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课题: 必修三Unit 1

Language points



1. To get the main idea of the text by skimming and understand the whole passage by scanning.

2. To get familiar with the customs of different festivals.

3. To understand the important phrases and the sentences. 【自主学习】仔细阅读课文找到以下短语。

1. 发生,被举办take place

2. 打算做某be meant to do

3. 满月the full moon

4. 让祖先满意

satisfy the ancestors

5. 危害…do harm to

6. 纪念in memory of

7. 以…的形状in the shape of

8. 源自have origin in

9. 装扮,装饰dress up

10. 捉弄某人play tricks on

11. 获得独立

gain independence from

12. 聚会get together

13. 赏月admire the moon

14. 期待某事look forward to

15. 春节the Spring Festival

16. 旧历新年

the Lunar New Year

17. 日日夜夜day and night

18. 好像…似的as though

19. 过得开心have fun

20. 以……自豪be proud of

21. 停车场parking lot

22. 出现;到场;调高turn up

23. 守信用;履行诺言

keep one’s word

24.屏息屏气hold one’s breath


drown one’s sadness in coffee

26.嫁给/娶某人get married to

27. 与…相爱fall in love with

28. 出发,点燃set off

29. 丢弃throw away

30. 一个快乐情人节

a happy Valentine’s Day 【合作探究】


1.F estivals are meant to celebrate important times of year. 节日是用来庆祝一年的重要时光的。

be meant to do sth有意、打算做某事

mean to do sth.打算干某事;mean doing sth意味着……mean sb. to do sth



I never meant him to work for us.

2)I don’t mean to argue with you. ()

3)Missing the flight means waiting for another three hours.(意味着再等3小时)


I believe he is meant to be a soldier.

2. Discuss when they take place, what they celebrate and

take place 发生;举行。一般指时间的发生有某种原因或事先的安排。

happen (碰巧)发生。用于偶然或突发性事件。

break out 爆发常指战争,灾难,疾病等发生

用happen take place break out 填空

1)The festival takes place in July every year.

2)Accidents like this happen all the time.

3)A fire broke out during the night.

对比:take the place of =replace代替,替代

3. Festivals and celebrations of all kinds (各种各样的节

日和庆典) have been held everywhere since ancient times.

of all kinds, of different kinds, of this/that kind 作后置定语,中心词是前面名词

1)Books of this kind are(be)

a kind of + n 谓语用单数all kinds of/ different kinds of +n 谓语用复数

2) There is (be) a kind of tree whose flowers are very beautiful.

3)Those kinds of fruit are (be) cheap.

4. At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find,especially during the cold winter months.

(A)would 在此处表示过去的习惯,习性,倾向等。意思是“过去常常”

1) During the time he was abroad, he would get up at six (常常6点起床) every day. (B).……food was difficult to find “主语+be + adj. + 不定式”

2) The problem is really hard to work out. () 3)The house is comfortable to live in.( 住起来)

5. Some festivals are held to
