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“Tramp” 流浪汉 1915

Charles is a dethroned the tramp street, a good honest, in order to remedy other rangers, he even his sandwich to someone else. By chance, he met a farmer's daughter, in the process of help them, happened unexpected things... Looks like today, the film's value completely beyond the story itself.

Байду номын сангаас
In May 1954,In the name of the chinese delegation. zhou enlai invited British foreign secretary Eden 、the Soviet foreign minister Molotov, and the world famous comedian Chaplin, etc. • At that time, Charlie Chaplin is suffering from the persecution of the united states,so he political asylum at Switzerland . Received the invitation of China, he was so happy to attend the banquet on time.(and what happened during the banquet , Let„s watch the following show.in this show,)
---- man of time
We are farmiliar with…………
a small black hat
a moustache
a stick
very wide trousers
The most interesting thing is the image that he created for us ---Wearing a top hat ,nose and just a pinch(一撮 ,少量) of black mustache(胡子) ,tight jackets and loose(宽松的) trousers to wear on his body ,like a duck appear on screen .
“Modern Times ”(摩登时代),1936
"Modern times" is Charlie Chaplin in gave up with the pen to describe the unemployment problem later, after three years of hard work, and cost $1.5 million made into a film. The film is a silent film Chaplin finally.
a pair of big black shoes
这些鲜明的形象灵感来 自于他幼年时的生活环 境。
• Born Charles Spencer Chaplin 16 April 1889(1889 -04-16) Walworth, London, England
• 他当过报童、杂货店小夥计、 玩具小贩、医生的小佣人、吹 玻璃的小工人,还在游艺场扫 过地。 • 早年的贫困生活启发了他 后来创造流浪汉的灵感;小胡 须、细手杖、大号裤子及皮鞋, 以及歪歪扭扭的正式晚礼服, 暗示了在儿童天真的想象中的 威严的成人,意在用一个天真 无邪的形象重新塑一个下层阶 级的代表。
1972年,美国邀请卓别林重返好莱坞,给他奥斯卡终身成就奖,称他“做出宝贵的贡献电影艺术在这个世 纪”。他死于1977年圣诞节
In 1972, the United States invited Chaplin returned to Hollywood, gave him Oscar lifetime achievement award, calling him " make invaluable contribution to the film art in this century ". He died on Christmas day 1977
从他们的表现我们可以看到卓别林是一个很幽默的人。不仅 在舞台上,也在生活中)现在让我来介绍他的最后几年
• (From their performance we can see Chaplin is a very humorous person. Not only on the stage, also in life) • Now let me introduce his Last Years
“The kid” 1921
“Gold rush”(淘金 记), 1925
The great director(1940)
1954年5月,在中国代表团,周恩来邀请英国外交大臣艾登,苏联外长莫洛托夫、世界著名喜剧演员卓别林 等。 当时,查理· 卓别林正在遭受迫害的美国,所以他在瑞士政治庇护。接受中国的邀请,他很高兴参加宴会。
四、1972年,美国隆重邀请卓别林回 到好莱坞,授予他奥斯卡终身成就奖, 称他“在本世纪为电影艺术作出不可 估量的贡献”。 三、1952年,他受到麦卡锡主义的迫害, 被迫离开美国,定居瑞士。在瑞士期间, 他拍摄了尖锐讽刺麦卡锡主义的影片《 一个国王在纽约》。
二、1914年2月7日,头戴圆顶礼帽、手持竹手杖、 足登大皮靴、走路像鸭子的流浪汉夏尔洛的形象 首次出现在影片《威尼斯儿童赛车记》中这一形 象成为卓别林喜剧片的标志 一、1913年随卡尔诺哑剧团去美国演出, 被美国导演M.塞纳特看中 ,开始电影生