, named for the H-1 specific to the species to determine the need for further research.

【Key words】: Screening identify degradation phenol
